May 2013 Due Dates



  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in Uk! Not sure we get them here!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member

    How's everyone today?

    It's our wedding anniversary so hubby and I are out for dinner tonight! Very exciting. Symptoms feel good- sore boobs and goodness the nausea! Thankfully no actual committing yet!
    I will soon need to invest in a sleep bra I think as by the time I take my bra off at night I'm in agony! Anyone else use them before? I found them really helpful with my daughter. Still waiting to hear from midwife.

    Will start to pick up on some jillian Micheals DVD next week once back at work and normal routine ensues. Still on holiday and at the in laws so eating completely out of my control. I am constantly hungry!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    How's everyone today?

    It's our wedding anniversary so hubby and I are out for dinner tonight! Very exciting. Symptoms feel good- sore boobs and goodness the nausea! Thankfully no actual committing yet!
    I will soon need to invest in a sleep bra I think as by the time I take my bra off at night I'm in agony! Anyone else use them before? I found them really helpful with my daughter. Still waiting to hear from midwife.

    Will start to pick up on some jillian Micheals DVD next week once back at work and normal routine ensues. Still on holiday and at the in laws so eating completely out of my control. I am constantly hungry!

    Hi Maria,

    I like this brand, Shimera Seamless Bra
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope you all had a nice weekend! How is everyone feeling?

    I talked to my sister today and told her. She was, of course, happy for me and said it was weird because she was just thinking about it yesterday, not that she had any reason to suspect. Because she and I have lost both so much weight (and she did so after having her last baby), she told me that I will get to have a "cute" pregnancy. At the rate I am eating, I am not so sure!

    My boobs are still very sore. I can't remember how long that lasted the last time (any ideas, anyone?), but I am ready for it to be gone! I did get a little nauseated after dinner last night, and today I was EXHAUSTED. I had a rough day, though, and in mid-afternoon all I wanted to eat was pasta. So I ate pasta. Now I am getting hungry again.

    Overall, though, still good :smile:
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello all.
    Well yesterday I decided to tell my boys as I think I need them to know for support round the house etc. This lead to us telling a few close family members as my 5 year old got so excited I knew he would tell.

    I had some brownish discharge yesterday which didn't worry me too much but woke up this morning with mild period type pains and I am now bleeding. I bled fresh blood for 2 days with my first pregnancy and everything was fine but I am worried and will see the doc later but have to accept that at my age there was always a high risk.

    I'll update you all with more as I know

    Jules x
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All!

    I took it really easy this weekend with lots of napping. I never feel fully awake these days. My nausea, which was consistently deeply miserable for two weeks, is now kind of come and go, and never as bad as it was. I don't know if I should be worried or not, but the default tends to be worried! I had bloodwork done right at 6 weeks (am now just over 8 weeks) and the levels were on the higher end of normal, so I'm wondering if all of my spikes came early and now I'm moving into more of a plateau with HcG levels. I am going in for my first ultrasound tomorrow and hopefully that will ease my mind. I also bought those wrist bands for car sickness, and maybe those are having a positive effect on the nausea, too.

    As for my diet, I feel like I've thrown all of my food morals out the window! My usual diet is full of vegetables, fruit, yogurt, peanut butter, and other healthy fats, and very low carb. For about three weeks I haven't been able to eat ANY vegetables (the smell makes me want to puke) or fats (very uncomfortable in my stomach). It's been only select fruit and all-out carbo fest. I feel like I'm letting the baby down with every meal. At least the poor thing is getting the prenatal vitamin. I read somewhere that the nausea is not clearly explained by evolutionary survival principles -it's clear that our bodies are steering us away from strong smelling and potentially dangerous foods, but the mechanism appears to be overreacting and preventing us from eating foods beneficial for the growing baby.

    Gosh, I'm trying to be positive, but I find it's really hard right now when I feel so awful. Hope everyone else is feeling better!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Oh, one other weird thing I've noticed: I'm always extremely cold. I'm so cold that I'm wearing a light down jacket around the house with the hood up and heavy wool socks. Last night my swim team held a stroke clinic for which I wore a farmer john wetsuit, and I STILL was the only person who had to get out early from the cold (and the only person in a wetsuit!)!!!! Is anyone else experiencing this?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hello all.
    Well yesterday I decided to tell my boys as I think I need them to know for support round the house etc. This lead to us telling a few close family members as my 5 year old got so excited I knew he would tell.

    I had some brownish discharge yesterday which didn't worry me too much but woke up this morning with mild period type pains and I am now bleeding. I bled fresh blood for 2 days with my first pregnancy and everything was fine but I am worried and will see the doc later but have to accept that at my age there was always a high risk.

    I'll update you all with more as I know

    Jules x

    Oh Jules, I'm praying for you! Hopefully you can get into the doctor soon!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Gosh, I'm trying to be positive, but I find it's really hard right now when I feel so awful. Hope everyone else is feeling better!


    I feel the same way. But everytime I start to complain, I just have to remember what a blessing this baby is and try to hold my tongue. I am so grateful to be pregnant - I just don't feel very grateful for the aches/pains that come with it.

    I threw up twice this weekend. When I told my husband his responce was "And so it begins..."

    But, I did go play volleyball this weekend and felt MUCH better after getting some good exercise in!! My problem is I have pretty much zero energy so I don't want to work out, but once I get going I feel pretty good.

    Oh, one other weird thing I've noticed: I'm always extremely cold. I'm so cold that I'm wearing a light down jacket around the house with the hood up and heavy wool socks. Last night my swim team held a stroke clinic for which I wore a farmer john wetsuit, and I STILL was the only person who had to get out early from the cold (and the only person in a wetsuit!)!!!! Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Me!! I'm FREEZING all the time. Especially my hands. Icy cold.
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    Bloods taken for hormone levels and appointment made for early pregnancy unit tomorrow. But been bleeding all day but no real pain. I feel, in my head, we've probably lost it, but my heart is wishful thinking.

    Jules x
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I really hope things turn out well for you, Jules. I can certainly empathize with your fears -every change that seems out of the ordinary makes me crazy with worry.
  • howdeelightful
    Well, I stepped on the scale this morning, and I had gained. I guess that makes sense because I have been eating everything in site for the past week. Especially pizza, bread, and pasta. I'm craving carbs like crazy! The smell of veggies makes me queezy, and meat just hasn't sounded appealing at all. I hope it doesn't stay this way, or I am going to be as big as a house by the time this baby gets here! Aside from that, I still have extremely sore boobs (which I didn't have with my first 2 pregnancies). I also feel like I have to pee every 5 seconds, and I am FREEZING. With my first 2 pregnancies, I was hot all the time, so this one is also new to me. I did a lot this weekend, so I am extremely tired today. I know it is early, but I feel like I must be nesting. All I wanted to do all weekend was clean. I cleaned out 2 rooms, and caught up on all of our laundry (which was 10 loads!!).

    I am also counting down to the 15th, when I finally get to go to the doctor! I feel like these past few weeks have been so slow! It's just this huge waiting game! Waiting to go to the doc on the 15th, waiting to hit the 10 week mark to feel better since that was when I miscarried during my last pregnancy, and waiting to tell everyone about it until I am 12 weeks. Then, we are going to send out Christmas cards with a pic in them announcing. So I won't even be able to really announce it then. This is going to be the longest 6 weeks of my life I think! :smile:
  • howdeelightful
    Hello all.
    Well yesterday I decided to tell my boys as I think I need them to know for support round the house etc. This lead to us telling a few close family members as my 5 year old got so excited I knew he would tell.

    I had some brownish discharge yesterday which didn't worry me too much but woke up this morning with mild period type pains and I am now bleeding. I bled fresh blood for 2 days with my first pregnancy and everything was fine but I am worried and will see the doc later but have to accept that at my age there was always a high risk.

    I'll update you all with more as I know

    Jules x

    I am hoping and praying that everything is going to be ok.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hello all.
    Well yesterday I decided to tell my boys as I think I need them to know for support round the house etc. This lead to us telling a few close family members as my 5 year old got so excited I knew he would tell.

    I had some brownish discharge yesterday which didn't worry me too much but woke up this morning with mild period type pains and I am now bleeding. I bled fresh blood for 2 days with my first pregnancy and everything was fine but I am worried and will see the doc later but have to accept that at my age there was always a high risk.

    I'll update you all with more as I know

    Jules x

    I really hope it's nothing bad - please keep us posted! In the meantime, I will be praying for you!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi All!

    I took it really easy this weekend with lots of napping. I never feel fully awake these days. My nausea, which was consistently deeply miserable for two weeks, is now kind of come and go, and never as bad as it was. I don't know if I should be worried or not, but the default tends to be worried! I had bloodwork done right at 6 weeks (am now just over 8 weeks) and the levels were on the higher end of normal, so I'm wondering if all of my spikes came early and now I'm moving into more of a plateau with HcG levels. I am going in for my first ultrasound tomorrow and hopefully that will ease my mind. I also bought those wrist bands for car sickness, and maybe those are having a positive effect on the nausea, too.

    As for my diet, I feel like I've thrown all of my food morals out the window! My usual diet is full of vegetables, fruit, yogurt, peanut butter, and other healthy fats, and very low carb. For about three weeks I haven't been able to eat ANY vegetables (the smell makes me want to puke) or fats (very uncomfortable in my stomach). It's been only select fruit and all-out carbo fest. I feel like I'm letting the baby down with every meal. At least the poor thing is getting the prenatal vitamin. I read somewhere that the nausea is not clearly explained by evolutionary survival principles -it's clear that our bodies are steering us away from strong smelling and potentially dangerous foods, but the mechanism appears to be overreacting and preventing us from eating foods beneficial for the growing baby.

    Gosh, I'm trying to be positive, but I find it's really hard right now when I feel so awful. Hope everyone else is feeling better!

    I've been craving carbs overall even though I haven't had issues with morning sickness or even food aversions. During my other pregnancy, I had lots of food aversions and ate LOTS of carbs. Funny how our bodies work. I hope you feel better!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh, one other weird thing I've noticed: I'm always extremely cold. I'm so cold that I'm wearing a light down jacket around the house with the hood up and heavy wool socks. Last night my swim team held a stroke clinic for which I wore a farmer john wetsuit, and I STILL was the only person who had to get out early from the cold (and the only person in a wetsuit!)!!!! Is anyone else experiencing this?

    I usually run cold anyway, but I have been running colder than usual!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Bloods taken for hormone levels and appointment made for early pregnancy unit tomorrow. But been bleeding all day but no real pain. I feel, in my head, we've probably lost it, but my heart is wishful thinking.

    Jules x

    Sorry, I didn't see this until after I posted my earlier response. I am glad you had blood taken. Hopefully since there is no more cramping, it's just your body doing something random like it did the first time. I really hope that everything is ok. What is the plan for tomorrow? When do you get your blood test results?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Well, I stepped on the scale this morning, and I had gained. I guess that makes sense because I have been eating everything in site for the past week. Especially pizza, bread, and pasta. I'm craving carbs like crazy! The smell of veggies makes me queezy, and meat just hasn't sounded appealing at all. I hope it doesn't stay this way, or I am going to be as big as a house by the time this baby gets here! Aside from that, I still have extremely sore boobs (which I didn't have with my first 2 pregnancies). I also feel like I have to pee every 5 seconds, and I am FREEZING. With my first 2 pregnancies, I was hot all the time, so this one is also new to me. I did a lot this weekend, so I am extremely tired today. I know it is early, but I feel like I must be nesting. All I wanted to do all weekend was clean. I cleaned out 2 rooms, and caught up on all of our laundry (which was 10 loads!!).

    I am also counting down to the 15th, when I finally get to go to the doctor! I feel like these past few weeks have been so slow! It's just this huge waiting game! Waiting to go to the doc on the 15th, waiting to hit the 10 week mark to feel better since that was when I miscarried during my last pregnancy, and waiting to tell everyone about it until I am 12 weeks. Then, we are going to send out Christmas cards with a pic in them announcing. So I won't even be able to really announce it then. This is going to be the longest 6 weeks of my life I think! :smile:

    I did a lot of cleaning yesterday, which wore me out! I am not normally big on cleaning, but for some reason I felt like my house was a sh*thole. Today I inadvertently had to do a bunch more because my son was eating breakfast and started coughing (he's got a slight cold right now), which caused him to gag and throw up. My husband was about to leave for work, and we were getting ready to head out the door, so I decided to keep him home. He is running a slight fever (99.5) but nothing spectacular, and he's acting normal. His preschool said that he can come in tomorrow so long as he doesn't have a fever today or tomorrow. Their rules are that 100.5+ is when they need to be picked up from school, so unless he hits that mark, he should be fine to go to school tomorrow. He did the same thing yesterday, but I talked to my dad (a pediatrician practicing for nearly 40 years) this morning, and he said that a 24-hour break between vomit episodes makes it highly unlikely that he has a stomach bug. Coughing is what led to it yesterday, too, so he suspects that his cough is just triggering his gag reflex and that his slight fever is due to his cold and not worth keeping him out of school for. I'll make the call later today depending on his temperature and his demeanor, but it's a pain in the butt to be paying for his school when I have to keep him home. Aaaaaaaanyway, point being, by 8AM I had to give my son a bath and then clean up his high chair, the kitchen floor, etc. It was a lot of fun. Really, it was.

    But back to your comment, I know what you mean about the wait for your doctor's appointment! Mine is next Tuesday morning. I am anxious to have the ultrasound to make sure everything is ok so far, but it is the longest wait EVER! Almost as hard as the wait to take a pregnancy test! Last time I was not nervous at all about things going wrong, but this time I am - maybe I just know more than I did last time, but every symptom that differs from last time makes me nervous. Hopefully I'm just overthinking it. It doesn't help that when I told my sister the news yesterday, we were discussing when to tell other people, and she said her husband's colleague announced really early and then had a bad 12-week ultrasound :(

    Today I still have sore boobs, a tiny bit of cramping (dull ache, really), but that could be because I haven't stopped all morning (until just now to check out what was going on here), and I'm hungry and tired (again, could be from running around). I think when my son takes a nap, I may just join him. Well, not in his crib but in my own bed. All I can say is that I'm grateful for Harris Teeter Express Lane - I ordered my groceries last night, and all we have to do is drive up there to pay for them and have them loaded up!

    I hope everyone has a great day and am praying for our friend Jules!!!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 7 weeks 1 day as of today....have zero symptoms minus my boobs just KILLING me. ( I really do NOT remember them hurting this bad with my previous pregnancies?!) I haven't gained any notable weight...I'm not bloating....crampy...nauseous...nothing. I know to everyone who suffers from nausea you must think oh how lucky is she, but in reality the lack of symptoms is making me freak out. Everyone I know that has more than 2 kids has warned me that I would just "blow up" and honestly I've been kind of hoping I would since that would be something of a "sign" to me, but tight fitting clothes...just nothing AHH!
    And my Dr's office is really annoying; your first visit you don't see a Dr you just pee on a their stick, they give you your official EDD and then schedule you a mandatory finance meeting (whether you have insurance or not) AND then you finally get to see the Dr who just does a feel of the ole uterus to see if it's measuring up to par and then nothing until they do the first ultrasound at 13 weeks.... which is why I haven't jumped on the Dr appt bandwagon yet. I won't get to see or hear a heartbeat until the 13 week ultrasound so until then it's just a worry game. I'm really considering waiting until I've cleared 10 weeks to go in. Ok feels better since I got all of that off of my chest.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm 7 weeks 1 day as of today....have zero symptoms minus my boobs just KILLING me. ( I really do NOT remember them hurting this bad with my previous pregnancies?!) I haven't gained any notable weight...I'm not bloating....crampy...nauseous...nothing. I know to everyone who suffers from nausea you must think oh how lucky is she, but in reality the lack of symptoms is making me freak out. Everyone I know that has more than 2 kids has warned me that I would just "blow up" and honestly I've been kind of hoping I would since that would be something of a "sign" to me, but tight fitting clothes...just nothing AHH!
    And my Dr's office is really annoying; your first visit you don't see a Dr you just pee on a their stick, they give you your official EDD and then schedule you a mandatory finance meeting (whether you have insurance or not) AND then you finally get to see the Dr who just does a feel of the ole uterus to see if it's measuring up to par and then nothing until they do the first ultrasound at 13 weeks.... which is why I haven't jumped on the Dr appt bandwagon yet. I won't get to see or hear a heartbeat until the 13 week ultrasound so until then it's just a worry game. I'm really considering waiting until I've cleared 10 weeks to go in. Ok feels better since I got all of that off of my chest.

    Welcome, and congratulations!

    Don't freak out - if it weren't for my boobs' being sore (not counting the fact that I missed my period), I might not even know I was pregnant. Last time I had bad headaches and food aversions, but this time I have been able to avoid those. Not sure why. Just goes to show that every pregnancy is different!

    Otherwise, I'm surprised your OB doesn't do a transvaginal ultrasound at this point. That's what they did at the first visit with me last time I was pregnant and what they will do this time (I will be 7w2d); when I made the appointment, they said they like to see you during weeks 7 or 8.

    I would see if they can do that. If not, you may want to ask if they can use the doppler (you might be able to hear the heartbeat with it by the time you get in there). At worst, you can buy a doppler for personal use. It's about $60.