

  • Ahhhh ok day one (for the second time) down. Already have a plan in place for day two so I'm optimistic that it will go well also. Wish me luck! Great job to all of you out there who are kicking *kitten* day after day!! You are my motivation :flowerforyou:
  • Well.... Friday went well, Saturday I almost lost it because I was drinking wine so I did go over my calories but no binge..... and then there's today. Not really sure what happened here. It started with a couple of king size candy bars (still within my calories after that) and then dinner just didn't satisfy. After a…
  • Ahhh day two is a success! I have to think its just because I don't actually have food to binge on (I mean, who binges on salad, apples or eggs?) but it feels like a victory nonetheless!! Putting a second tick mark (for day two) on the infamous empty box of lemon cookies from the last binge! :laugh:
  • Day one down and no bingeing! I kept the empty box of lemon cookies that I polished off on Tuesday and they're sitting on my nightstand. Usually I'll quick hide the evidence and try not to think about what I just did but this time, I want those to sit there as a reminder. I know it's only been one day but it worked! Good…
  • I'd like to join this thread too please! I never had a bingeing problem until over a year ago and now I can't seem to go 5 days without some sort of out-of-control eating. Case in point: just polished off a box of lemon cookies tonight after a really great day of normal eating. It's hindering my fat loss efforts and it's…
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