May 2013 Due Dates



  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hi ladies,

    It looks like I may be the only one on here expecting my first baby??? Just wondering if anyone is the hormonal, emotional mess I am? When does this stop? I tear up at least once a day, but most days its more than that. I am nervous about the stress factor also, I received some devastating news this week and it is very hard to not react? It really has been more of just being sad than stressing every second. This Monday I will be 9 weeks and my first apt is on Friday the 26th. I am excited to spend this pregnancy w/all of you!

    I was an emotional mess yesterday. I was sure the world was against me and I refused to leave my apartment. I am so stressed out about every little thing and it's not cool. I just hope my hormones level out over the next few weeks (and the nausea!) because this is nearly unbearable.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi ladies,

    It looks like I may be the only one on here expecting my first baby??? Just wondering if anyone is the hormonal, emotional mess I am? When does this stop? I tear up at least once a day, but most days its more than that. I am nervous about the stress factor also, I received some devastating news this week and it is very hard to not react? It really has been more of just being sad than stressing every second. This Monday I will be 9 weeks and my first apt is on Friday the 26th. I am excited to spend this pregnancy w/all of you!

    Hi there, and congratulations! I think there are one or two others, but I may be mixing this thread up with the first trimester thread.

    To answer your question, yes, we are all emotional, hormonal messes! I was AWFUL with my first and have had a couple of Kodak moments so far this time. Last time I remember still being a total mess until at least a few weeks after giving birth, sorry to say!

    Sorry to hear you had bad news, though. I hope all is relatively ok.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I love skim milk, so no problem on getting my dairy in. When my sister went back to drinking cow's milk she had to start with 1/2 Silk, 1/2 Milk and then increase the % of milk in each glass until her taste buds could handle it. Not sure if that would help any of you, but it may be worth a shot. Also, Instant Carnation Breakfast has a few vitamins and nutrients in it - it's a flavored powder that you can pour in a glass and it doesn't taste awful. And lastly... my husband's favorite treat when I pack his lunch (he's a graduate student and their cafeteria is awful) is Snack Pack Pudding. They say one puddig pack has more calcium than an 8 oz. glass of milk and they are only 100-150 cals each. Not fantastic because of the sugar - but if you are low on calcium they don't taste awful.

    They do make the sugar free! I did forget about pudding, thank you for the reminder!!! I have been cheesing and yogurting as much as possible throwing some pudding in will be great! WE have some in the pantry :) I know whats for dessert tonight!

    Mmmmm Pudding :) Just be careful with the sugar-free. Those are sweetened with artificial sweeteners, and the jury is still out on whether many of them are safe for pregnancy. And now... I want some pudding! :laugh:

    Yah I decided I will go for the real stuff, I wasnt thinking of that until I told my mom and she said not to eat the sugar free stuff either! :) Ty as well :)
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I have been emotional as well...this is my second pregnancy...but I am more sappy this time...for example I cried at the end of Cars when Lightning Mcqueen pushed the car over the finish line (although I have seen it a million times), I cried when I heard my favorite sunday night football song last night, I just keep crying over the silliest I know out of these 2 there has to be at least 1 girl in want to cry on a daily basis and I rage on the hubby calls it my "roid rage" We have an appt tomorrow morning with the perinatologist so we get to see the babies again...looking forward to it! :) My Monday has been awful thus far, but how is everyone elses going? :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have been emotional as well...this is my second pregnancy...but I am more sappy this time...for example I cried at the end of Cars when Lightning Mcqueen pushed the car over the finish line (although I have seen it a million times), I cried when I heard my favorite sunday night football song last night, I just keep crying over the silliest I know out of these 2 there has to be at least 1 girl in want to cry on a daily basis and I rage on the hubby calls it my "roid rage" We have an appt tomorrow morning with the perinatologist so we get to see the babies again...looking forward to it! :) My Monday has been awful thus far, but how is everyone elses going? :)

    Awesome :tongue: - I find I cry a LOT more easily this time around, too! I have also just become a lot more sensitive to those types of things in general since having my son anyway.

    Sorry your Monday is going badly, but that's awesome about your doctor's appointment tomorrow! I wish I could have another ultrasound, but my next appointment isn't until November 15th (another 3.5 weeks) :frown:

    I am feeling pretty good... I think after having a stomach bug last week that my nausea/morning sickness is put in perspective! Honestly it seems like since being sick, my nausea hasn't been that bad. It also comes and goes at weird times, too, whereas before it was always worse in the morning. Today I felt icky in the morning but had a good breakfast sandwich (a Jimmy Dean light thingie that was really good), and I felt great afterwards. I really think the key is eating something substantial. If I just have, say, cereal, I feel bad shortly thereafter. Yesterday I felt awesome all day until I had chili for dinner, and then I felt nauseous after. Maybe it just wasn't a good night for chili.

    Otherwise my boobs are still relatively sore. I can't remember when that went away last time. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? It's getting a little annoying because I am a stomach sleeper.

    Also, I feel like I look four or five months pregnant already, at least in my stomach. I have this big pooch. I don't know if I'm just bloated or eating too much or what, but sadly I feel like I'm ready for maternity clothes already. I'm 9w1d. Seriously. I know you show earlier after your first pregnancy, but WTH??? I know there's only one in there, and s/he measured appropriately at my doctor's appointment a week and a half ago. Is anyone else going through that?
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Hello ladies

    How is everyone doing? Anyone nearing 12 week mark yet? I find the first 12 weeks the slowest ever!

    I reached 12 weeks yesterday! I had hoped it would signal the end of the such luck. I threw up yet again before bed last night. Ugh! I just keep telling myself to make it to 14 weeks before getting *really* annoyed at the nausea! Otherwise, just trucking along. My energy seems slightly higher but then I do stuff I've been slacking on (like housework) so I get exhausted again. I can't win, lol!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Hello ladies

    How is everyone doing? Anyone nearing 12 week mark yet? I find the first 12 weeks the slowest ever!

    I reached 12 weeks yesterday! I had hoped it would signal the end of the such luck. I threw up yet again before bed last night. Ugh! I just keep telling myself to make it to 14 weeks before getting *really* annoyed at the nausea! Otherwise, just trucking along. My energy seems slightly higher but then I do stuff I've been slacking on (like housework) so I get exhausted again. I can't win, lol!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    yay! congratulations! Nearly time for 2nd trimester for you. hopefully the sickness eases soon for you.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member

    Nearly 10 weeks! going by the mw, i am 10 weeks today but i think its more like 9+4. The weeks are going slowly! however, just under two weeks till my scan. keeping everything crossed. I think I am starting to feel more positive about this pregnancy now, although still nervous too.

    Anyone getting restless legs yet? I had this quite bad with my daughter and the only thing that would help was tonic water (which has quinine in it). I think i may have to invest in this soon. Although i dont remember it being this early with my daughter?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All! It's good to hear updates from everyone! I'll be 12 weeks on Friday, when I get the next scan (whoo-hoo!). I'm still pretty miserable nearly all the time, although I find I feel better directly after working out still. So I'm forcing myself to get to the pool and keep up with my teammates. Running unfortunately appears to be a less successful endeavor for now. I keep looking forward to week 14 as if on the very day I get there all my symptoms will magically stop.

    My biggest challenge this week is finding the motivation and energy to prepare for my six house guests, who are coming for the Massachusetts version of our wedding, which took place this summer. I just can't bring myself to do the cleaning and grocery shopping and cooking. The smells of the grocery store are so sickening to me that I have a hard time being in there. And while the thought of cooking for that many people before might have frightened me, now it seems overwhelming. Sigh. Somehow I will get through this!

    It's so lovely right now in Massachusetts with all of the bright leaves and the mild temperatures. I'm trying to focus on enjoying that as much as possible and appreciating the beautiful world into which my child will be born!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Thelaser- I actually belong in the April club, but I wanted to give a helpful tip for grocery shopping. I used mint tic tacs and peppermint gum to help me. I hope this helps! Don't stress too much about the house, family should understand and maybe you can ask your husband for help. It does get better, hang in there!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    How is everyone today? It feels weird to read about people being 12 weeks already, but then I am 9w2d and am due in late May, so that makes sense. But thinking about some people entering the second trimester soon with May due dates is weird but good :smile:

    Anyway, I am feeling odd today. Yesterday I felt a little sick in the morning but ate a good breakfast and then felt great all day, and my boobs had bothered me the night before. Last night they bothered me a bit while sleeping, and this morning I felt AWESOME. I could brush my teeth without gagging (yay!), and at a breakfast meeting I was able to enjoy eating. I feel totally normal today, and I keep prodding my boobs to make sure they're still sore (they are, but I really have to poke at 'em- however, that's been fading slowly over the past couple of weeks, plus that does seem to come and go).

    But it's just weird that I feel totally normal today.

    So I'm a total spaz, and I go online as soon as I get back from the meeting only to totally freak myself out. I talked to my husband, who was basically like, "Chill out, and stop reading stuff online." He was nicer than that, but you get my drift.

    Based on what I read online, pregnancy symptoms do start to disappear as early as 9 weeks for some women. There were lots of women on Babycenter and whatnot saying they had the same thing happen to them around weeks 9-10, and now they're 30-some-odd weeks and just fine. So I'm trying not to freak out. I want to see what happens overnight/tomorrow morning before I call my doctor's office. Oddly enough, I'm hoping to feel nauseous!

    Has anyone else had these concerns around this time? I'm nervous, but my guess is that the OB's office will just tell me that since I'm not having cramping/bleeding, it's unlikely that anything is going wrong, and pregnancy symptoms come and go sometimes.

    My next OB appointment is for an ultrasound on November 15th. That's over three weeks away! I'm thinking of buying a doppler to try to cool my jets until then, but I also don't want to freak myself out even more because it's really early to be able to find a heartbeat with a doppler.

    Can anyone help put my mind at ease? (Sorry to be so crazy. I'm usually a rather logical person but when there's a lot to lose...)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I appreciate the tip about grocery shopping! I think I'm going to be sending my husband in for any major shopping, but it's still kind of unavoidable on a smaller scale. I know my family will understand, it's just that it's the first time they'll be seeing our new house, so I'm eager to have it extra beautiful.

    Rebecca, I had a day or part of a day during the 9th week where I kind of felt like myself. Then I felt awful again. I keep having these brief windows of lucidity, and then I go back to usual sick-and-tired routine. My midwife told me that it's very common to start having more and more of the good days, especially as you start hitting week ten. My sister also told me today that she remembers her symptoms more or less disappearing very suddenly. Hopefully that helps.

    Today I'm feeling better than I have in awhile, but then my car wouldn't start this morning and now we have to drop $900 on repairs. I tell ya, if it's not one thing, it's another!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I appreciate the tip about grocery shopping! I think I'm going to be sending my husband in for any major shopping, but it's still kind of unavoidable on a smaller scale. I know my family will understand, it's just that it's the first time they'll be seeing our new house, so I'm eager to have it extra beautiful.

    Rebecca, I had a day or part of a day during the 9th week where I kind of felt like myself. Then I felt awful again. I keep having these brief windows of lucidity, and then I go back to usual sick-and-tired routine. My midwife told me that it's very common to start having more and more of the good days, especially as you start hitting week ten. My sister also told me today that she remembers her symptoms more or less disappearing very suddenly. Hopefully that helps.

    Today I'm feeling better than I have in awhile, but then my car wouldn't start this morning and now we have to drop $900 on repairs. I tell ya, if it's not one thing, it's another!

    Thanks for the reassuring words! I have been having headaches, which is a new symptom for me, so maybe my symptoms are just shifting. I'm going to monitor myself for the next couple of days. My OB is very laid-back, so I feel pretty confident that she'll tell me not to worry unless I start having bad things happen. That doppler is totally calling my name, though.

    The irony is that the office right next door to ours is an OB/Gyn office. He's not my doctor, but an OB nonetheless. He's supposedly really, really nice, too, so I kind of wish I could just pop over there and ask him to check things out. (The two ladies in my office and their daughters go there and really like him, so I know he's not a bad guy or anything.)

    I forgot to mention that I've had a very weird 24 hours, in that when I got home from work yesterday, our oldest dog, who'd been really sick but up until Sunday seemed to be improving, was totally lethargic, and I could tell that his blood was not oxygenated properly. He ended up passing away late last night. It's (obviously) really sad, but he was an old guy, and I told him about a million times that I loved him very much and that he had been wonderful to us during our time together. So I think I am feeling stressed and sad because of that, and it might be messing with me.

    Anyway, back to you - I'm sorry to hear about your car :frown: I feel like that's how stuff has been going with us - as soon as we get one fire out, another pops up!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    And I kid you not, suddenly I feel nauseated. Just as I was starting to calm down from freaking out, it swoops back in to stop my heart palpitations. (No, I wasn't literally having palpitations. Just figurative ones.)

    I really am a total spaz, but only when it comes to this. I promise.

    I am off to pick up my son from school soon, and then I am headed home to love on our three other pups (yeah, we had a full house). Have a great night, ladies!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    EEEEK!!! I'm so excited I could pee my pants (which after my last pregnancy is actually a possibility)! It's finally the day for my first appt and the nurse told me they'll check for the heartbeat. I'm only 10.5 weeks so I know there's a good chance it's too early but I'm REALLY hoping to hear by little drummer in there!

    Because the hubs is in grad school and can't be there for the appt, I'm bringing my mom (she's my best friend) and she's going to record it for my dear hubby. Oh, I'm so excited - if you see this in the next hour please say a little prayer that we'll hear a healthy and strong little heart beat! Thanks ladies and I'll check back in later today or first thing tomorrow!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    EEEEK!!! I'm so excited I could pee my pants (which after my last pregnancy is actually a possibility)! It's finally the day for my first appt and the nurse told me they'll check for the heartbeat. I'm only 10.5 weeks so I know there's a good chance it's too early but I'm REALLY hoping to hear by little drummer in there!

    Because the hubs is in grad school and can't be there for the appt, I'm bringing my mom (she's my best friend) and she's going to record it for my dear hubby. Oh, I'm so excited - if you see this in the next hour please say a little prayer that we'll hear a healthy and strong little heart beat! Thanks ladies and I'll check back in later today or first thing tomorrow!

    Will do, and looking forward to an update!
  • Hello everyone! Sorry for going MIA for awhile. I had a scare on Friday when I started cramping and bleeding. THANKFULLY, it was just a scare and everything is fine. They did give me some restrictions though. Nothing strenous, no heavy lifting, no sex, ect until my next doctors appointment on Nov 13th. It was a rough weekend, but we went ahead and told our families. Everyone is so excited, and I'm so glad to be able to talk about it openly!

    I'm still sick. The medicine the doctor gave me helps some, but not completely. My boobs are still very sore also. I have gained 5 pounds so far, UGH! I know it will all be worth it in the end though. I eat when I am hungry. I don't always do bad foods, and I don't always do good. I am trying to do a mixture of both, but with more good choices than bad. I am hoping that once I can get past the aversions, things will start looking up in that department. Right now, the smell and taste of veggies is putting me off.

    How is everyone else doing today?
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I have been emotional as well...this is my second pregnancy...but I am more sappy this time...for example I cried at the end of Cars when Lightning Mcqueen pushed the car over the finish line (although I have seen it a million times), I cried when I heard my favorite sunday night football song last night, I just keep crying over the silliest I know out of these 2 there has to be at least 1 girl in want to cry on a daily basis and I rage on the hubby calls it my "roid rage" We have an appt tomorrow morning with the perinatologist so we get to see the babies again...looking forward to it! :) My Monday has been awful thus far, but how is everyone elses going? :)

    Awesome :tongue: - I find I cry a LOT more easily this time around, too! I have also just become a lot more sensitive to those types of things in general since having my son anyway.

    Sorry your Monday is going badly, but that's awesome about your doctor's appointment tomorrow! I wish I could have another ultrasound, but my next appointment isn't until November 15th (another 3.5 weeks) :frown:

    I am feeling pretty good... I think after having a stomach bug last week that my nausea/morning sickness is put in perspective! Honestly it seems like since being sick, my nausea hasn't been that bad. It also comes and goes at weird times, too, whereas before it was always worse in the morning. Today I felt icky in the morning but had a good breakfast sandwich (a Jimmy Dean light thingie that was really good), and I felt great afterwards. I really think the key is eating something substantial. If I just have, say, cereal, I feel bad shortly thereafter. Yesterday I felt awesome all day until I had chili for dinner, and then I felt nauseous after. Maybe it just wasn't a good night for chili.

    Otherwise my boobs are still relatively sore. I can't remember when that went away last time. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? It's getting a little annoying because I am a stomach sleeper.

    Also, I feel like I look four or five months pregnant already, at least in my stomach. I have this big pooch. I don't know if I'm just bloated or eating too much or what, but sadly I feel like I'm ready for maternity clothes already. I'm 9w1d. Seriously. I know you show earlier after your first pregnancy, but WTH??? I know there's only one in there, and s/he measured appropriately at my doctor's appointment a week and a half ago. Is anyone else going through that?

    Mine are still sore as well, which didnt last this long with my son. But its hard for me to compare since I have 2, so idk how to compare this one to my last one at all!!! I am already wearing maternity bc in my belly I am 18 weeks although real time I am 10W4D, but I know in twins women measure 8 weeks ahead and its even more for triplets+! So again its hard for me to compare. Anyone else know if theyre having twins yet?!?!? lol The twins looked good on the ultrasound and they are measuring perfect, now I have to wait 3 weeks to see them again though :(, hoping maybe we can find out what they are :), I know its early, but a guy at work and his wife found out at 14 weeks, so I am hoping we can too! I am bummed though I forgot to ask if I could return to the gym, I may call today and see what they recommend bc I would like to at least swim! How is everyone else doing?
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    How is everyone today? It feels weird to read about people being 12 weeks already, but then I am 9w2d and am due in late May, so that makes sense. But thinking about some people entering the second trimester soon with May due dates is weird but good :smile:

    Anyway, I am feeling odd today. Yesterday I felt a little sick in the morning but ate a good breakfast and then felt great all day, and my boobs had bothered me the night before. Last night they bothered me a bit while sleeping, and this morning I felt AWESOME. I could brush my teeth without gagging (yay!), and at a breakfast meeting I was able to enjoy eating. I feel totally normal today, and I keep prodding my boobs to make sure they're still sore (they are, but I really have to poke at 'em- however, that's been fading slowly over the past couple of weeks, plus that does seem to come and go).

    But it's just weird that I feel totally normal today.

    So I'm a total spaz, and I go online as soon as I get back from the meeting only to totally freak myself out. I talked to my husband, who was basically like, "Chill out, and stop reading stuff online." He was nicer than that, but you get my drift.

    Based on what I read online, pregnancy symptoms do start to disappear as early as 9 weeks for some women. There were lots of women on Babycenter and whatnot saying they had the same thing happen to them around weeks 9-10, and now they're 30-some-odd weeks and just fine. So I'm trying not to freak out. I want to see what happens overnight/tomorrow morning before I call my doctor's office. Oddly enough, I'm hoping to feel nauseous!

    Has anyone else had these concerns around this time? I'm nervous, but my guess is that the OB's office will just tell me that since I'm not having cramping/bleeding, it's unlikely that anything is going wrong, and pregnancy symptoms come and go sometimes.

    My next OB appointment is for an ultrasound on November 15th. That's over three weeks away! I'm thinking of buying a doppler to try to cool my jets until then, but I also don't want to freak myself out even more because it's really early to be able to find a heartbeat with a doppler.

    Can anyone help put my mind at ease? (Sorry to be so crazy. I'm usually a rather logical person but when there's a lot to lose...)

    I agree completely!! If I dont have a nauseous spell I can get worried, I just want to look at them everyday and be sure! But I am more confident they are both here to stay after my appt yesterday. But I am still just wantoing to make it to 20 weeks and then to 30 and then to at least 36! Once I am 20 weeks I should be in the clear for vanishing twin syndrome, but it is still a scary thought. I am glad I didnt get more morning sickness this time, I havent been sick at all, so I am happy about that, but now sleeping at night is getting more and more difficult.....But dont stress over it, I know it is hard, but I just focus on the positives from the last appt and look forward to the next :)
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    EEEEK!!! I'm so excited I could pee my pants (which after my last pregnancy is actually a possibility)! It's finally the day for my first appt and the nurse told me they'll check for the heartbeat. I'm only 10.5 weeks so I know there's a good chance it's too early but I'm REALLY hoping to hear by little drummer in there!

    Because the hubs is in grad school and can't be there for the appt, I'm bringing my mom (she's my best friend) and she's going to record it for my dear hubby. Oh, I'm so excited - if you see this in the next hour please say a little prayer that we'll hear a healthy and strong little heart beat! Thanks ladies and I'll check back in later today or first thing tomorrow!

    Yay exciting! Have a great appt!!