No-BInge Challenge



  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    Hello Everyone!! I am back from vacation and HAPPY to report that vacation was fabulous and wonderful and binge free so I am up to 9 days!! I am happy to see that you all are staying with it or getting back up when you fall. I am also so grateful for the new people who joined! I know we can all do this and it is especially helpful when we have so much awesome support!! Happy no-binge challenge-whatever day you're on-I know you/I can do it :)

    Awesome job!! :)
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Hello Everyone!! I am back from vacation and HAPPY to report that vacation was fabulous and wonderful and binge free so I am up to 9 days!! I am happy to see that you all are staying with it or getting back up when you fall. I am also so grateful for the new people who joined! I know we can all do this and it is especially helpful when we have so much awesome support!! Happy no-binge challenge-whatever day you're on-I know you/I can do it :)

    Great job!! Congratulations on 9 days, keep it up!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Day 2 - no binge!!
  • UptownGurl
    Ahhhh ok day one (for the second time) down. Already have a plan in place for day two so I'm optimistic that it will go well also. Wish me luck!

    Great job to all of you out there who are kicking *kitten* day after day!! You are my motivation :flowerforyou:
  • spindowntime
    EXCITED to report that today is day 11-no binge!! 21 days feels well within my reach, how is everyone else doing??
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    11 days! woo hoo for you! You're half way there!

    For me - Day 3, no binge!
  • rckchik13
    Sorry I missed checking in yesterday. Day 6 and 7 Binge Free! :o)

    Welcome back Spindowntime. :o)
  • rckchik13
    Day 8 No Binge. :o)
  • rckchik13
    Where did everyone go? lol Day 9 No Binge!
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    Day 1 no binge. It is 9:53pm- I think I can make it to bed time. Just had a big cup of homemade veggie soup( 30 something cal).
  • spindowntime
    I'm very excited that I'm at 14 days today :) only 1 week to go...I hope everyone else is staying strong!!! :)
  • melindapipkin
    i will report at the end of day tomorrow on how i did, i am very excited to start this
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Hope everyone is doing well, sorry I forgot to check in the last few days. So, I'm at day 5 no binge, staying strong!
  • melindapipkin
    day one no binge!!!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Hi I'm new, I have BED (Binge Eating Disorder) and I binged the other day, I was on a good trek too, then I blew it. I really need this group. ::)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    After about two weeks binge free I had a slight hiccup on Tuesday and then yesterday I completely lost it and ate about 4000 calories in one sitting.

    I have never tracked my calories on a binge before, I have always felt too ashamed. I did yesterday and it made me feel terrible!

    So back to day 1 for me.
  • spindowntime
    Where is everyone!!?!?!?!? I fell off the wagon again but was in denial and didn't want to post about it...I'm reading the book changing for good, I'm half way through and I would recommend it to all of far it has helped me realize that 1 binge in 14 days is a huge improvement for me. Before I would binge 2-3 nights/week. I am back on the wagon as of Saturday. Today is my new day 3 and hopefully this time I'll go longer than 14 days. I hope you all return here soon...I need your support! Way to get back on the wagon poorcopies!! We can do it :)
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Poorcopie I am so proud of you! It is a very brave thing to be honest with yourself and with you MFP friends about your binge. I have been pretty far off the wagon myself and your post has really opened my eyes. Again! I was sitting here feeling awful about the half bag of doritos I ate and the bag of skittles and how guilty I feel, but I know I am not alone. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Spindowntime I thank you as well for showing all of us that this thing that grips us is for real. It is not funny, it's not us just being silly and week, it sucks. And you are right. 14 days is something to be enormously proud of so congrats to you! Maybe you can make it 15 days, or 20, or maybe just 5. The point is, you are aware of your situation and you are working on making a change in your life.

    I don't know why I am feeling so soppy and emotional about this right now but thank you guys again for being there.

    P.S.- Poorcopies look at the bright side. You went over your daily limit by about 2800 cals. 3500 is 1lb, so not too much damage there, right? Less than a pound. In the big picture it is a drop in the bucket. Hopefully I can get back on the horse myself. Keep at it and know we are here for you. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Aww, so much love for you, Dwarfer22! I was just saying the reason I feel positive about things this time is the support network we have on here, its great.

    It is a daily thing and you do have to take it as it comes. And now I have to be honest with my calories logging, even if I hate it, because I am only lying to myself in the long run. I don't feel as bad doing it here, because I know I am doing this for me, not because I am at a meeting feeling pressured into it, or because a doctors ordered me to. I am not worried about being judged by me and I know there are so many others in the same position as me, I don't feel as alone in this. If I am ashamed, or feel crap about my binge, instead of getting so worked up about it I end up binging more, I can come here and the words or support and reasoning help me but things into perspective. The fact we are all here, shows we really want to do this. I am realistic about it this time. It is going to be a long, hard difficult slog. It's not going to happen overnight. But for the first time in years, I actually feel like I might actually get there, I'm not going to give up on me or the other people like me.

    Wow, that was incredibly emo!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I have to agree that the support on MFP has been fantastic! I love having other people to talk to that deal with the same issues as I do everyday. And good for both of you for tracking the calories and admitting what happened, that's an important part of trying to get past it.

    Don't beat yourself up, just get yourself back on track. That's one thing that I have to remember for myself if/when I go off track because when I used to have a binge, it would just end up turning into a week long binge and I can't let that happen anymore. So if I fall off track I will need all of you to pick me up and tell me to get back on track!

    So I think I'm at day 10 no binge. Although last night I could feel that binge feeling coming on. I was able to avoid it, but that itch is still here today. I'm going to stay strong, I just wish the snow would stop so that I could go to the gym!