May 2013 Due Dates



  • Hi May mommies! I am due May 10th with our third baby. We have two girls Leah is 14 mo and Kaylee is 5 yrs old. This will be our last baby and this was a hugeeeee surprise as I was getting ready to have an iud! But we are so happy now that the shock has settled and hoping this could be our boy! But three girls would be fun also, I know they would have a close bond. Can't wait to find out what were having so we can plan!!!!

    Hi! I'm also due on the same day! Yay for May 10th! I'm so looking forward to Friday when we will be celebrating the official end of the first trimester!

    How is your pregnancy so far, and how are the rest of you? Sorry for not checking in -my family was visiting for all of last week and we had a full house.

    I am nauseous, but it is definitely not as bad as it was even just 2 weeks ago. I'm just hoping it ends very soon because I am really worn out from feeling this bad for this long. Everyone still keeps trying to give me advice: ginger tea (umm, no, tea makes it worse and I feel like I can't ever eat ginger again), mint (=heartburn), pretzels (they're ok), saltines (yes, but I'm starting to get an aversion there, too), etc. One friend (who has never been pregnant and didn't understand how another friend could be "so attached" to her unborn baby of 24 weeks) said yesterday, "Well, I hope you're still running because that helps morning sickness." I know they all mean well but do they seriously think that someone who has been severely nauseous for three months has not tried everything in the book? Sigh.

    Rebecca, I read your contribution on the thread about what you wish people had told you before the birth; you give great advice!

    Yayyyyyyy due date buddy!!!!!! Well I hate to say because I feel like someone will eventually poke my eye out with a fork lol, but this pregnancy has been great so far compared to my two girls!! I had horrible morning sickness and headaches really bad with my last pregnancy....I actually got a bad headache that clued me into this pregnancy to take a prego test but with my last daughter they were daily ugh. I feel like someone is giving me a break upstairs lol or maybe just luck. I have been pretty tired and just plain yucky feeling but as long as I push through and try to work out or go for a walk i feel way better. I also had weird acne in the beginning but its all but cleared up, that is something i didnt have with girls. I can't wait until Friday so i can officially put a stamp on being pregnant. What are you hoping for and do you know when you will get ultrasound?? They do them at my ob at 18 weeks, realllllllllly hoping we can get in that Friday December 7th!! Oh do you have any other kids?
    Michelle :)
  • Oh and nausea was same way, people would drive me crazy bringing me saltine crackers etc and for me even the thought of eating toast made me sick lol. It just needed to pass and when I got into second trimester I was good to go!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh and nausea was same way, people would drive me crazy bringing me saltine crackers etc and for me even the thought of eating toast made me sick lol. It just needed to pass and when I got into second trimester I was good to go!!

    I bought a 2L bottle of ginger ale and got so tired of it that I never bought another. The thought of ginger ale makes me sick!
  • Oh and nausea was same way, people would drive me crazy bringing me saltine crackers etc and for me even the thought of eating toast made me sick lol. It just needed to pass and when I got into second trimester I was good to go!!

    I bought a 2L bottle of ginger ale and got so tired of it that I never bought another. The thought of ginger ale makes me sick!

    LoL I loveee the new sierra mist with cranberry, I love Shirley temples and I know its called cranberry but to me it tastes like cherry. I hear you there are certain things I avoid even if I'm not sick sick the idea of red meat makes me wanna gag. I have been trying really hard to keep up with my protein shakes but somedays I can't stomach the taste and seems like the whey protein is so strong even when I put a little!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Michelleck23, this is my first, so either sex will be new and exciting to us! Secretly I'm pulling for a girl, but I feel like only a boy could mess with me this much and I also love my boy's name, so I'll be totally happy either way. :) My husband doesn't want to know, so we've agreed to make it a surprise for him! I'll have to be extra careful with my phone calls at home and hide all the clothes. We shall see how that goes! We also have the scan at 18 weeks. Just one short month away!
  • Michelleck23, this is my first, so either sex will be new and exciting to us! Secretly I'm pulling for a girl, but I feel like only a boy could mess with me this much and I also love my boy's name, so I'll be totally happy either way. :) My husband doesn't want to know, so we've agreed to make it a surprise for him! I'll have to be extra careful with my phone calls at home and hide all the clothes. We shall see how that goes! We also have the scan at 18 weeks. Just one short month away!

    That's Sooo sweet I'm excited for you guys!! Love that your honey wants the sex a surprise, wonder if he will give in hehehe!! Yes one short month away can't believe it I said I was super sick with girls dooooo, maybe just maybe girl news for you lol ;) Your secret is safe with me Haha.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    How are all of you? Today feels like a Thursday (which is gonna kill me tomorrow I'm sure). I am feeling huge today. My maternity slacks were in the wash, so I wore my pre-pregnancy slacks and by the time my first meeting was over I had to go unbutton and unzip them (hurray for long tunic tops!).

    Any updates? How are you all feeling?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    How are all of you? Today feels like a Thursday (which is gonna kill me tomorrow I'm sure). I am feeling huge today. My maternity slacks were in the wash, so I wore my pre-pregnancy slacks and by the time my first meeting was over I had to go unbutton and unzip them (hurray for long tunic tops!).

    Any updates? How are you all feeling?


    I'm good, but I have a cold. Could be worse, though! My husband has a stomach bug (I had one three weeks ago), so we are trying to keep him away from me and our son so that I don't get it again and our son doesn't get it at all! I still have yet to clear everything up with my insurance, but I'm less upset about it (you know, time passing and all). Today definitely feels like a Thursday - I've felt one day ahead all week, and yeah, it's going to kill me come tomorrow when it feels like a weekend.

    I got some unfortunate news today, literally about 5 minutes ago - my BIL and SIL (my husband's brother and his wife) were expecting with a due date about a week after mine, and they just had their first OB appointment today. It turns out it was a blighted ovum, and she has to have a D&C. I almost cried on the phone, and my heart just breaks for them. We were planning on going on a camping trip to NC this weekend with their other brother, his wife, and their 13-year-old son, but BIL is not sure if they'll feel up to it. I told him that I really hope they come but that I totally understand if they want to stay home and sort of absorb it all and that being around me may not be the best thing in the world (not that I talk about being pregnant all the time outside of this group). I assured him that if they did come, I wouldn't talk about pregnancy. So hopefully they come, but I can totally understand why they might not. I just feel so bad for them. I hate how stuff works out sometimes. I liked having an almost identical, real-life pregnancy buddy, too (not to make it about me, but admittedly that part was nice).

    On the upside, last night I was lying in bed (on my side), trying to fall asleep, and it felt like my lower abdomen was rumbling/moving around. Maybe it was gas (though I wasn't gassy), but it felt like those early "flutters" of movement. I'm 11w3d - has anyone else felt movement this early? I know you feel it earlier after your first pregnancy (I didn't feel anything until about 20w or 21w the first time), but this just seems super early. It's not the first time it's happened, either - I think it happened on Sunday night, too (same thing, lying in bed on my side). I wonder if I'm crazy!

    Edited to clarify that my husband has a stomach bug - not my stomach!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member

    I'm good, but I have a cold. Could be worse, though! My husband has a stomach bug (I had one three weeks ago), so we are trying to keep him away from me and our son so that I don't get it again and our son doesn't get it at all! I still have yet to clear everything up with my insurance, but I'm less upset about it (you know, time passing and all). Today definitely feels like a Thursday - I've felt one day ahead all week, and yeah, it's going to kill me come tomorrow when it feels like a weekend.

    I got some unfortunate news today, literally about 5 minutes ago - my BIL and SIL (my husband's brother and his wife) were expecting with a due date about a week after mine, and they just had their first OB appointment today. It turns out it was a blighted ovum, and she has to have a D&C. I almost cried on the phone, and my heart just breaks for them. We were planning on going on a camping trip to NC this weekend with their other brother, his wife, and their 13-year-old son, but BIL is not sure if they'll feel up to it. I told him that I really hope they come but that I totally understand if they want to stay home and sort of absorb it all and that being around me may not be the best thing in the world (not that I talk about being pregnant all the time outside of this group). I assured him that if they did come, I wouldn't talk about pregnancy. So hopefully they come, but I can totally understand why they might not. I just feel so bad for them. I hate how stuff works out sometimes. I liked having an almost identical, real-life pregnancy buddy, too (not to make it about me, but admittedly that part was nice).

    On the upside, last night I was lying in bed (on my side), trying to fall asleep, and it felt like my lower abdomen was rumbling/moving around. Maybe it was gas (though I wasn't gassy), but it felt like those early "flutters" of movement. I'm 11w3d - has anyone else felt movement this early? I know you feel it earlier after your first pregnancy (I didn't feel anything until about 20w or 21w the first time), but this just seems super early. It's not the first time it's happened, either - I think it happened on Sunday night, too (same thing, lying in bed on my side). I wonder if I'm crazy!

    Edited to clarify that my husband has a stomach bug - not my stomach!

    I'm so sorry for your SIL (and for you)! Prayers are being sent to your family.

    And, I'm 12 weeks + 3 days and last night I felt the same thing... I'm still telling myself it was just gas/tummy rumblings - but it sure felt familiar :wink:
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    How absolutely nightmarish for your SIL & BIL!! What a sad tragedy. I'm hoping they are able to get past this disappointment with the support of friends and family.

    I'm jealous of you people feeling the "quickening" of your babies already! I wonder if you're able to feel it earlier because you know what it felt like before.

    Today is a big day for me in terms of food: I cooked and ate some green beans! Yes, I am still feeling nauseous but I haven't cooked and eaten any vegetables for myself in what feels like ages! (I have eaten vegetables others have cooked and served.) I am unnaturally happy about this everyday activity. Things must be improving!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    I'm good, but I have a cold. Could be worse, though! My husband has a stomach bug (I had one three weeks ago), so we are trying to keep him away from me and our son so that I don't get it again and our son doesn't get it at all! I still have yet to clear everything up with my insurance, but I'm less upset about it (you know, time passing and all). Today definitely feels like a Thursday - I've felt one day ahead all week, and yeah, it's going to kill me come tomorrow when it feels like a weekend.

    I got some unfortunate news today, literally about 5 minutes ago - my BIL and SIL (my husband's brother and his wife) were expecting with a due date about a week after mine, and they just had their first OB appointment today. It turns out it was a blighted ovum, and she has to have a D&C. I almost cried on the phone, and my heart just breaks for them. We were planning on going on a camping trip to NC this weekend with their other brother, his wife, and their 13-year-old son, but BIL is not sure if they'll feel up to it. I told him that I really hope they come but that I totally understand if they want to stay home and sort of absorb it all and that being around me may not be the best thing in the world (not that I talk about being pregnant all the time outside of this group). I assured him that if they did come, I wouldn't talk about pregnancy. So hopefully they come, but I can totally understand why they might not. I just feel so bad for them. I hate how stuff works out sometimes. I liked having an almost identical, real-life pregnancy buddy, too (not to make it about me, but admittedly that part was nice).

    On the upside, last night I was lying in bed (on my side), trying to fall asleep, and it felt like my lower abdomen was rumbling/moving around. Maybe it was gas (though I wasn't gassy), but it felt like those early "flutters" of movement. I'm 11w3d - has anyone else felt movement this early? I know you feel it earlier after your first pregnancy (I didn't feel anything until about 20w or 21w the first time), but this just seems super early. It's not the first time it's happened, either - I think it happened on Sunday night, too (same thing, lying in bed on my side). I wonder if I'm crazy!

    Edited to clarify that my husband has a stomach bug - not my stomach!

    I'm so sorry for your SIL (and for you)! Prayers are being sent to your family.

    And, I'm 12 weeks + 3 days and last night I felt the same thing... I'm still telling myself it was just gas/tummy rumblings - but it sure felt familiar :wink:

    I did the same - I kind of wrote it off as gas or something, but I've never felt that feeling when I haven't been pregnant!

    I got an e-mail from my BIL last night, and while they are obviously still very sad and upset, they are going to come camping this weekend. I think I would do the same, and knowing them, I am not surprised. Distraction can be a good thing sometimes.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    How absolutely nightmarish for your SIL & BIL!! What a sad tragedy. I'm hoping they are able to get past this disappointment with the support of friends and family.

    I'm jealous of you people feeling the "quickening" of your babies already! I wonder if you're able to feel it earlier because you know what it felt like before.

    Today is a big day for me in terms of food: I cooked and ate some green beans! Yes, I am still feeling nauseous but I haven't cooked and eaten any vegetables for myself in what feels like ages! (I have eaten vegetables others have cooked and served.) I am unnaturally happy about this everyday activity. Things must be improving!

    Thanks to you and Mormonmomma for your thoughts and prayers for my BIL and SIL. I am still really sad for them, but I know they will be ok. They're strong people!

    Yeah, I'm not 100% sure if what I felt was the baby moving or not... I only felt it once last night, but earlier it was more "active." With my first pregnancy I didn't feel it for a really long time, so I was a little weirded out that something was wrong, but it was my first baby, and I was also a lot heavier. Being thinner this time and its being my second pregnancy both make a huge difference. It's certainly possible that it's what I'm feeling, but most doctors would probably tell you it's gas. As you'll find out, it really is a unique feeling, so it's hard to disregard when my memory kicks in to tell me it's the same feeling. Hopefully you'll be feeling it soon enough!

    Yay for veggies! I have been able to eat veggies, kinda sorta, which is good, but for some reason when it comes down to doing it myself, I just don't feel like it. Somehow canned veggies always sound really good. I know those aren't the best choice, but it's better than no veggies, right? I'm sorry you're still feeling nauseous, though. It should be subsiding soon!

    Mormonmomma, how is your nausea, since we're on the topic?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Yay for veggies! I have been able to eat veggies, kinda sorta, which is good, but for some reason when it comes down to doing it myself, I just don't feel like it. Somehow canned veggies always sound really good. I know those aren't the best choice, but it's better than no veggies, right? I'm sorry you're still feeling nauseous, though. It should be subsiding soon!

    Mormonmomma, how is your nausea, since we're on the topic?

    Well, to be honest it hasn't been too bad lately... I threw up twice on Monday (I think? The days are blending together). The worst yet down.... it came out my nose (Yuck, right? Haha, I swear I'm not this open about bodily functions in real life!) and stung like a million bee stings. That was awful. Luckily I took a shower (with lots of nose blowing) and drank like 3 glasses of skim milk and then I felt better. Fruit acid was awful coming back up though. I'm really worried about when I'll finally feel like I can eat fruits and vegetables again - they haven't stayed down at all for the last 7 or so weeks and my body is missing my normal diet.

    Luckily I'm only throwing up once or twice a week now and as sad as it sounds, I'm totally thrilled with that progress (with my son it was 4 or 5 times a day from about 8 weeks to 24 weeks).

    In other news, we announced the pregnancy on facebook last night. We made such a big deal out of announcing with our first that this time we went with simple:

    "Yeah, my husband just brought me a banana split from Dairy Queen - I'm one lucky pregnant lady! (did ya catch that?)" Since we told our families so early on I was worried someone would spill the beans soon, so since we are past the 12 week mark I figured now's as good a time as any (besides I feel like I'm really starting to show).
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I've been trying to catch up on all your posts. Sorry to see some of you aren't feeling well, I hope you feel better soon. RBX, sorry to hear about your BIL & SIL. I couldn't imagine :(

    I just returned from South Carolina to Oregon before heading back to Oz next week. So interesting to watch the politics in the South vs. Oregon while we were there.
    Really loved Savannah, which is great because that's the girl name we have picked out. RBX, didn't make it to Charleston, but will on the next visit.

    Other than that, fat and bloated......still dealing with nasuea ....I have to eat to keep it under control. Ugh. Up 4 pounds and I'm only 11 weeks.

    How's everyone else doing? I hope you're doing well.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    And how can I change my ticker? It's depressing to watch the gain! Thanks
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I've been trying to catch up on all your posts. Sorry to see some of you aren't feeling well, I hope you feel better soon. RBX, sorry to hear about your BIL & SIL. I couldn't imagine :(

    I just returned from South Carolina to Oregon before heading back to Oz next week. So interesting to watch the politics in the South vs. Oregon while we were there.
    Really loved Savannah, which is great because that's the girl name we have picked out. RBX, didn't make it to Charleston, but will on the next visit.

    Other than that, fat and bloated......still dealing with nasuea ....I have to eat to keep it under control. Ugh. Up 4 pounds and I'm only 11 weeks.

    How's everyone else doing? I hope you're doing well.

    Hey, glad to "see" you! I hope you're getting your US fix before you head back to Australia!

    As for your ticker, if you go to the "Community" tab at the top, then right above "Main Forums," click on "Settings." Unclick the box that says "Show your MyFitnessPal ticker below each of your forum posts." Done! I removed mine but haven't updated weight on MFP. I will basically start over once this baby is born.

    Don't fret about the weight gain. I have gained about 7#, and I'm 11w4d today. I was annoyed about it, but then I looked on the "How much weight have you gained" thread, on the last page or two. There are lots of people who gained up front like me and then didn't go on to gain ridiculous amounts. Also, there's some good stuff in there about not sweating it, that you aren't pregnant very often, so you might as well enjoy it.

    And you know what? If eating is what makes you feel better, then so be it!

    Thanks for checking in - have a safe trip back!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I've been trying to catch up on all your posts. Sorry to see some of you aren't feeling well, I hope you feel better soon. RBX, sorry to hear about your BIL & SIL. I couldn't imagine :(

    I just returned from South Carolina to Oregon before heading back to Oz next week. So interesting to watch the politics in the South vs. Oregon while we were there.
    Really loved Savannah, which is great because that's the girl name we have picked out. RBX, didn't make it to Charleston, but will on the next visit.

    Other than that, fat and bloated......still dealing with nasuea ....I have to eat to keep it under control. Ugh. Up 4 pounds and I'm only 11 weeks.

    How's everyone else doing? I hope you're doing well.

    Hey, glad to "see" you! I hope you're getting your US fix before you head back to Australia!

    As for your ticker, if you go to the "Community" tab at the top, then right above "Main Forums," click on "Settings." Unclick the box that says "Show your MyFitnessPal ticker below each of your forum posts." Done! I removed mine but haven't updated weight on MFP. I will basically start over once this baby is born.

    Don't fret about the weight gain. I have gained about 7#, and I'm 11w4d today. I was annoyed about it, but then I looked on the "How much weight have you gained" thread, on the last page or two. There are lots of people who gained up front like me and then didn't go on to gain ridiculous amounts. Also, there's some good stuff in there about not sweating it, that you aren't pregnant very often, so you might as well enjoy it.

    And you know what? If eating is what makes you feel better, then so be it!

    Thanks for checking in - have a safe trip back!

    Wow, thanks for being the voice of reason, I needed that and appreciate it. :flowerforyou:
    How are you doing?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Wow, thanks for being the voice of reason, I needed that and appreciate it. :flowerforyou:
    How are you doing?

    Pretty good overall - no nausea (unless I don't eat enough or often enough) anymore, but my boobs are still a little sore and are growing like crazy! I have my next doctor's appointment next week, my first since 7.5 weeks, so I am anxious to make sure everything is still good. I haven't broken down and purchased the doppler yet... I think I'm just trying to make myself deal with the waiting between appointments, and soon enough I should be able to feel the baby moving (if I haven't already felt it). Thank you for asking!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member

    I just returned from South Carolina to Oregon before heading back to Oz next week. So interesting to watch the politics in the South vs. Oregon while we were there.
    Really loved Savannah, which is great because that's the girl name we have picked out. RBX, didn't make it to Charleston, but will on the next visit.

    Hey, I live in Savannah (well, right outside)! I approve of your girl name. :flowerforyou:

    Just checking in here. I never seem to find time to get on the MFP boards except on the weekends. I'm glad to see everyone doing so well. RBXChas, I'm sorry to hear about your BIL and SIL; how tough! Mormonmomma, yay for nausea quelling! It's kind of a shame that twice a week is a relief, though! :frown: Hopefully things continue to improve for you!

    I've already "popped", I think. I finally had to break out the maternity pants and shirts today! In a way I was glad, because that means I'm past the looking-like-I've-just-been-gaining-weight stage :laugh: Still only at about 6-7 lbs gained, and I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow. I don't know if that's a lot or not much, but when I look in the mirror, I seem to only have gained anything in my belly and boobs, so I guess it's okay.

    We've asked my oldest daughter (2.5 years old) if she wants another sister or another brother - she insists on another sister! Her reasoning is that the sister can wear her clothes. :laugh: We're *sort of* pulling for a boy, just so we'll have two of each (making sharing rooms easier, etc) but I guess we'll just have to wait and see at the ultrasound in a handful of weeks!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Wow, thanks for being the voice of reason, I needed that and appreciate it. :flowerforyou:
    How are you doing?

    Pretty good overall - no nausea (unless I don't eat enough or often enough) anymore, but my boobs are still a little sore and are growing like crazy! I have my next doctor's appointment next week, my first since 7.5 weeks, so I am anxious to make sure everything is still good. I haven't broken down and purchased the doppler yet... I think I'm just trying to make myself deal with the waiting between appointments, and soon enough I should be able to feel the baby moving (if I haven't already felt it). Thank you for asking!

    So glad you are feeling well! Hope your appointment goes well, keep us updated :smile: