

  • That's Sooo sweet I'm excited for you guys!! Love that your honey wants the sex a surprise, wonder if he will give in hehehe!! Yes one short month away can't believe it already....like I said I was super sick with girls dooooo, maybe just maybe girl news for you lol ;) Your secret is safe with me Haha.
  • LoL I loveee the new sierra mist with cranberry, I love Shirley temples and I know its called cranberry but to me it tastes like cherry. I hear you there are certain things I avoid even if I'm not sick sick the idea of red meat makes me wanna gag. I have been trying really hard to keep up with my protein shakes but…
  • Oh and @thelaser....my nausea was same way, people would drive me crazy bringing me saltine crackers etc and for me even the thought of eating toast made me sick lol. It just needed to pass and when I got into second trimester I was good to go!!
  • Yayyyyyyy due date buddy!!!!!! Well I hate to say because I feel like someone will eventually poke my eye out with a fork lol, but this pregnancy has been great so far compared to my two girls!! I had horrible morning sickness and headaches really bad with my last pregnancy....I actually got a bad headache that clued me…
  • . Oh awesome that's your bday!! It would be very cool to give birth on mothers day....and trust me I'm trying to see the bright side of three girls lmao even though the idea scares the crap out of me Haha...I had a dream the other night I was having twin girls :/ lol but I do know its only one baby!
  • Hi May mommies! I am due May 10th with our third baby. We have two girls Leah is 14 mo and Kaylee is 5 yrs old. This will be our last baby and this was a hugeeeee surprise as I was getting ready to have an iud! But we are so happy now that the shock has settled and hoping this could be our boy! But three girls would be fun…
  • I'm due may 10th...13 weeks along and this is our third! We have two girls 14 mo and 5. This baby was a surprise but we are super excited! Ide love to find prego friends to help keep me motivated and vise versa to stay active and healthy.
  • Hi my name is Michelle. (Sorry this on on my cell) I'm 13 weeks prego due date: May 10th! I have been married 8 yrs to my hubbs Ron. This will be our third baby we have two girls Leah is 14 mo and Kaylee is 5 yrs. We do not know sex yet, although everyone is saying boy. We live in Bend, Oregon. Currently I workout ushually…
  • Meg!!!! Your body actually burns a TON more FAT doing weight training. Cardio you initially burn more calories but weight training you burn calories for 48 HRS forward burning 3x more calories then cardio alone. When you add muscle to your body, it is like a machine and in return basically starts melting off fat. A great…
  • I have a 6 mo old daughter & 4.5 yr old daughter...im 27yrs old & looking for other mommies who have a passion for working out/eating right. So far been on here 1 week and feeling like there are crickets chirping as far as convo's go...adddd me if you are serious aboit having a partner in crime to lose the rest of baby…
  • AMAZING...you are so beautiful & love the tatt!!! Did your hubbs start running with you as well? Just curious, my husband and I love doing stuff like that together!!
  • I completely with you and all of you advice, you sound like me! ;) You have to trick your body, change up your routine...and the number one thing that drives me personally crazy on here is eat HEALTHY calories. Just because you are under your calorie goal, your body seriously knows when most of those calories are fat, high…
  • 27 Mommy of 2 daughters 6 Mo & 4.5 yr old! I would love to have some Mommy friends who are into activities such as me (P90x, Spin, Pilates etc). Right now I can squeeze into my pre pego clothes but don't exactly look the same *sigh* working on that with P90X2 currently! Add ME !!! =)
  • Woops meant to quote you in previous post! :)
  • I am built the same way, I have always been told I have a "swimmers" body. Muscular legs, skinny waist, broader shoulders. I think they need to make a BMI that shows where your weight should be if you are such n such body fat percentage. My body fat has always been good along with blood work!
  • I have a cheat MEAL once a week, but not a full on cheat DAY...the cheat meal helps to actually boost your metabolism according to The Abs Diet book.
  • I say fitness is a lot like government politics. Stick with what you feel is right. Period. With that said, In MY opinion I think you would really benefit from adding some protein shakes to your diet like another person said. Keep in mind you are eating healthier, there are additives in boxed foods and fast food that make…
  • Your body knows best, calorie counting is not an exact science based just off weight. You seem to be on a schedule with your food which is great for keeping your metabolism burning! I typically hace about 600 left over as well....are you working out? I am basically not eating what i burned. If yoy are wanting fat loss in…
  • Dont worry after my first daughte, and starting p90x mine did the same you are burning lots of fat off ie booobs! Mine got up to dd when prego then back to a c big b. By the end of the program my chest really tightened up along with everything else on my body...im 6 mo post partum with second daughter and just started…
  • I have a very EASY yummy recipe, you can make up a batch or just drizzle the ingredients over your salad. Honey, Balsamic Vinegar, Olive Oil, & Garlic ( If you are doing a batch I do roughly, and depending on your taste preference, 1 cup Balsamic, 1/2 cup olive oil, 2 tbsp Honey, 1 clove garlic, put into a container and…
  • Hi mommmies! I have an almost 6 mo old daughter & 4.5 yr old daughter!! Wanna lose 20 lbs of tummy...just started p90x2 3 weeks ago and love it, i did the original with my first daughter and lost all my baby weight and then some...hoping for the same this time and want to step it up being accountable with what i eat…
  • I started this a couple weeks before I started P90X2....I got to week 3, and now what I have started to do is integrate a run day into one of my days off. I am about to start on week 4 run this Sunday. Maybe since it has been a while try integrating some spin classes in or if you like to bicycle outside this will…