No-BInge Challenge



  • UptownGurl
    Ahhh day two is a success!

    I have to think its just because I don't actually have food to binge on (I mean, who binges on salad, apples or eggs?) but it feels like a victory nonetheless!!

    Putting a second tick mark (for day two) on the infamous empty box of lemon cookies from the last binge! :laugh:
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    Day 2 done!
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    So day two was fine, but I'm already 50 calories over today and seriously considering going a little crazy. :(

    Any advice?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi there fellows No-binge challengers i haven't been on much here lately. But I am still on to this channge. Don't give up on me.yet.

    I wasn't feeling good last monday I went to my doctor and weight in and had to go back today for a ekg test and got back on her scales and in 5 days lost 7 lb. I haven't felt like eating So no binges for me. That is what making us fatter. I have to go back in 2 weeks just hope I can get to be binges free.

    :flowerforyou: Calie
  • rckchik13
    Usually Friday Night is the hardest for me but I'm happy to say that I kicked Day 3's butt! No binges for me!
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    hey all id like to join in too :) im on day 22 of no bingeing. im an emotional bingeing id always get upset and go to the supermarket and buy tons of cakes chocolates icecream get home lock myself away and scoff the lot then hide the evidence. i was doing this 3 days a week every week. i felt so crap every time after. and ive gotta say this month i havent had a day of feeling like that and its good. im not going to say ill never binge again now cos i prob will the feeling is always there. but its soo good to know that other people do the same thing. i have always felt so alone in this like im not normal or something. u r all doing so great keep it up
    jade xxx
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    So day two was a success! Day 3 is a little tougher because I'm going drinking for a friends birthday, but I'm about to go to the gym to even it all out.

    Good luck to everyone else! :)
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    I forgot tomstop by yesterday, but I did make it through day 3...,today will be tough though bc I have no plans....just staying home+getting bored=overeating!
  • rckchik13
    Day 4 - Went over my calories today but I did not binge.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi all,

    Can I join in too please???

    I have a real struggle with binge eating but since coming clean about it almost 2 weeks ago and realising I had a problem, I have been able to control the urge to binge. Funny, I couldn't do this before...

    Everyday is a real struggle for me and I suffer with depression too, so as you can imagine, I nearly always want to binge!

    I'd love to tag along unless I'm too late?

  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    So I think I'm going to call last night a binge, I ate chocolate and cookies that didn't fit into my plan for the day, I ate WAYYYYY more crackers than I ever should and had a bunch of alcohol. (W diet soda though!!)

    Back to day one for me :(
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hello, I also suffer from binge eating disorder but was lucky enough to have some really great group therapy last year which has made it more manageable. I managed to roughly maintain my weight for a whole six months so the next step is weight loss.

    Looking forward to supporting each other!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thi s is
    my has been problen all along. All of these years. I don't know how it is my problem but owning up to it seems to be the answer and That I am not along.We will never be along as long as we stay together and talk about our problems. In the morning is my weigh in day. So we shall see after a week. Thank you NO Binge Challenge
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    It's so nice to hear that other people have the same problem, I always felt so alone being a binger and so ashamed! I haven't talked to anyone about it and I probably should, but I'm not quite ready to. I never talk to my husband about dieting or eating anymore because he just looks at me and thinks, oh yeah, she's on another diet, let's see how long this one lasts. Ugh! I feel so pathetic, why can't I stick to a diet.

    Someone else mentioned this, but it is almost like you feel powerless when you start bingeing, it's like you are telling yourself I shouldn't be eating this, I should eat something healthy, but no matter what you tell yourself you still end up reaching for the cookies or going through the drive thu.

    I almost never have junk food in my house because if it's here, I will eat it until it's gone. And when I go to the grocery store, if I have it in my head that I want to binge, I'll buy a couple of snacks for at the house and also buy myself a snack (my favorite are these creme horns sold at the bakery at the grocery store) and then I'll eat them all on the way home and get rid of the evidence. Then I can eat the other snacks when I get home without anyone knowing I already devoured other stuff earlier. AWFUL!

    So, I'd love to join this challenge, I know I'm late, but I could really use support!!

    So day 1 - no binge
  • rckchik13
    Day 5 - No Binge!
  • UptownGurl

    Friday went well, Saturday I almost lost it because I was drinking wine so I did go over my calories but no binge..... and then there's today. Not really sure what happened here. It started with a couple of king size candy bars (still within my calories after that) and then dinner just didn't satisfy. After a banana and an apple, I gave up and just started mindlessly eating whatever. Of course, now I'm full, bloated and feel like crap!! Figures I'd get to day 4 and lose it. Should've just went to the gym after dinner like I had planned!

    Ugh, back to day 1 again :sad:
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    Just finishing up my 5th day of not binging, although I will confess I am dying to go pour a HUGE bowl of cereal and drown it with milk....the go back for me. I am going to go get a cup of hot tea (no sugar or cream, just tea) and hopefully that will help calm the craving.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    So I think I'm going to call last night a binge, I ate chocolate and cookies that didn't fit into my plan for the day, I ate WAYYYYY more crackers than I ever should and had a bunch of alcohol. (W diet soda though!!)

    Back to day one for me :(

    I wouldn't call that a binge. A true binge is eating completly out of control, not just something unplanned. For example when I was peak daily binging I would start w/ a popsicle, then another, then grab 5 at once cuz all the different flavors are lovely. Then I want spaghetti and garlic bread so I fire up the stove. But that takes to long, so I make a sandwich, and a salad sounds yummy. Then some soup, crackers, stir the noodles. More popsicles. Fruit snacks. Cookies. Cheese. Heat my sauce and make the toast. Some cereal. Honey roasted peanuts. Those were salty, I'm thirsty, more popsicles! Noodles are done. Spaghetti eaten, garlic bread devoured, still hungry.

    Just describing that makes me sick and yet I know that that was exactly how I ate pretty much everyday, for years! It is a rough road but it can be done. Stick with it everyone and someday you can all have your last "Day 1"
  • spindowntime
    Hello Everyone!! I am back from vacation and HAPPY to report that vacation was fabulous and wonderful and binge free so I am up to 9 days!! I am happy to see that you all are staying with it or getting back up when you fall. I am also so grateful for the new people who joined! I know we can all do this and it is especially helpful when we have so much awesome support!! Happy no-binge challenge-whatever day you're on-I know you/I can do it :)
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    So I think I'm going to call last night a binge, I ate chocolate and cookies that didn't fit into my plan for the day, I ate WAYYYYY more crackers than I ever should and had a bunch of alcohol. (W diet soda though!!)

    Back to day one for me :(

    I wouldn't call that a binge. A true binge is eating completly out of control, not just something unplanned. For example when I was peak daily binging I would start w/ a popsicle, then another, then grab 5 at once cuz all the different flavors are lovely. Then I want spaghetti and garlic bread so I fire up the stove. But that takes to long, so I make a sandwich, and a salad sounds yummy. Then some soup, crackers, stir the noodles. More popsicles. Fruit snacks. Cookies. Cheese. Heat my sauce and make the toast. Some cereal. Honey roasted peanuts. Those were salty, I'm thirsty, more popsicles! Noodles are done. Spaghetti eaten, garlic bread devoured, still hungry.

    Just describing that makes me sick and yet I know that that was exactly how I ate pretty much everyday, for years! It is a rough road but it can be done. Stick with it everyone and someday you can all have your last "Day 1"

    Maybe it isn't "real" binging that I'm doing, but what I'm trying to change is my habit of (for example) picking up a large bag of chips and a box of cookies and then eating the whole thing as fast as I can before anyone sees that they were even there. Maybe it would be more appropriate to say, I don't want to be a secret junk devourer any more.

    New day one was good :)