May 2013 Due Dates



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I saw someone on one of the boards got a doppler that she bought off of craigslist for $60. I messaged her privately to get the brand, etc., then I found it through Google Shopping for $60 with free shipping... Anyhow, I have considered getting this. It looks like what they used at the beginning of my OB visits, before the doctor came in to do measurements. I think it is for use either at or after 12 weeks, but the reviews say that people heard heartbeats as early as 10 weeks. It looks pretty cool to me, and I think it would be a fun tool to have.{keyword}&gclid=CID-mILXzrICFQgGnQodFEUACA

    What are your thoughts on this? Do you own something like this?

    I wanted to get one with my first pregnancy, but my hubby wont let me...he is worried it would do me more harm than good bc if I couldnt find the babies heartbeat I would freak out...he is right...I know with my first even at the doctors office it would sometimes take a while and Id freak! So I dont need

    Good point! Last time I would silently freak out a little at the doctor's office if it took more than a few seconds for the nurse to find the heartbeat, so maybe it's better if I don't get it. I can be a nervous wreck sometimes. You can imagine what I was like when my son learned to roll over and refused to sleep on his back. (Thank God for video monitors.)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm not due in May, but saw this thread posted as the most recent and I am trying to avoid doing work today :) Anyways - wanted to weigh in on the doppler. I ordered a Sonoline B from and I could hear my baby's heartbeat around 11 weeks. I went into it knowing I would need to stay patient in order to find the heartbeat, and if I ever couldn't, I would try again the next day, and if still no, I would call the doctor. Luckily, with some patience, I heard the heartbeat each time, but in the beginning it took quite a lot of concentration and focus to find it. Now that I'm 23 weeks, it's super easy to find and very comforting - I feel it helps me bond with my baby, as I just sit and listen to that sweet heartbeat whenever I'm having a rough day!

    Overall, I'm so glad I got one because it helped ease any worries, and I was less nervous for doctor's appointments since I knew I had heard the heartbeat just the night before.

    Just wanted to give my perspective - best of luck to all of you May mamas :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm not due in May, but saw this thread posted as the most recent and I am trying to avoid doing work today :) Anyways - wanted to weigh in on the doppler. I ordered a Sonoline B from and I could hear my baby's heartbeat around 11 weeks. I went into it knowing I would need to stay patient in order to find the heartbeat, and if I ever couldn't, I would try again the next day, and if still no, I would call the doctor. Luckily, with some patience, I heard the heartbeat each time, but in the beginning it took quite a lot of concentration and focus to find it. Now that I'm 23 weeks, it's super easy to find and very comforting - I feel it helps me bond with my baby, as I just sit and listen to that sweet heartbeat whenever I'm having a rough day!

    Overall, I'm so glad I got one because it helped ease any worries, and I was less nervous for doctor's appointments since I knew I had heard the heartbeat just the night before.

    Just wanted to give my perspective - best of luck to all of you May mamas :)

    Thanks for dropping by! Funny because you are not the person who had told me about the Sonoline B - so that means there are two ladies on our boards who have used and been satisfied with it :happy:

    I think for the time being it will make me freak out, especially because it is so early (I'm a hair over 5 weeks), and it's a question as to when I'll be able to find a heartbeat, assuming all is well. I think later on it might be a better option, so I will re-evaluate then. I remember last time feeling good whenever I felt the baby moving, and if it had been a while since I remembered feeling him last, I would sort of move around and hope to prod him into moving again. However, I didn't feel movement until 20 or 21 weeks, which is rather late. Supposedly you feel it earlier with subsequent pregnancies, so if I feel this baby earlier, it might ease my stress, and I might decide that I don't need the doppler.

    I do think it would be kind of cool to hear the baby's heartbeat on my own, though :heart:

    Best wishes to you, FitMama!!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    I'm new to the group and this is our first pregnancy :) I'm at least 5 weeks pregnant, although it could be more as my last cycle was quite abnormal.

    Our due date is May 28th...... So excited, nervous and shocked...... I took 5 tests... Haha. Not sure why I'm shocked, we wanted to have a baby :love:
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member

    I'm new to the group and this is our first pregnancy :) I'm at least 5 weeks pregnant, although it could be more as my last cycle was quite abnormal.

    Our due date is May 28th...... So excited, nervous and shocked...... I took 5 tests... Haha. Not sure why I'm shocked, we wanted to have a baby :love:

    Congrats on your first pregnancy! It can be a shock, thats for sure! Weve been trying for months and as the old saying goes, " when you stop trying it happens", was definitely true in our we will have 2 May babies. Welcome to the group! :)
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    I'm new to the group and this is our first pregnancy :) I'm at least 5 weeks pregnant, although it could be more as my last cycle was quite abnormal.

    Our due date is May 28th...... So excited, nervous and shocked...... I took 5 tests... Haha. Not sure why I'm shocked, we wanted to have a baby :love:

    Congrats on your first pregnancy! It can be a shock, thats for sure! Weve been trying for months and as the old saying goes, " when you stop trying it happens", was definitely true in our we will have 2 May babies. Welcome to the group! :)


    That's exactly what happened to us! How funny......

    Thanks for the warm welcome, how are you?

    The doctor confirmed my pregnancy via blood work and also asked me to come in tomorrow because of my rubella and thyroid levels. Hopefully it's no big deal.

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    I'm new to the group and this is our first pregnancy :) I'm at least 5 weeks pregnant, although it could be more as my last cycle was quite abnormal.

    Our due date is May 28th...... So excited, nervous and shocked...... I took 5 tests... Haha. Not sure why I'm shocked, we wanted to have a baby :love:

    Welcome, and congratulations! The first one is definitely a shock. I think I was seriously in disbelief for a few weeks afterwards. Even my first doctor's appointment with the ultrasound didn't make it seem real! My husband ran out for a digital test because he didn't believe the one I took :smile:

    How are you feeling? What are your symptoms so far?
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member

    I'm new to the group and this is our first pregnancy :) I'm at least 5 weeks pregnant, although it could be more as my last cycle was quite abnormal.

    Our due date is May 28th...... So excited, nervous and shocked...... I took 5 tests... Haha. Not sure why I'm shocked, we wanted to have a baby :love:

    congratulations! took me nearly to believe it too! wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hows everyone today?

    im ok, nausea is well and truly here so struggling a bit.PLus its 5pm and im ready for bed as so tired. Jumped on scales today and back to 135! yay. so the 3lbs i gained last week was my holiday weight! hehe, small victory as this will soon go up!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    hows everyone today?

    im ok, nausea is well and truly here so struggling a bit.PLus its 5pm and im ready for bed as so tired. Jumped on scales today and back to 135! yay. so the 3lbs i gained last week was my holiday weight! hehe, small victory as this will soon go up!

    I'm sorry you are having nausea issues. I hope you feel better son! Today I feel fine. A tiny bit of cramping and pulling, but that's it. Otherwise the side of my right boob is still tender. It's a little after lunchtime here, and I'm ready to eat but am not starving like I have been. Perhaps it's because I was busy earlier this morning and didn't have time to think about food!
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm feeling very yucky today! Splitting headache, completely exhausted! Had to work till 2.30 and colleagues kept offering brufen!! Had a small sleep and a couple of paracetamol and starting to feel better.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    I'm new to the group and this is our first pregnancy :) I'm at least 5 weeks pregnant, although it could be more as my last cycle was quite abnormal.

    Our due date is May 28th...... So excited, nervous and shocked...... I took 5 tests... Haha. Not sure why I'm shocked, we wanted to have a baby :love:

    Welcome, and congratulations! The first one is definitely a shock. I think I was seriously in disbelief for a few weeks afterwards. Even my first doctor's appointment with the ultrasound didn't make it seem real! My husband ran out for a digital test because he didn't believe the one I took :smile:

    How are you feeling? What are your symptoms so far?

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

    So far I just have sore breasts and fatigue. Running yesterday hurt and I was even wearing the ta ta tamer from lulelemon. Any runners with tips for me?

    I'm sorry that some of you aren't feeling well, I hope you feel better soon!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member

    I'm new to the group and this is our first pregnancy :) I'm at least 5 weeks pregnant, although it could be more as my last cycle was quite abnormal.

    Our due date is May 28th...... So excited, nervous and shocked...... I took 5 tests... Haha. Not sure why I'm shocked, we wanted to have a baby :love:

    Welcome, and congratulations! The first one is definitely a shock. I think I was seriously in disbelief for a few weeks afterwards. Even my first doctor's appointment with the ultrasound didn't make it seem real! My husband ran out for a digital test because he didn't believe the one I took :smile:

    How are you feeling? What are your symptoms so far?

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

    So far I just have sore breasts and fatigue. Running yesterday hurt and I was even wearing the ta ta tamer from lulelemon. Any runners with tips for me?

    I'm sorry that some of you aren't feeling well, I hope you feel better soon!

    I am easing off running at the moment as just taking it easy with exercise in general. The soreness will soon ease as your hormones settle, nothing more you can do that you are already doing. Make sure you take a bottle of water with you as well- to stop from getting dehydrated.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks Maria, I think I might ease up to a jog until it subsides.

    I was called into my Doctors today, she diagnosed me with Hypothyroidism and conferenced with an Endocrinologist on the phone while I was there who put me on meds right away. I can't see the Endo for 2 more weeks.........hopefully this doesn't hurt my little Bub :( Anyone else have hypothyroidism?

    How's everyone else doing? Feeling better today?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All!

    Just wanted to check in and say "hi." And complain a little -I need to complain to someone, and my husband has heard enough. No one ever told me how hard the first trimester is. Last night my sister said it can even be more difficult than the first three months after birth. Great... I've got at least a month of nausea to go, if not more! My husband says he doesn't understand the point of complaining, but I told him venting makes me feel a little better.

    I've been trying to exercise through it, even though I'm exhausted and I feel like I want to throw up with every flip turn. I keep going to my master's swim practices and putting myself in the back of the pack with the excuse that I've got "some stomach bug." I can't keep using that excuse for another month, though. I didn't want to tell anyone until my parents come here at the end of October and we tell both sets of parents together.

    How has your exercise regime been coming along? I find I'm skipping a day or two here and there, and I've lowered the intensity a little. I feel like crap doing anything, so I figured I might as well feel like crap exercising instead of sitting around and have feeling like crap be my primary activity.

    It's weird, though, that even despite all of this, I am so happy that a baby is on the way. But that doesn't stop me from feeling less like crap and wishing desperately for the end of the first trimester.
  • niccolebarnes
    niccolebarnes Posts: 27 Member
    Went to the first doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything looks good. HR of 148.

    Unfortunately, my level of patience is at an all time low. It took 2 hours for me to get through the appointment. I was stuck in a waiting room with a woman who had 3 children (one of which screamed for 30 min. straight) while she blared angry birds on her phone. I almost snapped.

    Anyone else have some raging mood swings?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Yes to raging mood swings. And exhaustion and..... falling asleep at my desk.. when's the weekend again?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yesterday and today I have been falling asleep at my desk. Today my boobs hurt more (but uterine cramping/pulling has almost disappeared), and I noticed this morning that veins are appearing in my boobs. They were starting to look so good and full, too :angry: I guess it was only a matter of time!

    I'm having a hard time motivating myself to work out when I am this tired. I get home from work after picking up my son from school, and then I have to feed him and bathe him. By the time he's in bed, I am ready to eat my hand, so I eat something, then the last thing I want to do is go for a run or even a fast walk! On Thursdays I like to do a 6AM Spin class, but it means I have to get up at 5AM. I have a hard enough time getting up at 6:30 these days, even though I've been going to bed earlier, so I know tomorrow morning will be really rough!!!

    Anyone else having trouble getting their workouts in like they were before?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi All!

    Just wanted to check in and say "hi." And complain a little -I need to complain to someone, and my husband has heard enough. No one ever told me how hard the first trimester is. Last night my sister said it can even be more difficult than the first three months after birth. Great... I've got at least a month of nausea to go, if not more! My husband says he doesn't understand the point of complaining, but I told him venting makes me feel a little better.

    I've been trying to exercise through it, even though I'm exhausted and I feel like I want to throw up with every flip turn. I keep going to my master's swim practices and putting myself in the back of the pack with the excuse that I've got "some stomach bug." I can't keep using that excuse for another month, though. I didn't want to tell anyone until my parents come here at the end of October and we tell both sets of parents together.

    How has your exercise regime been coming along? I find I'm skipping a day or two here and there, and I've lowered the intensity a little. I feel like crap doing anything, so I figured I might as well feel like crap exercising instead of sitting around and have feeling like crap be my primary activity.

    It's weird, though, that even despite all of this, I am so happy that a baby is on the way. But that doesn't stop me from feeling less like crap and wishing desperately for the end of the first trimester.

    Welcome, congratulations, and feel free to come vent! That's what we're here for :smile: Well, you can see my post above about exercising. It's tough. I don't remember being this tired last time.

    I totally get it, though, about working out with your usual people and not being able to tell them why you are dialing down the intensity. I go to regular Spinning classes where I know the instructors really, really well, and I have not told them. I mean, if my parents don't know, I'm not telling them! I just hope they don't notice, and if they do I will play it off as overall tiredness. They know how hard I work, professionally speaking.

    Just keep in mind that all of this is temporary. Once you hit the second trimester, your nausea should subside, and then it's more or less smooth sailing until you get into the later weeks, which are generally physically uncomfortable. I would say 14-32 weeks were my favorite time. No more food aversions, no more headaches. After 32 weeks I got heartburn a lot and then was so big and had so much foot/ankle swelling that I could hardly fit into any of my (maternity) clothes.

    When are you due?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Went to the first doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything looks good. HR of 148.

    Unfortunately, my level of patience is at an all time low. It took 2 hours for me to get through the appointment. I was stuck in a waiting room with a woman who had 3 children (one of which screamed for 30 min. straight) while she blared angry birds on her phone. I almost snapped.

    Anyone else have some raging mood swings?

    Yes, I have had some SERIOUS mood swings. I just lack patience overall these days. I am usually not so impatient! But what that lady did was obnoxious. My OB's office has a no-child policy, unless it's your newborn for your postpartum check-up, and though I see people breaking it, it's never egregious enough for me to care.

    Glad you had a good doctor's appointment, though!