May 2013 Due Dates



  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Something new with me is - this morning was kind of the first time that I thought to myself "What if I was a stay at home mom - it would be so nice to stay home, sing, cuddle, play, and spend time with my little man before this baby gets here". I am a working mom and the plan is that I will keep working until my husband is through school (3 more years), but lately he's been suggesting that if I want to quit my job and be a stay at home mom he can get a part time job and we could "figure it out". I'm attached to the security of my paycheck - but I admit that it felt good to think about staying at home with my kids... Hmmm... much to think about... I love being a "young mom" (I'm 23, DH is 26) but I can see how it would have been nice to have him more settled in his career before we started a family.

    I hear ya on that! I got to stay home with my son until I got my most recent job a month and a half ago which is full time. (I was working night shift whe he was 9 months until this job so I dont count it as not being a SAHM). I loved it, but I did enjoy going to work too for the adult interaction since I did saty at home fully his first 9 months. I am in a debate currently as well....debating to go back to my part time job I was originally hired for or to stay at my most recent "promotion" to my new job as full time...its hard to know what to do =/. Me and my hubby work at the same place now, which is nice, but with 3 kids idk if it will be worth me working full time considering the cost of babysitting...I am in a similiar dilemma. I know I cant be a full time stay at home mom, but I want to be there as much as I can =/...oh decisions!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    Glad to hear that appointments are going well and some people are feeling well :wink:

    I had an ultrasound last week, which was nice to see the heartbeat. Today is the OB appointment and I'm hoping for a better prescription for morning sickness. I agree it's tough to stay positive when you feel like garbage 90% of the time. I'm so ready to move on and feel normal food!

    Super homesick and headed home in 10 days so that's something to look forward to!

    Hang in there ladies.

    So sorry that you are still feeling awful. Hopefully there is a different medication they can give you that will help. That's awesome, though, that you'll be headed home soon! How long will you be in the US?

    3 weeks! And I pick up a prescription for Zofran this afternoon :) how are you feeling?
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    So last week I went to the Dr after almost a full day of brown spotting (sorry, tmi I know) and cramping....that was exactly how my previous miscarriage started out, so needless to say we were FREAKING! I have put off going to the Dr, so this was my first visit. I went in thinking I was going to be 9 weeks as of last Sunday. They did an ultrasound, and thankfully found nothing other than a good strong heartbeat of 142 BPM AND instead of being almost 9 weeks I'm only 7 weeks?! Has this happened to anyone else? Measuring two weeks small? Of course they wanted to know if my cycles stayed on schedule, and they do, like to the day I can predict their arrival. So this takes my due date from being May 19th to June 2nd :/ Which I know this sounds dumb but I was really hoping for a May baby! Anyway I have another appt tomorrow so I guess we'll just wait and see. Of course I got online after I got home and found lots of people that said the U/S dated their babies as not being as far along as they thought and that later on the baby caught up...Anywho not really sure what to think. Just hanging on to the fact the heartbeat was great :)
  • howdeelightful
    Had my first ultrasound this afternoon. Talk about putting my mind at ease! Our baby is doing perfect. Measured at the exact 8 weeks 5 days that I am. The heartbeat was a very strong 186 BPM. So everything is great! We have decided to tell everyone this weekend. My husband's family has a big Halloween party on Saturday night, so we are going to incorporate it into our costumes. We are going to go as a 1940s pregnant housewife and a milkman. :smile: Can't wait to be able to talk openly about everything! Bonus: The doctor gave me a prescription for the nausea, so hopefully I won't be dealing with that soon!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    So last week I went to the Dr after almost a full day of brown spotting (sorry, tmi I know) and cramping....that was exactly how my previous miscarriage started out, so needless to say we were FREAKING! I have put off going to the Dr, so this was my first visit. I went in thinking I was going to be 9 weeks as of last Sunday. They did an ultrasound, and thankfully found nothing other than a good strong heartbeat of 142 BPM AND instead of being almost 9 weeks I'm only 7 weeks?! Has this happened to anyone else? Measuring two weeks small? Of course they wanted to know if my cycles stayed on schedule, and they do, like to the day I can predict their arrival. So this takes my due date from being May 19th to June 2nd :/ Which I know this sounds dumb but I was really hoping for a May baby! Anyway I have another appt tomorrow so I guess we'll just wait and see. Of course I got online after I got home and found lots of people that said the U/S dated their babies as not being as far along as they thought and that later on the baby caught up...Anywho not really sure what to think. Just hanging on to the fact the heartbeat was great :)

    Sorry that you had a scary experience last week! Yikes! I've heard that babies do that sporadic growth in the womb as well, and it makes perfect sense to me - afterall once our babies are born are doctors don't have them on a "set in stone timeline" for weight and height milestones. At my older son's appointments we are just told "He's in the 45th percentile" (or whatever # it is) and then at the next appointment he may be at the 70th percentile. Kids all grow differently (and at different speeds even within their own growth patterns) so it makes sense to me that your baby may have just had a slower week or two growing.

    And besides - with June 2nd being your new due date - there is still a very good chance your baby will come at least 2 days early and be a May Baby!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Had my first ultrasound this afternoon. Talk about putting my mind at ease! Our baby is doing perfect. Measured at the exact 8 weeks 5 days that I am. The heartbeat was a very strong 186 BPM. So everything is great! We have decided to tell everyone this weekend. My husband's family has a big Halloween party on Saturday night, so we are going to incorporate it into our costumes. We are going to go as a 1940s pregnant housewife and a milkman. :smile: Can't wait to be able to talk openly about everything! Bonus: The doctor gave me a prescription for the nausea, so hopefully I won't be dealing with that soon!

    This is such a cute idea for your costumes! Sounds fun!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Love the costume idea! So cute! I've been telling people mostly on a need-to-know basis, especially when it comes to sports-related people. I want them to know in case something happens. My family will be coming in 1.5 weeks and I'm so excited to tell them then. It feels like we've been hiding the secret forever and I know my mom, who has stage four cancer, will just be beside herself with joy at having another grandchild. (I couldn't tell her before in case something happened; I didn't want to add to her worries with mine.)

    Hoping everything's ok with the smaller measurements. Doctoring always seems to want to put people in a box; we're all mostly statistics these days. I'm high risk because I'm over 35; never mind that I'm in excellent health and weigh (well, until a few weeks ago) what I weighed in college. At least I get the early ultrasound scans due to my "advanced maternal age!"

    Today I called my midwife all panicked about a sneeze! How ridiculous is that? But I sneezed and suddenly I felt this HUGE searing pain in that area on one side that lasted for about a minute. Turns out it's normal -our ligaments are moving a lot and when we strain in odd ways, they can stretch and tear painfully. All I can say is thank goodness for midwives -they really take the time to answer my questions and are very reassuring.

    I'm feeling on and off better --some parts of the day are miserable, others I seem to be doing ok. Here's to more of the "ok" moments for all of us!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Had my first ultrasound this afternoon. Talk about putting my mind at ease! Our baby is doing perfect. Measured at the exact 8 weeks 5 days that I am. The heartbeat was a very strong 186 BPM. So everything is great! We have decided to tell everyone this weekend. My husband's family has a big Halloween party on Saturday night, so we are going to incorporate it into our costumes. We are going to go as a 1940s pregnant housewife and a milkman. :smile: Can't wait to be able to talk openly about everything! Bonus: The doctor gave me a prescription for the nausea, so hopefully I won't be dealing with that soon!

    LOVE your costume!!!

    How's the prescription working? And congrats on the ultrasound :smile:
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Love the costume idea! So cute! I've been telling people mostly on a need-to-know basis, especially when it comes to sports-related people. I want them to know in case something happens. My family will be coming in 1.5 weeks and I'm so excited to tell them then. It feels like we've been hiding the secret forever and I know my mom, who has stage four cancer, will just be beside herself with joy at having another grandchild. (I couldn't tell her before in case something happened; I didn't want to add to her worries with mine.)

    Hoping everything's ok with the smaller measurements. Doctoring always seems to want to put people in a box; we're all mostly statistics these days. I'm high risk because I'm over 35; never mind that I'm in excellent health and weigh (well, until a few weeks ago) what I weighed in college. At least I get the early ultrasound scans due to my "advanced maternal age!"

    Today I called my midwife all panicked about a sneeze! How ridiculous is that? But I sneezed and suddenly I felt this HUGE searing pain in that area on one side that lasted for about a minute. Turns out it's normal -our ligaments are moving a lot and when we strain in odd ways, they can stretch and tear painfully. All I can say is thank goodness for midwives -they really take the time to answer my questions and are very reassuring.

    I'm feeling on and off better --some parts of the day are miserable, others I seem to be doing ok. Here's to more of the "ok" moments for all of us!

    A fellow golden oldie here.....I'll be 35 when I deliver. Are you doing the genetic testing (if you don't mind me asking)?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Ha ha, golden oldie! I'm doing whatever tests they offer that have no risk of miscarriage (nuchal translucency and the MaterniT21). I have mixed feelings about doing them, but I really want the early scan! I do not want to actually know my numbers as long as they are normal because that 1 in whatever chance will just worry me. How about you?
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Ha ha, golden oldie! I'm doing whatever tests they offer that have no risk of miscarriage (nuchal translucency and the MaterniT21). I have mixed feelings about doing them, but I really want the early scan! I do not want to actually know my numbers as long as they are normal because that 1 in whatever chance will just worry me. How about you?

    We're leaning towards no at this point. You have to have the test to get an ultrasound? I've had 2 ultrasounds so far, but maybe they do it different in Australia.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Had second Dr's appt yesterday where they felt my uterus to see how that was measuring. My midwife said that for sure by that she would say I was at least 2 weeks behind where I thought I was because I'm definitely not measuring with a due date of May 19th which would make me almost 10 weeks right now. She decided to send me for another dating scan next week where I should be almost 9 weeks. So a whole more week of waiting to find out a little more what's going on *sigh* At least with this next ultrasound we'll be able to determine if the baby still has a heartbeat/ is still growing. I'll be honest I don't have any good feelings about this. My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage when I was 10 weeks, but the u/s showed the baby had stopped growing around the 6 week mark. Aside from still having some nausea, I feel like things aren't right....For example this is 4th pregnancy and my tummy does not look as though I'm pushing 8 weeks preggo. :ohwell: Anywho hope everyone is well!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Wow, a lot has gone on in the past couple of days! I was unfortunately very sick with a stomach bug. Wednesday was really awful, and yesterday was my sort of recovery day. Today I feel as fine as I can feel :wink:

    After a day of not being able to hold anything down, not even water, I read up yesterday and TOTALLY freaked myself out about how bad dehydration is when you're pregnant, especially early on (not eating for a few days, though, is apparently not a big deal). I then was smacking myself in the head for not going to the hospital and getting myself on IV fluids, but it is probably only really necessary if you're sick for longer. I was able to start drinking water again yesterday morning, and I have gone nuts drinking juice and water yesterday and so far this morning. Then yesterday evening I wiped and had a teeny bit of pink with a tiny spot of red and TOTALLY freaked myself out again. It was literally one time, and I have been to the bathroom about 8,000 times since to check, and nothing. I don't have any cramping, so I'm not overly concerned, but I have a message in with the OB nurse to call me. I did talk to her on Wednesday (the day I was sick) because they picked up a bladder infection (yay!) when I was there last Friday and needed to call in an antibiotic, but I mentioned to her that I had a stomach bug, and she didn't seem concerned. So yeah, I'm thinking they're probably going to tell me to take it easy, which I'm afraid means that I can't go to Spinning tomorrow. But if that's what they tell me to do, that's what I'll do. For all I know, it has something to do with the antibiotics, since I started taking those yesterday.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Had second Dr's appt yesterday where they felt my uterus to see how that was measuring. My midwife said that for sure by that she would say I was at least 2 weeks behind where I thought I was because I'm definitely not measuring with a due date of May 19th which would make me almost 10 weeks right now. She decided to send me for another dating scan next week where I should be almost 9 weeks. So a whole more week of waiting to find out a little more what's going on *sigh* At least with this next ultrasound we'll be able to determine if the baby still has a heartbeat/ is still growing. I'll be honest I don't have any good feelings about this. My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage when I was 10 weeks, but the u/s showed the baby had stopped growing around the 6 week mark. Aside from still having some nausea, I feel like things aren't right....For example this is 4th pregnancy and my tummy does not look as though I'm pushing 8 weeks preggo. :ohwell: Anywho hope everyone is well!

    Did you still have a strong heartbeat with the last pregnancy before the miscarriage? I think that the strong heartbeat this time is a really good sign. I'm praying for you and your little nugget! Good Luck!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I love skim milk, so no problem on getting my dairy in. When my sister went back to drinking cow's milk she had to start with 1/2 Silk, 1/2 Milk and then increase the % of milk in each glass until her taste buds could handle it. Not sure if that would help any of you, but it may be worth a shot. Also, Instant Carnation Breakfast has a few vitamins and nutrients in it - it's a flavored powder that you can pour in a glass and it doesn't taste awful. And lastly... my husband's favorite treat when I pack his lunch (he's a graduate student and their cafeteria is awful) is Snack Pack Pudding. They say one puddig pack has more calcium than an 8 oz. glass of milk and they are only 100-150 cals each. Not fantastic because of the sugar - but if you are low on calcium they don't taste awful.

    They do make the sugar free! I did forget about pudding, thank you for the reminder!!! I have been cheesing and yogurting as much as possible throwing some pudding in will be great! WE have some in the pantry :) I know whats for dessert tonight!

    Mmmmm Pudding :) Just be careful with the sugar-free. Those are sweetened with artificial sweeteners, and the jury is still out on whether many of them are safe for pregnancy. And now... I want some pudding! :laugh:
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm due May 25th, so I'm just over 8 weeks along. This is my 2nd pregnancy and it is VERY different than my first. I started really using MFP Jan 2012 and I lost 46lbs. I'm still overweight by a good bit, but I am 15lbs lighter now than I was with my first pregnancy. During my first pregnancy the only real symptoms I had in the first tri was having to use the bathroom an extra 3-4 times a day. This time I'm using the bathroom 10+ times extra a day, I have majorly sore breasts, evening/late night nausea(no vomiting, thank goodness), extreme fatigue, acne, and cramping. Despite all the symptoms my husband and I are extremely happy that we will have a new baby in the house next year. Our 4 yr old isn't as excited, but she's warming up to the idea of a baby sister named Charlie. She won't even entertain the idea of me having a boy or naming a little girl anything other than Charlie. My husband thinks she wants to name the baby Charlie because he always says "Sorry Charlie" to her. lol

    Hi there, and congratulations!!! This is my 5th pregnancy (2 living children, 2 miscarriages). This has been totally different than both my pregnancies with my children! Funny how one person can have such different symptoms. Right now I am dealing with very similar symptoms as you- the acne drives me nuts the most though, lol! I am sure your 4-year-old will forget all about her misgivings about a new baby as soon as she sees him/her!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I hope everyone had a great week! I would love to get some pregnant friends on my friends list. Right now I just have my hardcore losing-weight friends on my list right now, so I am sure my pregnancy talk isn't too interesting right now. It would be nice to have people who are going through similar things. So if you are needing a good, encouraging friend, feel free to check out my profile, and if you want, send me a request! :happy:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I hope everyone had a great week! I would love to get some pregnant friends on my friends list. Right now I just have my hardcore losing-weight friends on my list right now, so I am sure my pregnancy talk isn't too interesting right now. It would be nice to have people who are going through similar things. So if you are needing a good, encouraging friend, feel free to check out my profile, and if you want, send me a request! :happy:

    Just sent you a request... I don't talk about being pregnant on my feed (because word is not yet out on the street, hehe), but I'm still here! Everyone else is still going hardcore, and I'm (probably rather conspicuously) not going hardcore.

    I heard back from the OB nurse on my spotting from yesterday, and she doesn't think it's a big deal because (1) it's not active, (2) it's not continuous, and (3) I'm not feeling crampy or anything otherwise outside of the occasional slight crampy feel, which she said is normal because my uterus is growing (which I've been feeling on and off ever since I found out I was pregnant). She said spotting early in pregnancy is actually quite normal and not to freak out unless bleeding is heavy and/or continuous or if I'm in pain. If I get that way, I am to call, and they will see me ASAP.

    She did, however, tell me to take it easy, and she specifically said no working out this weekend. So no Spinning for me, which especially sucks because tomorrow was going to be a special class :frown: But whatever, if that's what I need to do to keep everything going smoothly, then that's what I will do!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hello ladies

    How is everyone doing? Anyone nearing 12 week mark yet? I find the first 12 weeks the slowest ever! Can't wait for November and my dating scan.

    As for spotting, I had the tiniest bit of red spotting too yesterday and nothing thereafter. Mw said it was perfectly normal to have that. Scary though! Keeping everything crossed all is ok. My symptoms are still pretty strong and nausea is still a problem! No cramping or any other bad signs so I'm not worried.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
    Hi ladies,

    It looks like I may be the only one on here expecting my first baby??? Just wondering if anyone is the hormonal, emotional mess I am? When does this stop? I tear up at least once a day, but most days its more than that. I am nervous about the stress factor also, I received some devastating news this week and it is very hard to not react? It really has been more of just being sad than stressing every second. This Monday I will be 9 weeks and my first apt is on Friday the 26th. I am excited to spend this pregnancy w/all of you!