May 2013 Due Dates

RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
Hi everyone!

I figure at this point most of the ladies with May 2013 due dates likely already know that they are pregnant :smile:

I am pregnant with my second child, my first being 19 months old (he will be 2yrs and 4 months when this one arrives, assuming all goes to plan). I just got my BFP on Sunday, and my first doctor's appointment is 10/9, when I will get my "official" due date. Last time I was pregnant, the doctor's due date was a day off from the one I calculated online, but this time so far I am calling it May 26th based on what I got online.

I am excited because I will most likely have a May baby, and my birthday is in May. My son's birthday is in January, and my husband's birthday is also in January, so we will hopefully have two little birthday clusters!

Anyway, I know it's early to be sharing the news publicly, so to speak (and in my situation, no one whom I know in real life knows except for my husband), but if you are, please join in and tell us about yourself!

Oh, and my real name is Rebecca. Feel free to use it or my username :wink:


  • howdeelightful
    Hey everyone!! I am due May 23rd. It will be the best anniversary present I can give my parents! This is my 3rd pregnancy. I have an almost 14 year old step-daughter, an almost 4 year old son, and we lost a baby at 11 weeks on December 16th of last year.

    My first OB appointment is on Oct 15th (great anniversary present for my hubby and I). My husband and I are waiting to announce the news publicly because of the miscarriage. We are going to wait until after the first trimester is over. We are planning on announcing it with a photo in with Christmas cards. :)

    Can't wait to hear everyone elses stories!! Oh, and my real name is Dorothy.
  • niccolebarnes
    niccolebarnes Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I'm due May 9th. This is my second. My first will be 4 and a few months when this next one comes around. My first appointment is this coming Monday.

    Rebecca - my son also has a Jan. b-day. I'm pretty excited the next one will be in May; however, I have a sinking suspicion I'll go early. I was 9 days early with my first and expect I might get an April baby instead.

    Nice to meet everyone and congrats!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey everyone!! I am due May 23rd. It will be the best anniversary present I can give my parents! This is my 3rd pregnancy. I have an almost 14 year old step-daughter, an almost 4 year old son, and we lost a baby at 11 weeks on December 16th of last year.

    My first OB appointment is on Oct 15th (great anniversary present for my hubby and I). My husband and I are waiting to announce the news publicly because of the miscarriage. We are going to wait until after the first trimester is over. We are planning on announcing it with a photo in with Christmas cards. :)

    Can't wait to hear everyone elses stories!! Oh, and my real name is Dorothy.

    My husband is all weird about announcing. Last time I told my sister (b/c she and I are super close, and I was really weirded out) the same day I got my BFP. For some reason he wants me to wait to tell my family (and he will hold off on telling his) until after my first doctor's appointment. It is going to be REALLY hard for me because I see my sister all the time (and we work out together)! So anyway, I have this weighing on me that I haven't told anyone :indifferent:
  • howdeelightful
    Rebecca, that would be SO hard! We are definately waiting because of the previous issues, but we agreed I could tell my mom. I am so close with her and have talked to her about it every day since we found out. :smile:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I'm due May 9th. This is my second. My first will be 4 and a few months when this next one comes around. My first appointment is this coming Monday.

    Rebecca - my son also has a Jan. b-day. I'm pretty excited the next one will be in May; however, I have a sinking suspicion I'll go early. I was 9 days early with my first and expect I might get an April baby instead.

    Nice to meet everyone and congrats!

    Congratulations to you, too! (Dorothy and I have made each other's acquaintance on here, so that's been said already!) May 9th is awesome - my b-day is May 10th, so I can tell you it's a good time to have a birthday! I expect to go early again - my son was 9 days early, and so if this one is early, too, then perhaps s/he will come closer to my birthday! (My mom's is the 14th, too, so a match with her would be awesome. My sister's is on the 8th, so regardless this baby will have a LOT of birthday company.)

    It just hit me that May 26th is my due date, and it's also my late grandmother's birthday :heart:

    I see you live in Marietta - we used to live outside of Atlanta (Lawrenceville), but my BIL and SIL live in Smyrna. I used to despise when I had to get over to that side of town because of traffic, but it was nice when I was there!

    Nice to "meet" you!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Rebecca, that would be SO hard! We are definately waiting because of the previous issues, but we agreed I could tell my mom. I am so close with her and have talked to her about it every day since we found out. :smile:

    I am thinking of telling my sister and only her because of our close proximity. She and I share EVERYTHING, and last time I was pregnant, she was 6 months pregnant with her second (and last) baby, so it kind of presented itself that way. This time it will come out of the blue because she didn't know we were TTC. I think I would feel more strange about keeping her in the dark for the next three weeks.
  • howdeelightful
    Rebecca, that would be SO hard! We are definately waiting because of the previous issues, but we agreed I could tell my mom. I am so close with her and have talked to her about it every day since we found out. :smile:

    I am thinking of telling my sister and only her because of our close proximity. She and I share EVERYTHING, and last time I was pregnant, she was 6 months pregnant with her second (and last) baby, so it kind of presented itself that way. This time it will come out of the blue because she didn't know we were TTC. I think I would feel more strange about keeping her in the dark for the next three weeks.

    Yeah, I don't think one person you trust not to tell others is bad. We need someone for support. The hubby is great, but it's not quite the same as my mom (or in your case, sister). I think if you explained it to him, he would understand. Sometimes they just need to us to explain our why to them. For example, last night I bought the first thing for the baby (a super cute yellow & white striped sleeper with a giraffe on the front a a giraffe's head on the butt :happy:) and his first reaction was "why did you buy that". Once I explained that I needed something visual to look at to help me get past all the fears I have been having of having another miscarriage, he completely understood. Now it is hanging in our closet, right in the middle, to remind each of us to think positive thoughts and not to dwell on the past misfortune.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Yay for May Babies!!

    My little jellybean's EDD is May 19th. So excited! This is my second pregnancy - my son will turn 2 years old in May as well - we are very excited that they will be close in age :)

    And since we are discussing telling people - We told our parents and local siblings this last weekend. We made a 7 minute video of a bunch of the things our son has learned in the last year (combo of pics and videos with music) and ended with him walking across the park trying to read a piece of paper we'd given him. He walks up to the camera and sets the paper on the floor and my husband got a shot of him looking at the camera & next to him you can read that the paper says "I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER in May!!!" And then the music cuts to Justin Beiber's "Baby - Baby - Baby - oh!!" and the three of us dance to it. It's really cute. Our parents loved it and everyone was crying when they figured it out.

    We posted it to a private youtube and sent the link to all the long distance relatives and NO ONE (seriously I can check the view count - no one) has gone to see it yet. We'll have to find another way to tell them since the video is probably too long for them to stay interested. But I'm not ready to post on facebook yet. I want it to be a more personal until we are a little further "out of the woods".
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Now it is hanging in our closet, right in the middle, to remind each of us to think positive thoughts and not to dwell on the past misfortune.

    This is so sweet! I love it! Sending positive thoughts to all of you ladies.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Now it is hanging in our closet, right in the middle, to remind each of us to think positive thoughts and not to dwell on the past misfortune.

    This is so sweet! I love it! Sending positive thoughts to all of you ladies.

    I agree, adorable! Definitely good vibes (and lots of prayers) being sent out :happy:

    Mormonmomma, I love your video idea, but we are just not that kind people, I guess. We're a lot more reserved. I am leaving it to my husband to tell his family, which is fine. His brother and wife (my BIL and SIL) I know are TTC before Christmas, so I am mildly psyched to have someone else pregnant simultaneously! In my family, a family member (my great-aunt) may not make it to the end of the week (she's 90 and has been sick for a while, so it's not out of the blue), so I don't really want to bring up the happy stuff while everyone is kind of taking in her potential departure, so to speak. I think we'll probably wait until after my first doctor's appointment to share, but I will probably tell my sister soon. Every time I talk to her, I feel like I'm lying to her or something. I trust her to keep it between us (and she's welcome to share with her husband). Facebook won't be for a while, though!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    We had talked about being "reserved" this time around (we spilled the beans before the stick had dried last time :laugh:) and we DID make it a full week before telling anyone. Guess we just are bad at secrets. Plus, if something we to go awry (Heaven forbid!) we are so close to our family that I would want them to know why I'm being crazy and have them keep us in their prayers. I totally understand waiting... I always think I'm going to wait - but I'm not patient enough. Bravo to all of you who have that ability!
  • howdeelightful
    Aww... thank you guys! :smile:

    It is killing me not to spill! With our first and second pregnancies, we told as soon as we found out. Although, I wouldn't make it "facebook official" until the families all know.

    Question for you all, are you planning on finding out the sex? Since this is our second, we are going to wait and be surprised.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Question for you ladies, since it appears that so far everyone is on at least their second pregnancy:

    How are your symptoms comparing (at this early stage) to past pregnancies?

    I probably weigh about 40 pounds less than I did last time I got pregnant, plus I exercise regularly now as opposed to zero before, so that might have something to do with my difference in symptoms. However, it is surprising.

    Last time I had bad cramping and MEGA sore boobs, like the shower hurt them and I couldn't sleep on my stomach. This time my boobs are only mildly sore, like they are before AF's arrival (and continue to be so), one more than the other. My cramping was bad (so bad I took Tylenol one day) a few days after I had implantation bleeding (which didn't happen the first time), but now it comes and goes and is pretty mild.

    Otherwise, I am starving all the time (I don't remember that from the first time around, but then again I was eating a lot to begin with), and I can't finish my morning coffee (I had no problem with that last time). After I drink it, my mouth feels gross, like I need to brush my teeth again, and so I chew sugarless mint gum for a few minutes.

    Last time I also had bad headaches starting this early and was starting to have food aversions (I pretty much avoided real nausea and am happy to say I didn't throw up once), but so far I'm pretty good as far as food aversions. I just want to eat everything, frankly. I've only had a couple of headaches that weren't that bad, and I've just been drinking more water to make them go away.

    I am also exhausted (sleepy, not physically exhausted) all the time, whereas last time I really didn't experience much fatigue. Then again I didn't have another child to care for, so I had all the time in the world after work and on the weekends to do nothing.

    I know this may all change in the next few weeks, but I am curious if anyone is experiencing different early pregnancy symptoms than in the past. Because my symptoms seem to be much milder this time, I am semi worried about finding out this is a chemical pregnancy or something. (I'm not freaking out, but it is a thought that is sort of nagging me.) I know every pregnancy is different.

    This time I starting taking prenatal vitamins as soon as we started TTC, and both cycles (we conceived on the second one) I took Expecta Lipil DHA every day from the point where I could possibly be pregnant. (I stopped taking it when AF arrived after the first cycle.) Last time I bought prenatal vitamins the first day I found out I was pregnant, and I got an Expecta sample in the middle of my pregnancy, so I took those but did not continue to purchase them (not sure why).

    Thanks for your insights!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Aww... thank you guys! :smile:

    It is killing me not to spill! With our first and second pregnancies, we told as soon as we found out. Although, I wouldn't make it "facebook official" until the families all know.

    Question for you all, are you planning on finding out the sex? Since this is our second, we are going to wait and be surprised.

    We did not find out with our son, and we have decided not to find out this time. As much as it kills me to not be able to prepare clothes, it's not a big deal. Because we didn't know if our son would be a boy or a girl, we had a lot of gender neutral newborn and 0-3 month clothes.

    I thought it was great not knowing, and the only time I felt weird about it was after the 20-week ultrasound, but only because I found it strange that the ultrasound tech knew, but we didn't. My OB told me that she doesn't even want to know because she once accidentally spilled the beans to a patient and doesn't want to make that mistake! Otherwise it didn't bother me not to know, but I guess that's because I didn't think about it and because I knew we'd know sooner or later. My mom was convinced that I knew, and to this day she doesn't believe me when I swear up and down that we let it be a surprise.

    I kind of knew I was having a boy, though, based on the fact that it seems to be a rule for the women in my family that you must have two boys before you're allowed to have a girl (so I'm guessing it's a boy this time, too, which is cool with me). We had a shortlist of names for both boys and girls, and we figured we would choose a name when s/he arrived. We also did not share name selections beforehand because everyone has an opinion, and I didn't want to deal with negative reactions, perceived or otherwise. We cut it down to two names in the hospital, and the super awesome OB nurse helped us choose between the two. (Thomas Elliott was what we picked - we named him Thomas after St. Thomas More and Elliott was just a middle name that we liked that means "The Lord is my God.")

    I recommend the wait-and-see approach :) Most women I know who did both said that they liked not knowing better.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hello, cautiously stepping in.

    This is my 3rd pregnancy, I have a daughter who is 4 in January. Sadly I had an mmc in April at 12 weeks so I'm terribly nervous this time around. Taking each day as it comes and be hopeful. I have a 30-32 day cycle so
    My adjusted due date is likely 23rd may.

    I will make an appt I see the mw soon, she will then refer me onto scans and the ob. At least that's how it works in the uk.

    For my previous preg I told 4 o my work colleagues ( all in their late 40s and grandmothers) and my sister and in laws. This time around I will probably do the same. The support I got from them during the time of my mmc was invaluable. So will do the same this time around.

    As for symptoms- sore boobs and tiredness seem to be the main culprits.
  • howdeelightful
    Question for you ladies, since it appears that so far everyone is on at least their second pregnancy:

    How are your symptoms comparing (at this early stage) to past pregnancies?

    This pregnancy is much different than my first two. With my first, my only really symptoms were fatigue, FREQUENT urination, and heartburn. The only things that would make me sick was the prenatal pills, so after trying 7 different brands, my ob finally said not to take them. I would become nauseous with the smell of pickles and baked beans, but thankfully no vomiting from it.

    This time around, it is like a roller coaster already! I am starving all day long, however, in the mornings I am nauseous after eating. No vomitting yet, and I hope it stays that way!! My boobs are incredibly heavy and tender. I have to pee even more than I did with the first pregnancy. I have been having mild cramping (which I freaked out about, but the nurse says is OK). I am exhausted (not physically) by, well, by about now. lol I am also have lower back pain.

    On a positive note, at least this time I have been able to take my prenatals. I have been taking them since we started TTC.
  • howdeelightful

    We did not find out with our son, and we have decided not to find out this time. As much as it kills me to not be able to prepare clothes, it's not a big deal. Because we didn't know if our son would be a boy or a girl, we had a lot of gender neutral newborn and 0-3 month clothes.

    I thought it was great not knowing, and the only time I felt weird about it was after the 20-week ultrasound, but only because I found it strange that the ultrasound tech knew, but we didn't. My OB told me that she doesn't even want to know because she once accidentally spilled the beans to a patient and doesn't want to make that mistake! Otherwise it didn't bother me not to know, but I guess that's because I didn't think about it and because I knew we'd know sooner or later. My mom was convinced that I knew, and to this day she doesn't believe me when I swear up and down that we let it be a surprise.

    I kind of knew I was having a boy, though, based on the fact that it seems to be a rule for the women in my family that you must have two boys before you're allowed to have a girl (so I'm guessing it's a boy this time, too, which is cool with me). We had a shortlist of names for both boys and girls, and we figured we would choose a name when s/he arrived. We also did not share name selections beforehand because everyone has an opinion, and I didn't want to deal with negative reactions, perceived or otherwise. We cut it down to two names in the hospital, and the super awesome OB nurse helped us choose between the two. (Thomas Elliott was what we picked - we named him Thomas after St. Thomas More and Elliott was just a middle name that we liked that means "The Lord is my God.")

    I recommend the wait-and-see approach :) Most women I know who did both said that they liked not knowing better.

    My biggest thing is that if we have a girl, I want to make sure she has lots of cute, girly things since I had a boy last time. lol :happy:

    I am really excited about not knowing though. I think it will make it more special when we have him/her. We already have a girls name picked out (since we had a boy last time), so we have already been working on a boys name. I'm impatient if you can't tell. lol I have already set up a brand spanking new Pinterest account to pin all things baby!! :laugh:
  • howdeelightful
    Hello, cautiously stepping in.

    This is my 3rd pregnancy, I have a daughter who is 4 in January. Sadly I had an mmc in April at 12 weeks so I'm terribly nervous this time around. Taking each day as it comes and be hopeful. I have a 30-32 day cycle so
    My adjusted due date is likely 23rd may.

    I will make an appt I see the mw soon, she will then refer me onto scans and the ob. At least that's how it works in the uk.

    For my previous preg I told 4 o my work colleagues ( all in their late 40s and grandmothers) and my sister and in laws. This time around I will probably do the same. The support I got from them during the time of my mmc was invaluable. So will do the same this time around.

    As for symptoms- sore boobs and tiredness seem to be the main culprits.

    Hi Maria! Welcome to our group!! First, CONGRATS!!!! It sounds like we have very similar stories. My little boy will be 4 in Nov, I had a miscarriage in Dec, and I am due May 23rd. :happy:

    I understand the support thing, that is why we agreed to go ahead and tell my mom. Then, we can tell anyone else if that time comoes up. I am also extremely nervous this time around. I have been over-analyzing EVERYTHING. Just keep thinking positive thoughts, and it has really helped me to kind of throw myself into the planning/excitement of it all (hence the previous post about Pinterest). I also bought a sleeper so that I have that visual reminder everyday. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well, and I hope we both have beautiful babies on May 23rd!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Question for you ladies, since it appears that so far everyone is on at least their second pregnancy:

    How are your symptoms comparing (at this early stage) to past pregnancies?

    This pregnancy is much different than my first two. With my first, my only really symptoms were fatigue, FREQUENT urination, and heartburn. The only things that would make me sick was the prenatal pills, so after trying 7 different brands, my ob finally said not to take them. I would become nauseous with the smell of pickles and baked beans, but thankfully no vomiting from it.

    This time around, it is like a roller coaster already! I am starving all day long, however, in the mornings I am nauseous after eating. No vomitting yet, and I hope it stays that way!! My boobs are incredibly heavy and tender. I have to pee even more than I did with the first pregnancy. I have been having mild cramping (which I freaked out about, but the nurse says is OK). I am exhausted (not physically) by, well, by about now. lol I am also have lower back pain.

    On a positive note, at least this time I have been able to take my prenatals. I have been taking them since we started TTC.

    Glad to hear not only that I'm not the only one with totally different symptoms this time around but also that you've been able to take your prenatals! I bet that was frustrating, especially because those vitamins are not cheap!

    I think part of my thing is that I am all excited to get new maternity clothes, to bring the baby stuff back out, and to think about what setup we're going to do for our son because he will need to be in a regular bed by the time we have the new baby. I am also anxious to tell family because I waited a long time last time, and it really weighed on me. Last time I was in a weird state of denial, and I didn't read any pregnancy message boards or look things up online. I bought maternity clothes only when I needed them. Now I have done all these things pretty much since the second I had a BFP! So maybe I'm just being paranoid, like I am almost too happy and excited to do this again, like we were too lucky to conceive again so quickly, that something is going to rain on the parade.

    That said, I definitely want my sister to know I am pregnant in case anything bad happened. I'd go nuts if I had to try to explain it after the fact. Everyone else can wait a bit, but I am anxious to get that part out of the way so that I don't have it hanging over my head for so long like last time.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hello, cautiously stepping in.

    This is my 3rd pregnancy, I have a daughter who is 4 in January. Sadly I had an mmc in April at 12 weeks so I'm terribly nervous this time around. Taking each day as it comes and be hopeful. I have a 30-32 day cycle so
    My adjusted due date is likely 23rd may.

    I will make an appt I see the mw soon, she will then refer me onto scans and the ob. At least that's how it works in the uk.

    For my previous preg I told 4 o my work colleagues ( all in their late 40s and grandmothers) and my sister and in laws. This time around I will probably do the same. The support I got from them during the time of my mmc was invaluable. So will do the same this time around.

    As for symptoms- sore boobs and tiredness seem to be the main culprits.

    Welcome, and congratulations! Best wishes and good thoughts and prayers for you!