May 2013 Due Dates



  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    I am due in May 2013, this has been quite the ride so far. We were not planning anymore children, matter of fact I still had my paragard IUD. The doctor was able to remove about 75% of it (all but a piece of one of the arms that makes up the "T"). We have three boys, my stepson who will be 10 in January, our son who will be 8 in a matter of days and our youngest who just turned 4. I am so far perfectly fine, no morning sickness or cramping or anything except that I am very hungry all the time it seems, which is frustrating me. The doctor seemed to think that with the amount of weight that I have lost that it caused the IUD to shift and then the IUD shifted enough to break....I am having a hard time coping with this. My husband and the rest of our family who we have told are very excited, which is making it hard for me since I am not terribly excited yet. It makes me feel bad that I am not, I just felt like I had started to do some things for me for once and not that all that is lost, but I wasn't exactly ready to be on the back burner again anytime soon! I suppose to add to the hungry list...this has been very emotional for me and it is hard for me to figure out what is straight up hormones and what is actual sadness. We have another ultrasound on the 25th, so that will be fun...God doesn't give you what you can't handle right? :) And he sure as hell has a sense of humor! LOL
  • christinato
    christinato Posts: 10 Member
    hi everyone.
    i'm due may 20th.
    this is my 5th pregnancy and hopefully (fingers crossed) first baby.

    I've been banned from exercise by my OBGYN as my cervix isn't good, they are pretty certain that's why I lost my twins in July at almost 9 weeks.
    so trying to keep my weight stable through watching my diet.
    Doesn't help i'm having massive issues with my digestive track at the mo. heaps of foods hate me, and I've just been diagnosed as "severely allergic" to milk, milk proteins and associated proteins, so i'm still adjusting to what I can eat and how much of certain food groups is my limit
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am due in May 2013, this has been quite the ride so far. We were not planning anymore children, matter of fact I still had my paragard IUD. The doctor was able to remove about 75% of it (all but a piece of one of the arms that makes up the "T"). We have three boys, my stepson who will be 10 in January, our son who will be 8 in a matter of days and our youngest who just turned 4. I am so far perfectly fine, no morning sickness or cramping or anything except that I am very hungry all the time it seems, which is frustrating me. The doctor seemed to think that with the amount of weight that I have lost that it caused the IUD to shift and then the IUD shifted enough to break....I am having a hard time coping with this. My husband and the rest of our family who we have told are very excited, which is making it hard for me since I am not terribly excited yet. It makes me feel bad that I am not, I just felt like I had started to do some things for me for once and not that all that is lost, but I wasn't exactly ready to be on the back burner again anytime soon! I suppose to add to the hungry list...this has been very emotional for me and it is hard for me to figure out what is straight up hormones and what is actual sadness. We have another ultrasound on the 25th, so that will be fun...God doesn't give you what you can't handle right? :) And he sure as hell has a sense of humor! LOL

    Hi there,

    Welcome and congratulations! I am sorry to hear you had issues with your IUD. I know lots of people who've had them, and they generally don't cause issues, but when they do, it's not easy to deal with. As far as not being excited yet, I can understand where you're coming from. I only have one child, but there was a good stretch of time when I felt like I didn't want another because I was just getting back to being me again, and I didn't want to start over (and have to be pregnant and breastfeeding and all that). I liked having my autonomy and being able to focus on my own health and fitness, plus my son was getting to the point where he was starting to gain that toddler independence (which, after an infant, is AWESOME). I think that is a totally normal feeling to have, and for me it just eventually faded as I realized how great it would be for my son to have a brother or sister. I realized that what I was going to go through was temporary, and in the end I thought I might regret having only one child. Additionally, the first time I was pregnant, I wasn't that excited. I wasn't *not* excited - I was just very matter-of-fact about it. I am excited this time, but I definitely remember not feeling this way last time. Not everyone goes around feeling like their pregnancy is the best thing going, so remember that it's ok to be ho-hum about it. I'm sure you know you will love your baby like no other, and you will adapt to life with a new baby again! Keep in mind that your two oldest boys will be old enough to help out, too :smile:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    hi everyone.
    i'm due may 20th.
    this is my 5th pregnancy and hopefully (fingers crossed) first baby.

    I've been banned from exercise by my OBGYN as my cervix isn't good, they are pretty certain that's why I lost my twins in July at almost 9 weeks.
    so trying to keep my weight stable through watching my diet.
    Doesn't help i'm having massive issues with my digestive track at the mo. heaps of foods hate me, and I've just been diagnosed as "severely allergic" to milk, milk proteins and associated proteins, so i'm still adjusting to what I can eat and how much of certain food groups is my limit

    Thank you for joining us, and congratulations :) I am so sorry about your past losses. I will definitely keep you in my prayers for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby!

    As far as what to eat, are you allowed to eat soy protein? I have issues with large amounts of soy protein (so soy milk is out of the question, but I can eat foods with soy in smaller amounts), and it is REALLY uncomfortable and mimics severe lactose intolerance/allergies. (That's what I thought it was at first until I realized I felt like I wanted to die after drinking soy milk, whereas regular milk did not have that effect.) I used to like a soy milk called Soy Slender. The chocolate was awesome, and it didn't have a lot of added sugar, unlike a lot of other flavored soy milks. The only problem was that it used to be hard to find. When I lived in MI and GA, I could find it at Kroger in the natural foods section (though it was not very expensive). If you are in the US, Kroger is pretty widespread, as are other supermarkets in the Kroger family.

    Almond milk may be a good alternative, too, and I think it tastes better than soy milk. Otherwise you may want to stick with meat and nuts to get your protein.

    Best wishes, and keep us posted on your progress!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    According to my calculations I am due May 18th, which is less than 2 weeks after my sons birthday who will be 2 this May. But this pregnancy is different! I know I am pregnant but I dont quite feel it maybe it hasnt fully hit me idk.....I have been urinating more than I remember and I am a lot more tired. I only weigh about 18lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with my first, so I am trying to stay below my starting weight with him at the end of this one. I became border line preeclampsia with him when my weight got high, although I only gained 20lbs with him, it made a difference and I dont want to become that again if I can avaoid it. Just wasnt worth it. I have been working out since July bc we joined the gym and I have now given up my classes bc of a new full time job and the intensity.....I tried doing moderations, but my stomache just hurt after like it was stretched too much and it isnt worth it....I am even having a hard time lifting weights now...even though I am doing light weights with more reps vs what I was doing before I do still feel it sometimes..its just odd bc idk what to do exercise wise besides swim that wouldn't cause my stomache to feel this pulling...I try biking and running a mile a day which isnt too bad, but idk I didnt exercise much last pregnancy except walking...and I seem to be gaining weight like its nothing...I havent been tracking like normal but I havent been eating bad at all and it seems like the weight has creeped up in a few weeks...idk what to do...I worked hard to lose almost 40lbs after I had my son and I maintained when I stopped tracking and now I have gained 6lbs.....and I dont get it =/....any suggestions or help for exercise ideas and why I may be gaining so rapidly all of a sudden?
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone, I am due may 28th! And I'm extremely shocked to even be saying this! Completely unplanned! I am 42! I have 2 children, 14 and 5 and certainly wasn't having anymore, or so I thought! I have sold or given away all my baby stuff!

    I am taking each day as it comes as I am in a high miscarriage risk group and haven't told many people as yet and certainly not my 2 boys!

    Hope to continue this journey with you all x

    Jules x
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    According to my calculations I am due May 18th, which is less than 2 weeks after my sons birthday who will be 2 this May. But this pregnancy is different! I know I am pregnant but I dont quite feel it maybe it hasnt fully hit me idk.....I have been urinating more than I remember and I am a lot more tired. I only weigh about 18lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with my first, so I am trying to stay below my starting weight with him at the end of this one. I became border line preeclampsia with him when my weight got high, although I only gained 20lbs with him, it made a difference and I dont want to become that again if I can avaoid it. Just wasnt worth it. I have been working out since July bc we joined the gym and I have now given up my classes bc of a new full time job and the intensity.....I tried doing moderations, but my stomache just hurt after like it was stretched too much and it isnt worth it....I am even having a hard time lifting weights now...even though I am doing light weights with more reps vs what I was doing before I do still feel it sometimes..its just odd bc idk what to do exercise wise besides swim that wouldn't cause my stomache to feel this pulling...I try biking and running a mile a day which isnt too bad, but idk I didnt exercise much last pregnancy except walking...and I seem to be gaining weight like its nothing...I havent been tracking like normal but I havent been eating bad at all and it seems like the weight has creeped up in a few weeks...idk what to do...I worked hard to lose almost 40lbs after I had my son and I maintained when I stopped tracking and now I have gained 6lbs.....and I dont get it =/....any suggestions or help for exercise ideas and why I may be gaining so rapidly all of a sudden?

    Good for you on keeping tabs on your weight - I pray you don't have issues with preeclampsia again! That can be very scary.

    In one of the weight gain threads, someone mentioned water weight and such because of the progesterone. I had never thought of that. My boobs are rather full, too, so there's that. Also, because you may have been eating at a deficit, and you're not anymore, your body might be like, "Ooh, calories!" and is letting you gain a bit, especially if you've had to cut back on working out. If you haven't already, I would set your calories to maintenance and see if that works.

    If it makes you feel better, I've put on 3 pounds (I think) since getting my BFP. I think it's partially my boobs but also I have been slacking on exercise due to a hectic work schedule. Now that the evenings and mornings are comfortably cool where I live, I need to pick up some more runs or at least good walks. I don't mind the 3 pounds; it's the continuing to gain when I am at a point where I shouldn't really be gaining that bothers me. So hopefully getting some better exercise will keep it in check.

    Anyhow, I recommend swimming and walking if those are all you can handle. Maybe just do them a little longer? Or walk on a treadmill on an incline? Since you have a gym membership, can you do the elliptical? (It's not my favorite machine, but it's better than nothing.)

    I hope that helps :flowerforyou:

    ETA welcome, and congratulations!!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi everyone, I am due may 28th! And I'm extremely shocked to even be saying this! Completely unplanned! I am 42! I have 2 children, 14 and 5 and certainly wasn't having anymore, or so I thought! I have sold or given away all my baby stuff!

    I am taking each day as it comes as I am in a high miscarriage risk group and haven't told many people as yet and certainly not my 2 boys!

    Hope to continue this journey with you all x

    Jules x

    Welcome, and congratulations!

    Way to surprise yourself, huh? Even though you sold all your stuff, it all changes so fast, especially with safety and recalls, and there are always new conveniences. If your youngest is 5, then chances are you would not have been able to re-use his car seat, his crib, and some of his other stuff. (Car seats do have expiration dates because plastic does break down over time, especially in a car where the temperature is always changing from extremes to comfortable temperatures.) This is why craigslist is so wonderful. I've purchased lots of boys' clothes (I don't mean a lot but large lots of clothes) for a bargain, and it's also great for lightly used baby gear. I know they do have sites for different parts of the UK.

    Congratulations again, and keep us posted on your progress!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    According to my calculations I am due May 18th, which is less than 2 weeks after my sons birthday who will be 2 this May. But this pregnancy is different! I know I am pregnant but I dont quite feel it maybe it hasnt fully hit me idk.....I have been urinating more than I remember and I am a lot more tired. I only weigh about 18lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with my first, so I am trying to stay below my starting weight with him at the end of this one. I became border line preeclampsia with him when my weight got high, although I only gained 20lbs with him, it made a difference and I dont want to become that again if I can avaoid it. Just wasnt worth it. I have been working out since July bc we joined the gym and I have now given up my classes bc of a new full time job and the intensity.....I tried doing moderations, but my stomache just hurt after like it was stretched too much and it isnt worth it....I am even having a hard time lifting weights now...even though I am doing light weights with more reps vs what I was doing before I do still feel it sometimes..its just odd bc idk what to do exercise wise besides swim that wouldn't cause my stomache to feel this pulling...I try biking and running a mile a day which isnt too bad, but idk I didnt exercise much last pregnancy except walking...and I seem to be gaining weight like its nothing...I havent been tracking like normal but I havent been eating bad at all and it seems like the weight has creeped up in a few weeks...idk what to do...I worked hard to lose almost 40lbs after I had my son and I maintained when I stopped tracking and now I have gained 6lbs.....and I dont get it =/....any suggestions or help for exercise ideas and why I may be gaining so rapidly all of a sudden?

    Good for you on keeping tabs on your weight - I pray you don't have issues with preeclampsia again! That can be very scary.

    In one of the weight gain threads, someone mentioned water weight and such because of the progesterone. I had never thought of that. My boobs are rather full, too, so there's that. Also, because you may have been eating at a deficit, and you're not anymore, your body might be like, "Ooh, calories!" and is letting you gain a bit, especially if you've had to cut back on working out. If you haven't already, I would set your calories to maintenance and see if that works.

    If it makes you feel better, I've put on 3 pounds (I think) since getting my BFP. I think it's partially my boobs but also I have been slacking on exercise due to a hectic work schedule. Now that the evenings and mornings are comfortably cool where I live, I need to pick up some more runs or at least good walks. I don't mind the 3 pounds; it's the continuing to gain when I am at a point where I shouldn't really be gaining that bothers me. So hopefully getting some better exercise will keep it in check.

    Anyhow, I recommend swimming and walking if those are all you can handle. Maybe just do them a little longer? Or walk on a treadmill on an incline? Since you have a gym membership, can you do the elliptical? (It's not my favorite machine, but it's better than nothing.)

    I hope that helps :flowerforyou:

    ETA welcome, and congratulations!!!

    Thank you! I hate the elliptical, idk why but it is so much more boring than the treadmill, I just love to run, so the elliptical just doesnt do it for me lol. I feel like I can handle the treadmill and weights, it just seems like I am feeling the stretching in my stomache and thats what worries me about continuing...what do you think? You are probably right about the water weight and I am actually at losing 1lb a week vs maintaining atm bc I am still so heavy....I am just going to keep drinking my liquids and hopefully the water weight will go away and I can gain some confidence back =/.....we havent told anyone except a couple friends, but we are waiting to tell people until we find out what we are having or we get our second vehicle..I am sure I am just a little stressed and thats not helping my weight. I appreciate the feedback =)!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    how is everyone doing? gosh my boobs are huge! i think im up about 2-3lbs already! could be my holiday gain from last week or could be my boobs/bloatedness. Tiredness is my pain symptom at the moment, including sore boobs and some nausea which comes and goes. i think im between 5+1- 5+3.

    Im laying off strenous exercise coz of my previous mmc until ive had my scan. So even though it pains me- no zumba or running until ive got the all clear. I will be doing modified versions of some Jillian Michaels workouts when i can. I find that im lacking in energy! but then this is the last week of my annual leave so it could be that! back to work next week and to long days! I am feeling more positive about this pregnancy now. My little one is suddenly very very clingy! Im not sure if she knows! My mum says that kids have this inner sense. After all, 3 days to my testing she said i had a baby in my tummy! so who knows!

    Have a good day everyone, eat well, rest up and exercise if you can/
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    According to my calculations I am due May 18th, which is less than 2 weeks after my sons birthday who will be 2 this May. But this pregnancy is different! I know I am pregnant but I dont quite feel it maybe it hasnt fully hit me idk.....I have been urinating more than I remember and I am a lot more tired. I only weigh about 18lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with my first, so I am trying to stay below my starting weight with him at the end of this one. I became border line preeclampsia with him when my weight got high, although I only gained 20lbs with him, it made a difference and I dont want to become that again if I can avaoid it. Just wasnt worth it. I have been working out since July bc we joined the gym and I have now given up my classes bc of a new full time job and the intensity.....I tried doing moderations, but my stomache just hurt after like it was stretched too much and it isnt worth it....I am even having a hard time lifting weights now...even though I am doing light weights with more reps vs what I was doing before I do still feel it sometimes..its just odd bc idk what to do exercise wise besides swim that wouldn't cause my stomache to feel this pulling...I try biking and running a mile a day which isnt too bad, but idk I didnt exercise much last pregnancy except walking...and I seem to be gaining weight like its nothing...I havent been tracking like normal but I havent been eating bad at all and it seems like the weight has creeped up in a few weeks...idk what to do...I worked hard to lose almost 40lbs after I had my son and I maintained when I stopped tracking and now I have gained 6lbs.....and I dont get it =/....any suggestions or help for exercise ideas and why I may be gaining so rapidly all of a sudden?

    Good for you on keeping tabs on your weight - I pray you don't have issues with preeclampsia again! That can be very scary.

    In one of the weight gain threads, someone mentioned water weight and such because of the progesterone. I had never thought of that. My boobs are rather full, too, so there's that. Also, because you may have been eating at a deficit, and you're not anymore, your body might be like, "Ooh, calories!" and is letting you gain a bit, especially if you've had to cut back on working out. If you haven't already, I would set your calories to maintenance and see if that works.

    If it makes you feel better, I've put on 3 pounds (I think) since getting my BFP. I think it's partially my boobs but also I have been slacking on exercise due to a hectic work schedule. Now that the evenings and mornings are comfortably cool where I live, I need to pick up some more runs or at least good walks. I don't mind the 3 pounds; it's the continuing to gain when I am at a point where I shouldn't really be gaining that bothers me. So hopefully getting some better exercise will keep it in check.

    Anyhow, I recommend swimming and walking if those are all you can handle. Maybe just do them a little longer? Or walk on a treadmill on an incline? Since you have a gym membership, can you do the elliptical? (It's not my favorite machine, but it's better than nothing.)

    I hope that helps :flowerforyou:

    ETA welcome, and congratulations!!!

    Thank you! I hate the elliptical, idk why but it is so much more boring than the treadmill, I just love to run, so the elliptical just doesnt do it for me lol. I feel like I can handle the treadmill and weights, it just seems like I am feeling the stretching in my stomache and thats what worries me about continuing...what do you think? You are probably right about the water weight and I am actually at losing 1lb a week vs maintaining atm bc I am still so heavy....I am just going to keep drinking my liquids and hopefully the water weight will go away and I can gain some confidence back =/.....we havent told anyone except a couple friends, but we are waiting to tell people until we find out what we are having or we get our second vehicle..I am sure I am just a little stressed and thats not helping my weight. I appreciate the feedback =)!

    I don't blame you about the elliptical - BORING! I would just take each workout one at a time and do what you can do. Some days running may feel totally ok, and other days just a walk may feel terribly. I am trying to go by how I feel, especially since some days I am more tired than others. Weights are good, too, especially if you are not feeling up to running or walking, but they are really important. I definitely need to work on that!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    how is everyone doing? gosh my boobs are huge! i think im up about 2-3lbs already! could be my holiday gain from last week or could be my boobs/bloatedness. Tiredness is my pain symptom at the moment, including sore boobs and some nausea which comes and goes. i think im between 5+1- 5+3.

    Im laying off strenous exercise coz of my previous mmc until ive had my scan. So even though it pains me- no zumba or running until ive got the all clear. I will be doing modified versions of some Jillian Michaels workouts when i can. I find that im lacking in energy! but then this is the last week of my annual leave so it could be that! back to work next week and to long days! I am feeling more positive about this pregnancy now. My little one is suddenly very very clingy! Im not sure if she knows! My mum says that kids have this inner sense. After all, 3 days to my testing she said i had a baby in my tummy! so who knows!

    Have a good day everyone, eat well, rest up and exercise if you can/

    That is so funny about your little girl! For the past couple of weeks my son has randomly been saying "baby" to me. That is not a word he ever used, so I don't know if he picked it up at school or what. I didn't think much of it until you said that.

    I am estimated to be 5w1d today. My boobs are definitely fuller; I wouldn't say bigger, but because of my last pregnancy and subsequent weight loss, they've been "a little sad," as I like to say. The side of my right boob still hurts, and my left one is still a little tender if I really feel for it. I am not cramping anymore but get occasional twinges and heaviness in my uterus. I have yet to experience any morning sickness or food aversions (I escaped ms and only had food aversions the first time), and today I was able to stomach my coffee without issue (all last week I couldn't even finish one small cup). I am still pretty hungry all the time, though. I am nervous because of my lack of symptoms compared to my last pregnancy (when I had mega sore boobs and food aversions hit pretty early), but this morning (TMI alert) I blew my nose and had bloody boogers in my left nostril. Last time I was pregnant this was a regular occurrence, plus I had regular bloody noses, which are generally very rare for me (maybe once a year at most). I felt so not pregnant yesterday that I contemplated going out and buying another pregnancy test to see if I am still pregnant! I feel "more pregnant" today but still not as much as last time. I guess I just need to let it go, that there is nothing I can do but keep my body healthy and hope for the best. My first OB appointment is in two weeks, and I am very anxious for a good ultrasound!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    @RBXCHas: i also have days where my symptoms are pretty much zero apart from the tiredness. i guess it our bodies getting used to hormones. dont have many food averions yet thankfully. with my daughter, i went off nearly all food apart from bread and baked beans in my first trimester!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies.

    Thought I'd check in and read up on how all of you are doing. To the new gals - Welcome & congrats (even if unplanned! lol).

    I've got sore boobs too (Husband is impressed with the swelling - but not happy I've instituted a no touching rule - those bad boys hurt!!). I am VERY jealous of the "not feeling pregnant" crowd. My nausea won't let me forget :(

    I'm also suffering from "the shakes" - which my OBGYN friend thinks is due to high insulin sensitivity? It's something I'll have to look into but she recommended no carbs before lunch for a week to see if the shaking gets any better. I seem to remember getting really shaky with my first pregnancy if I ate too many carbs too (which is a shame cus I LOVE carbs).

    I am going to try accupuncture for the nausea and see if that helps at all. Also - on my walks this weekend my hips started aching SO BAD - so I'm trying to get into the chiropractor as soon as possible.

    I did call my OBGYN's office to set up for first appt and they can't get me in until October 24th - thats 5 weeks away! Yikes! I wasn't even going to call for a few more weeks but started getting worried this weekend and I'm glad I did, because I'll be 11 weeks by the time I get in to see her & by then I just know my Hyperemesis will be in full swing. YUCK. This time around I think I'll get Vitamin B shots and see if that helps too.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    @RBXCHas: i also have days where my symptoms are pretty much zero apart from the tiredness. i guess it our bodies getting used to hormones. dont have many food averions yet thankfully. with my daughter, i went off nearly all food apart from bread and baked beans in my first trimester!

    Thank you - this makes me feel better! I am still tired every night by about 8PM (as in, totally ready for bed). I've been falling asleep earlier, which is the upside, I guess. I am just so surprised at how little my boobs are sore and how I am totally cool with food/food smells, which is such a change from last time. I'm sure all is well, and I'm just being a spaz. Two weeks (plus a day) isn't that long to wait to see the doctor, especially considering the two week wait I already endured for a BFP!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey ladies.

    Thought I'd check in and read up on how all of you are doing. To the new gals - Welcome & congrats (even if unplanned! lol).

    I've got sore boobs too (Husband is impressed with the swelling - but not happy I've instituted a no touching rule - those bad boys hurt!!). I am VERY jealous of the "not feeling pregnant" crowd. My nausea won't let me forget :(

    I'm also suffering from "the shakes" - which my OBGYN friend thinks is due to high insulin sensitivity? It's something I'll have to look into but she recommended no carbs before lunch for a week to see if the shaking gets any better. I seem to remember getting really shaky with my first pregnancy if I ate too many carbs too (which is a shame cus I LOVE carbs).

    I am going to try accupuncture for the nausea and see if that helps at all. Also - on my walks this weekend my hips started aching SO BAD - so I'm trying to get into the chiropractor as soon as possible.

    I did call my OBGYN's office to set up for first appt and they can't get me in until October 24th - thats 5 weeks away! Yikes! I wasn't even going to call for a few more weeks but started getting worried this weekend and I'm glad I did, because I'll be 11 weeks by the time I get in to see her & by then I just know my Hyperemesis will be in full swing. YUCK. This time around I think I'll get Vitamin B shots and see if that helps too.

    That is surprising about how long it is taking for your OB to see you. Considering you're now a pregnant patient, I'm surprised they aren't fitting you in so that they can see you earlier. But I guess if you love your doctor, then I'd just keep your appointment! I hope you don't feel as sick as you have in the past. That's hard to deal with when you are getting "the shakes," which I got the week before my BFP and have still been getting from time to time. It's interesting that your OB said to limit carbs in the morning. I eat a pretty high protein breakfast anyway (protein shakes or bars), but what has kept the shakes at bay is lots of small, protein-rich meals. It is so uncomfortable when that happens, and all I want to do is lie down and rest until I feel my energy return, not to mention that I turn into a super cranky monster when I have low blood sugar.

    I hope your nausea disappears!!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I saw someone on one of the boards got a doppler that she bought off of craigslist for $60. I messaged her privately to get the brand, etc., then I found it through Google Shopping for $60 with free shipping... Anyhow, I have considered getting this. It looks like what they used at the beginning of my OB visits, before the doctor came in to do measurements. I think it is for use either at or after 12 weeks, but the reviews say that people heard heartbeats as early as 10 weeks. It looks pretty cool to me, and I think it would be a fun tool to have.{keyword}&gclid=CID-mILXzrICFQgGnQodFEUACA

    What are your thoughts on this? Do you own something like this?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member

    That is surprising about how long it is taking for your OB to see you. Considering you're now a pregnant patient, I'm surprised they aren't fitting you in so that they can see you earlier. But I guess if you love your doctor, then I'd just keep your appointment! I hope you don't feel as sick as you have in the past. That's hard to deal with when you are getting "the shakes," which I got the week before my BFP and have still been getting from time to time. It's interesting that your OB said to limit carbs in the morning. I eat a pretty high protein breakfast anyway (protein shakes or bars), but what has kept the shakes at bay is lots of small, protein-rich meals. It is so uncomfortable when that happens, and all I want to do is lie down and rest until I feel my energy return, not to mention that I turn into a super cranky monster when I have low blood sugar.

    I hope your nausea disappears!!!

    When I called, I just talked to the receptionist at the "scheduling desk" and she suggested calling back in tomorrow and asking to speak to my OB's nurse to see if they can't get me in sooner (I think they will - just based on the "schedule" they don't have room for me til then). I do think I failed to mention that I am already 6 weeks along - that probably would have pushed me into a higher priority but I didn't really think about it.

    And the friend that suggested limiting morning carbs is an OB (and used to be my doctor - but she is now a stay at home mom) but she didn't really get a thorough check on whats going on with me - I had just mentioned that I was feeling shaky and she threw it out as a suggestion. Figured trying it for a week can't hurt - although carbs are pretty much all I'm craving! And YES! All I want to do is lay down til I feel better, but my coworkers might give me a funny look :tongue:

    AND the doppler looks like it would be fun to have - if you get it you'll have to give us a review!
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    I am not suffering with any symptoms yet! I'm exhausted but as a nurse I have just worked a series of manic nights with a couple of day shifts thrown in, so could be that. Funnily enough, I was nauseous and dizzy for a few days, in what I now realise, was a week post conception.

    Hopefully, this isn't a bad sign!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I saw someone on one of the boards got a doppler that she bought off of craigslist for $60. I messaged her privately to get the brand, etc., then I found it through Google Shopping for $60 with free shipping... Anyhow, I have considered getting this. It looks like what they used at the beginning of my OB visits, before the doctor came in to do measurements. I think it is for use either at or after 12 weeks, but the reviews say that people heard heartbeats as early as 10 weeks. It looks pretty cool to me, and I think it would be a fun tool to have.{keyword}&gclid=CID-mILXzrICFQgGnQodFEUACA

    What are your thoughts on this? Do you own something like this?

    I wanted to get one with my first pregnancy, but my hubby wont let me...he is worried it would do me more harm than good bc if I couldnt find the babies heartbeat I would freak out...he is right...I know with my first even at the doctors office it would sometimes take a while and Id freak! So I dont need