May 2013 Due Dates



  • howdeelightful
    Went to the first doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything looks good. HR of 148.

    Unfortunately, my level of patience is at an all time low. It took 2 hours for me to get through the appointment. I was stuck in a waiting room with a woman who had 3 children (one of which screamed for 30 min. straight) while she blared angry birds on her phone. I almost snapped.

    Anyone else have some raging mood swings?

    Yes, I have had some SERIOUS mood swings. I just lack patience overall these days. I am usually not so impatient! But what that lady did was obnoxious. My OB's office has a no-child policy, unless it's your newborn for your postpartum check-up, and though I see people breaking it, it's never egregious enough for me to care.

    Glad you had a good doctor's appointment, though!

    I am also having very serious mood swings lately. I have no patience, and I have been getting irritated by everything. My poor hubby jokes around a lot, and I have kinda been biting his head off lately. I know he is just joking, but I can't help it. I feel so bad for him.
  • howdeelightful
    How are we all doing today?? I have been having some MAJOR cravings for sweet things lately. Especially peanut butter and chocolate things. I guess I should say sweet and salty together then. What is everyone else craving so far?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    How are we all doing today?? I have been having some MAJOR cravings for sweet things lately. Especially peanut butter and chocolate things. I guess I should say sweet and salty together then. What is everyone else craving so far?

    I'm craving Red Meat & Carbs (Potatoes, Bread, Pasta).

    Right now I'm digging into Shepard's Pie and I'm oh-so-happy. I could eat this all the time.

    But when I'm feeling super icky and want something sweet I send my husband to get me a "Sprite Float" (vanilla ice cream and sprite). Something about the cold, creamy bubbles helps settle everything down (heartburn and nausea).
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hi everyone

    Im getting the occassional mood swings. Nothing too bad yet! lol!

    tiredness still everpresent! Im wondering how i'll cope going back to work next week! have had the last 2 weeks off as went on holiday. hmm, time will tell! also keep getting lower abdo ache and back twinges. ? stretching pains? they arent painful though.

    as for cravings: strangely im craving hot drinks. I have had to get some decaf tea as all i want is multiple cups of hot tea. trying to substitute it with hot chocolate/ herbal tea etc.

    Exercise: still very little, as im being cautious. I didnt stop any exercise in my previous pregnancy, only scaled it down. this time i want to make sure im safe. So will prob stick to 3-4 times a week. I would probably be ok but i'm tryng everything i can to make this bean a sticky one.
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    How is everyone today?

    No cravings or any real symptoms here yet. Very tired but am on nights at the moment so not unusual!

    anyone started a pregnancy journal?

    Jules x
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    How is everyone today?

    No cravings or any real symptoms here yet. Very tired but am on nights at the moment so not unusual!

    anyone started a pregnancy journal?

    Jules x

    Still tired, and I had a monster headache yesterday that went away after drinking some water. Today I am very hungry again (yesterday I was ok as far as hunger), and this morning after my coffee and during my Spin class I got nauseous a couple of times. Nothing really bad, though, thankfully!
  • howdeelightful
    Quick question for you all. I am going to a girls night tomorrow night. Typically, that involves wine drinking. We are not announcing I am pregnant yet, but if I just turn it down everyone will ask. I don't want to lie if they ask me. What excuse would you guys give to not being able to drink??
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Ok so I've been thread stalking, and I can't take it anymore I have to post. The hubs and I are expecting baby #3 May 19th (6.5 weeks along).....super duper excited, but really trying to hold back the excitement as we had a miscarriage at 10 weeks on Mother's Day of this year after two super easy healthy previous pregnancies/babies. This last time we just figured ahh this is our 3rd pregnancy, and went ahead and told the whole family...on both sides within a few days of us finding out ourselves. Needless to say with the loss of our third pregnancy fresh on our minds we are both really nervous, and don't plan on telling anyone until we get into the second trimester (if I can go that long without showing) But here I am cause I am dying to talk pregnancy stuff, and can't to any family members!
    So has everyone been to the Dr yet? I went the week I found out I was preggo last time, and think I'm going to wait a little while longer to schedule my first appt. As with all my previous pregnancies I am one of those very lucky few that has almost no symptoms minus sore tatas, moodiness and an increase in appetite.
    Anywho congrats everyone!! Here's to crossed fingers and praying for healthy babies and mommies!!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @howdee I know some folks that actually still drink a glass of wine on occasion during pregnancy, and a lot of Dr's are ok with it...I personally haven't ever done it I dunno. As for a good way to avoid a glass without questions being asked, I don't have any really good ideas :ohwell:
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    Quick question for you all. I am going to a girls night tomorrow night. Typically, that involves wine drinking. We are not announcing I am pregnant yet, but if I just turn it down everyone will ask. I don't want to lie if they ask me. What excuse would you guys give to not being able to drink??

    The old faithful, I'm on antibiotics!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Quick question for you all. I am going to a girls night tomorrow night. Typically, that involves wine drinking. We are not announcing I am pregnant yet, but if I just turn it down everyone will ask. I don't want to lie if they ask me. What excuse would you guys give to not being able to drink??

    Either the antibiotics excuse up above, or just say you don't like drinking your calories. I am not a huge drinker to begin with, and almost everyone I know is aware of how much weight I've lost, so it's a believable excuse.

    I'm going to have that problem in a few weeks when I go to a party at my BIL's house. Any family who is there will know by then, but no one else will. I'm more worried about my MIL making some comment that will tip off someone else because she can't keep her mouth shut about anything. If we don't tell them until after the party (to be safe), for sure they will take notice that I'm not drinking and assume that I'm pregnant.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok so I've been thread stalking, and I can't take it anymore I have to post. The hubs and I are expecting baby #3 May 19th (6.5 weeks along).....super duper excited, but really trying to hold back the excitement as we had a miscarriage at 10 weeks on Mother's Day of this year after two super easy healthy previous pregnancies/babies. This last time we just figured ahh this is our 3rd pregnancy, and went ahead and told the whole family...on both sides within a few days of us finding out ourselves. Needless to say with the loss of our third pregnancy fresh on our minds we are both really nervous, and don't plan on telling anyone until we get into the second trimester (if I can go that long without showing) But here I am cause I am dying to talk pregnancy stuff, and can't to any family members!
    So has everyone been to the Dr yet? I went the week I found out I was preggo last time, and think I'm going to wait a little while longer to schedule my first appt. As with all my previous pregnancies I am one of those very lucky few that has almost no symptoms minus sore tatas, moodiness and an increase in appetite.
    Anywho congrats everyone!! Here's to crossed fingers and praying for healthy babies and mommies!!

    Hi there, and welcome! Congratulations, too! I'm so sorry about your loss, and it is totally reasonable to be more cautious this time. Other than people on these boards, no one but my husband and I know about our announcement (I'm 5.5 weeks, due May 26th). I plan on telling my sister next time I see her (she and I are super close, and I trust her), which should be Saturday, and then we are waiting to tell everyone else (family only) after my first doctor's appointment (October 8th).

    Like you, I've been symptom-less for the most part, and my boobs haven't even been that sore (at least they're a lot less so than last time). Here's hoping that is a good sign for us and that we all have healthy pregnancies, deliveries, and babies!!!

    Oh, also, you'll have to hop over to a couple of threads on here - First Trimester (part 2) and the topic I posted yesterday about things that bother you now that didn't before you were pregnant. Since you say you are moody, you might have some good ones to add :wink:
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I don't want to jinx myself, but today was a semi-okay-not-so-awful day! (It may have helped that I self medicated the nausea with too much food, but other than the jump in the scale I'm going to see I'm actually pretty okay with the fact that I don't feel so crappy.)

    Welcome ehg87! We are due on the same day. So exciting!

    As far as the alcohol questions go, I've never drank but it sounds like the antibiotic route is what I'd go with if I were in those shoes :)
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    How is everyone today?

    No cravings or any real symptoms here yet. Very tired but am on nights at the moment so not unusual!

    anyone started a pregnancy journal?

    Jules x

    Hey Jules,

    Glad you're feeling ok. I'm looking at ordering this journal, how about you?
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Yesterday and today I have been falling asleep at my desk. Today my boobs hurt more (but uterine cramping/pulling has almost disappeared), and I noticed this morning that veins are appearing in my boobs. They were starting to look so good and full, too :angry: I guess it was only a matter of time!

    I'm having a hard time motivating myself to work out when I am this tired. I get home from work after picking up my son from school, and then I have to feed him and bathe him. By the time he's in bed, I am ready to eat my hand, so I eat something, then the last thing I want to do is go for a run or even a fast walk! On Thursdays I like to do a 6AM Spin class, but it means I have to get up at 5AM. I have a hard enough time getting up at 6:30 these days, even though I've been going to bed earlier, so I know tomorrow morning will be really rough!!!

    Anyone else having trouble getting their workouts in like they were before?

    Sorry you are exhausted :( you sound like a busy bee. I'm having a hard time getting my workouts in too, but I've got no good excuses!
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    Man, am I nauseous! Can't figure out if it's pregnancy symptom or because I've only had 3 1/2 hours sleep after a horrendous night shift. Lemonade is about all I can stomach and that's not easy going down!

    How are we all today?

    Jules x
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Man, am I nauseous! Can't figure out if it's pregnancy symptom or because I've only had 3 1/2 hours sleep after a horrendous night shift. Lemonade is about all I can stomach and that's not easy going down!

    How are we all today?

    Jules x

    Sorry you had a terrible night! Hopefully the nausea is just sleep deprivation. I get that way when I haven't slept much, either, meaning outside of pregnancy. I hope you get more sleep today/tonight!

    I feel good today. A little bit of cramping still, but my boobs are sorer today than they were yesterday. I had to strategically position myself overnight to avoid hurting them. I woke up this morning and noticed the they (especially the right one) feel super full. My nipples are a little sore, too, which I noticed in the shower and while dressing. Veins are appearing now in both boobs and are more prominent than yesterday.

    I don't feel as starving today as I have been, and so my food intake may be more normal. (Let's hope!) I still have a hard time finishing my coffee, though (my only caffeinated drink, since I don't drink soda).

    Overall, I can't complain. I feel pretty good!

    How is everyone else?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Sorry you had a terrible night! Hopefully the nausea is just sleep deprivation. I get that way when I haven't slept much, either, meaning outside of pregnancy. I hope you get more sleep today/tonight!

    I feel good today. A little bit of cramping still, but my boobs are sorer today than they were yesterday. I had to strategically position myself overnight to avoid hurting them. I woke up this morning and noticed the they (especially the right one) feel super full. My nipples are a little sore, too, which I noticed in the shower and while dressing. Veins are appearing now in both boobs and are more prominent than yesterday.

    I don't feel as starving today as I have been, and so my food intake may be more normal. (Let's hope!) I still have a hard time finishing my coffee, though (my only caffeinated drink, since I don't drink soda).

    Overall, I can't complain. I feel pretty good!

    How is everyone else?

    Eh... Doing okay. Tired (couldn't get out of bed this morning) and feeling "big" already. My pants are starting to get a little tight - I know its not baby yet he/she is still just teensy :happy: (although hubs keeps telling me its twins - they run in my family but I doubt we've got two peanuts in there).

    Also - I seem to take EVERYTHING super personally lately. Even when I know that people didn't mean to hurt my feelings I'm all upset and irritated.

    So glad to have you ladies that can relate!

    @Jules - are you trying anything for the nausea? Last pregnancy I swore by the big lemon drops (Brach's - I think?) but I can't find them anywhere near me and it's so frustrating!
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    It eased off after some lemonade and a couple of biscuits. I think a lot of it may have been tiredness.

    I've never heard of the lemon drops!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Eh... Doing okay. Tired (couldn't get out of bed this morning) and feeling "big" already. My pants are starting to get a little tight - I know its not baby yet he/she is still just teensy :happy: (although hubs keeps telling me its twins - they run in my family but I doubt we've got two peanuts in there).

    @Jules - are you trying anything for the nausea? Last pregnancy I swore by the big lemon drops (Brach's - I think?) but I can't find them anywhere near me and it's so frustrating!

    I feel like my pants were tighter yesterday. Perhaps it is because I am eating everything in sight, though. Ok, not really (not like last time), but I was starving up until today.

    I saw Brach's lemon drops the other day at the Walgreen's by my office, if that helps!