May 2013 Due Dates



  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Bahahaha, Tara, that's hilarious that you ended up with twins! Congratulations!! They're SO fun, but definitely hard work. Be prepared for lots of the same questions/comments from total strangers....twins seem to intrigue everybody! The absolute best book I read was recommended by my pediatrician (who also had twins) called When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads by Dr Barbara Luke and Tamara Eberlein. It's such a helpful guide in all aspects of the pregnancy! You can get it on Amazon or maybe even at your library. It's totally worth buying, though. Thanks to the nutrition info in it, I delivered my twins at 36w2d and they were 6lb7oz and 6lb9oz. Let me know if you have any questions at all; twin pregnancies can be rough but also exciting! I hope you have a healthy, wonderful pregnancy!

    Thank you! I was just telling my hubby this morning I want to get a what to expect when expecting multiples book ;), the pro too is I have my mom and aunt who have both had a set of twins so I can always ask them too! I have also been thinking about tracing my ancestry back and seeing just how common twins have been considering we have 3 living sets under 30 currently and I know my great grandma lost one of her 2, it is just so interesting bc I didnt think it would be me since I am not a twin, but it is and now my mom is super excited! :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Bahahaha, Tara, that's hilarious that you ended up with twins! Congratulations!! They're SO fun, but definitely hard work. Be prepared for lots of the same questions/comments from total strangers....twins seem to intrigue everybody! The absolute best book I read was recommended by my pediatrician (who also had twins) called When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads by Dr Barbara Luke and Tamara Eberlein. It's such a helpful guide in all aspects of the pregnancy! You can get it on Amazon or maybe even at your library. It's totally worth buying, though. Thanks to the nutrition info in it, I delivered my twins at 36w2d and they were 6lb7oz and 6lb9oz. Let me know if you have any questions at all; twin pregnancies can be rough but also exciting! I hope you have a healthy, wonderful pregnancy!

    That is AWESOME that you carried them past 36 weeks and that they were so big! Really incredible. I bet your OB was thrilled (as were you, I'm sure)!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I just wanted to pop in and say that I had to move my first OB appointment (with first ultrasound) to Friday :frown: My son has had a fever since Saturday night, so I can't take him to school tomorrow. I had been hoping he'd be better by this afternoon and that I could keep everything as-is for tomorrow, but oh well. I'll likely need to take him to the doctor tomorrow and then keep him out of school on Wednesday (depending on whether or not he still has a fever in the morning). Anyway, my OB's office obviously does not want me bringing him there while he's sick, and I have no one else to watch him because my husband has court in the morning (he wasn't going to be able to make the appointment anyway).

    They wanted to move my appointment to next Monday, but I didn't want to wait until after the weekend, so they are squeezing me in on Friday morning, first thing. My BIL and SIL (the ones who just found out they are expecting again also) are visiting this weekend, so I wanted to be sure all was well before they got here, too, which is another bonus to not waiting until after the weekend.

    Oddly enough, my nausea is much improved today. It hit me hard Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and then yesterday and today it's been slowly getting better. I'm still having food aversions (everything we have in the house for dinner sounds awful), but the nausea hasn't been so bad. Maybe I'm just preoccupied with taking care of a sick child (he's been really clingy since he's been sick), in which case I need to preoccupy myself more often. I got a Sonic Blast (Reese's) today because I really wanted one and thought ice cream would make me feel better (I was feeling a little icky at that point), but halfway through it, I felt nasty :frown: However, the idea of plain chocolate (hard) ice cream still sounds incredible.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Sorry I've been gone for so long - I've been feeling like CRAP. I know, I know - no one likes a cry baby, but at least you girls understand my need to vent :(

    I hit the 8 week mark and BAM - I can't keep anything down. I've thrown up 4 times in just the last 15 hours. Yeah, it's going to be a long couple months (with my first I had Hyperemesis until about 24-28 weeks... and then still had slight nausea up til the day I delivered). I thought I was feeling better working out - but I can't even make it through a walk now.

    I'm at a loss of what to do because all of my tricks from last time are NOT working this time. I swore by Brach's Lemon Drops with my first - the sight of them causes my tummy to turn now. I used essential oils (peppermint and grapefruit) when nausea hit me last time - and this time it makes me light headed. I have my first accupunture appointment on Thursday to see if that helps. I'm just trying to eat foods that digest quickly so that my little jelly bean can get some nutrients. Also looking forward to my first OB appointment (2 weeks from tomorrow) - I've been saying I wasn't going to try any of the anti-nausea meds this time (because with my first they didn't help) - but since my aversions are obviously different this time, maybe the meds will actually work. If the accupuncture doesn't help - I may give zofran or something else a shot. OKay, rant over.

    CONGRATS TARA!!! So fun! Even though I know you have a long hard road ahead of you (3 under 3??) I am slightly jealous. With pregnancy being this hard - it would be great to have an extra baby bonus with one of them. lol. I saw the CUTEST baby onesies for twin newborns. The 1st onesie says "I was Planned!" and the 2nd one says "I was a Surprise!". I would love twins someday (my mom is a twin).
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey all!

    How is everyone doing today?

    I have a headache but am trying to push through it by drinking water rather than taking Tylenol (which only works sometimes anyway). I had toast this morning because nothing else sounded good. I will surely need to eat again soon! My son is still sick, only his fever this morning was much lower (99ish as opposed to 101-102), which is a good sign. If he still has it this afternoon, I'll have to take him to the doctor again :frown:
  • howdeelightful
    Congrats Tara on the twins!! That is so exciting!! I remember when I was pregnant with my 1st, my husband was so excited he wanted to go to Meijer that night and look at the baby stuff. He had a little freak out moment standing in front of the diapers and wipes with his calculator. He was all worked up saying, "It is going to cost us $50 a month for ****!" lol Then, he calmed back down, and got really excited when he saw the double stroller. He said, "Wouldn't it be awesome if we needed one of these?" Of course, I freaked a little, saying no, no, no! He kept up his excitement, so finally I said, "Remember that $50 a month in ****? Twins would cost us $100 a month in ****." He stopped talking about twins then. LOL

    Of course, last night he said, "Babe, what if you have been eating everything because you have 2 blueberries?" (BTW, to explain, each week we call the baby whatever food it is the size of when we are talking in front of our son. He is only almost 4, but we don't want to tell him until we know we are out of the woods. He had a really hard time grasping the concept that the baby wasn't there anymore when we miscarried last time.) I had to remind him of our last conversation about twins. :smile:

    As far as I go, I am doing well. Boobs still hurt, and still extremely exhausted. I have slowed down some on the eating (THANK GOODNESS!!), and now I eat a little and then get a little nauseous. I'm very in tune to my body right now, and freaking out a little, because we are so close to the anniversary of the miscarriage. The really awesome news is that we are buying a house! They accepted the offer on Sunday. The inspection is on Tuesday. The latest closing date would be for Nov 16th, but there is a good chance we can close before that. So, we will get to spend Christmas in our new house! I'm so excited! I can't wait!!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Good morning, Ladies!

    I've been feeling better in the past two days, so perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel (or should I say birth canal). After a bad weekend, my appetite has been slowly returning, the nausea seems a little lighter and tends to occur mostly in the afternoon and evening. I'm still pretty tired, but at least I'm not walking around with a fog in my brain constantly. Of course I'm worried that feeling better might be a bad sign! I talked to my midwife yesterday and she said that the symptoms often start letting up little by little beginning around Week 10, which is where I'll be on Friday. I've been persistent with my swim team; during the workouts I just feel so awful, but then the next morning I definitely feel more energized. I have to force myself to go, but I tell myself that it's ok to move down a lane or get out after 1 hour.

    On Friday I have my first "official" exam, at which there will be no u/s (boo). If we opt for the Down's Syndrome screening we can get a scan at 12 weeks, which isn't too too far away. What were your first appointments like? How did you prepare for them? What kinds of questions did you/they ask?

    Sorry to hear that some of you are feeling really sick! I hope your symptoms also ease up soon.

    Howdeelightful --congrats on the new house! That is SUPER exciting! We just went through the process this summer and are loving our beautiful new place. We're still debating which will be the baby's room, but it's fun thinking about how to decorate.

    RBXChas --hope your son feels better! And let us know how the first appt goes!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    How are you feeling today?

    Yesterday was a rough day with nausea. Today is similar but not quite as bad. I am still home with my son, who thankfully no longer has a fever today.

    I am 7w4d today, and my boob soreness is FINALLY dissipating. I don't remember when it went away last time, but does that sound right to you all?
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    RBX - my boobs are still really sore...which is a slight decrease from the SUPER sore they've been for the past month...which I'm thinking timing is about right for a little relief.

    This is a really weird pregnancy for me, or maybe it's just because I'm a full-time SAHM this time around so I have more time to think about how I'm feeling vs when I was pregnant with my other children I was working full-time. Number 1, I've actually suffered nausea this time. It's like I don't want to eat, but then I get nauseous if I don't, and then I make myself and shortly after eating I'm nauseous again. UGH! And I have been CRAVING sugar :noway: I'm talking cookies, ice cream, snickers bars THE WORKS. I want it! So I'm trying to fight that urge, other than that I have no cravings. I have noticed that I my meat appetite is nonexistant, and I'm loading up on carbs, dairy and veggies. Number 2 I am a psycho mood swingin heffer. My husband thinks he's traded me in for Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde..... I'm hoping that gets better soon:ohwell:
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Hi there! I found out last month that I am pregnant with baby #5. We have two living children, and I have had two miscarriages. I have been pretty nervous for the past 5 weeks, hoping and praying that my ob visit and ultrasound would reveal good news, unlike my last one last March, where we found out that our sweet baby had passed away. But I had my ultrasound on Monday, and everything looked great! The baby had a good, strong heartbeat, and was even measuring a bit big. Now that some of the anxiety is gone, I can finally feel excited. My due date is May 7th, which is my daughter's birthday! I love to run, and I ran my first 5k this summer, which totally got me addicted. Sadly though, my doctor advised me not to run due to a vaginal prolapse. It looks like I probably won't run again until I get corrective surgery. I also have to watch what kind of ab exercises I do, as many put pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, which have become weak. So I am adjusting my workouts, trying to take it easy when I can, and doing Kegels like there's no tomorrow :laugh: I would love to meet women who are living with similar issues, because it can really be discouraging. I would love to know that I am not alone!

    I hope and pray that each of you has a wonderful, healthy pregnancy!!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Happy weekend, everyone! I hope you are all having a great day so far!

    How is everyone doing/feeling?

    Me, I went to a Spinning class this morning, and it felt great. I plan to go tomorrow morning, since I never know if I am able to go during the week. It really does make me feel normal again, whatever that means, but mostly it puts the nausea aside. I had a protein bar beforehand and a small glass of milk, but I was STARVING afterwards, so I got myself an Egg McMuffin on the way home. Holy yum! The only downside is that it's after 12 now, and I am getting hungry again. I am just not finding that my regular food is making my stomach feel right. Like a sandwich and a Greek yogurt for lunch with a piece of fruit just isn't cutting it, and I either feel like crap because I haven't eaten, or I feel like crap after eating that because it's not substantial enough. My husband keeps offering me his protein bars, but those won't cut it. I honestly have a hard time eating those. What my body is telling me to do is eat really substantial food, like burgers, and constantly. I want to listen to my body, but at the same time I don't want to pig out!

    Is anyone else having this problem? I'm really at a loss as to how to handle this. It's the only thing that makes me feel better, and for a couple of hours, at that. I wonder if I'm better off eating less often but more substantial food and not feeling nauseated than eating smaller stuff more often and regularly feeling kind of nauseated.


    I have felt very similar about food! Like my body really craves something more substantial that my usual nearly-vegetarian diet. But I wouldn't let that give you an excuse to rely on fast food. A burger made at home would probably be a better choice? Maybe eating a more substantial breakfast would help. Eggs tend to stick with me longer- For the first few weeks of my pregnancy I would eat an egg-white sandwich on whole wheat bread. I also eat smaller meals more frequently, so my blood sugar stays level and I never feel like I am starving. I eat a small breakfast, and a while later I have what my kids and I call "second breakfast", and I do that throughout the day with the rest of my meals. That seems to keep me feeling like I need to gobble everything in sight when hunger hits. I hope that helps!
  • howdeelightful

    Can't wait to hear how the doctors appointment goes for you today!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    RBX - my boobs are still really sore...which is a slight decrease from the SUPER sore they've been for the past month...which I'm thinking timing is about right for a little relief.

    This is a really weird pregnancy for me, or maybe it's just because I'm a full-time SAHM this time around so I have more time to think about how I'm feeling vs when I was pregnant with my other children I was working full-time. Number 1, I've actually suffered nausea this time. It's like I don't want to eat, but then I get nauseous if I don't, and then I make myself and shortly after eating I'm nauseous again. UGH! And I have been CRAVING sugar :noway: I'm talking cookies, ice cream, snickers bars THE WORKS. I want it! So I'm trying to fight that urge, other than that I have no cravings. I have noticed that I my meat appetite is nonexistant, and I'm loading up on carbs, dairy and veggies. Number 2 I am a psycho mood swingin heffer. My husband thinks he's traded me in for Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde..... I'm hoping that gets better soon:ohwell:

    Hey, I am right there with you! I have had nausea like crazy this time around (last time I only had food aversions), but thankfully I haven't gotten sick yet. I've come close a couple of times, though. If I don't eat, I feel nauseous, and then I do eat, but I feel crappy shortly thereafter. I also feel the need to eat ice cream. Not so much candy, but ice cream. I'm giving in because it makes my stomach feel better, but I was out of the office all week because my son was sick, which allowed me to plop him in his car seat and drive out to get it. Now that I'm back in the office, I won't be able to do that, which is probably a good thing.

    I stocked up on soups the other day. I find they are good for meals, although I hate the added sodium. I bought Progresso creamy tomato and basil soup, and it is aaaaaaawesome. I'm not usually one for tomato soup, but it sounded good when I saw it at the supermarket, and I had it last night for dinner. So good :smile:

    I am a bit quicker to anger, or really get annoyed rather than anger, than I usually am, though.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi there! I found out last month that I am pregnant with baby #5. We have two living children, and I have had two miscarriages. I have been pretty nervous for the past 5 weeks, hoping and praying that my ob visit and ultrasound would reveal good news, unlike my last one last March, where we found out that our sweet baby had passed away. But I had my ultrasound on Monday, and everything looked great! The baby had a good, strong heartbeat, and was even measuring a bit big. Now that some of the anxiety is gone, I can finally feel excited. My due date is May 7th, which is my daughter's birthday! I love to run, and I ran my first 5k this summer, which totally got me addicted. Sadly though, my doctor advised me not to run due to a vaginal prolapse. It looks like I probably won't run again until I get corrective surgery. I also have to watch what kind of ab exercises I do, as many put pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, which have become weak. So I am adjusting my workouts, trying to take it easy when I can, and doing Kegels like there's no tomorrow :laugh: I would love to meet women who are living with similar issues, because it can really be discouraging. I would love to know that I am not alone!

    I hope and pray that each of you has a wonderful, healthy pregnancy!!

    Hi there, welcome and congratulations!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    Can't wait to hear how the doctors appointment goes for you today!

    Thanks for remembering! My appointment was at 10AM (my OB doesn't do appointments until 10AM for whatever reason), but she didn't come in until about 10:25. So from 10:05-10:25 I was just sitting there... But anyway, everything looks good, and there's only one in there :wink:

    Still feeling nauseous today, though. I'm hoping soup for lunch will make me feel good!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh, and my OB gave me the green light to keep on Spinning. She's a Spinning enthusiast herself (as well as a surfer - she's pretty cool), so she knows what it entails. She just said not to do any sprints, which I wouldn't have done anyway.

    This was also the first time she'd seen me since before starting MFP. She could not stop telling me how awesome I looked - she guessed I'd lost 100 lbs! (Well, it was about 100 from my pre-delivery weight.) It is nice to hear that, and she really encouraged me to keep on working out as long as it felt good and as long as I could physically do it.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hope your appointment went well rebecca!

    hello everyone!
    sorry been awol, weddings and birthdays and work is crazy!

    how is everyone doing symptom wise? im ok- nausea still pretty bad! i actually threw up on thurs! yuck! but means all is good. tiredness is still pretty bad, cant wait till it improves. Also met my mw on wednesday and have had my dating scan come through for 7th nov. scary stuff! but cant wait!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good morning!

    I had a fun weekend. My BIL and SIL came into town on Saturday, so we spent the day together. They have an almost one-year-old, and they are expecting at about the same time as we are (she didn't know the date of her LMP, so they are guesstimating that her due date is about a week after mine, so first week of June). My son was in rare form because he'd missed his nap, and I think they were a little freaked out by his fussiness because he is currently the age their daughter will be when their second is born. In two months or so I will be able to look at my nephew and see where my son will be when we have our baby. It is all very interesting to think about!

    My boobs are definitely less sore but more veiny and ENORMOUS. I think they actually grew over the weekend, and I kept having to tug at my bra yesterday because it was not doing its job anymore. Otherwise, I am still very hungry in general and more for protein than carbs, which is probably a good thing. I do still have nausea issues, but not quite as bad as before, and the more I eat, the better I feel. I am also having more light cramping, which is more annoying than anything else. I'm guessing my uterus is stretching again.

    How is everyone else doing/feeling?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    hope your appointment went well rebecca!

    hello everyone!
    sorry been awol, weddings and birthdays and work is crazy!

    how is everyone doing symptom wise? im ok- nausea still pretty bad! i actually threw up on thurs! yuck! but means all is good. tiredness is still pretty bad, cant wait till it improves. Also met my mw on wednesday and have had my dating scan come through for 7th nov. scary stuff! but cant wait!

    Can't wait to hear about your scan! Sorry to hear your nausea got so bad :frown: Hopefully it will pass soon!
  • howdeelightful
    Went for my first OB appointment this morning!! Everything is going well so far. I'm scheduled for my first Ultrasound on Wednesday, so now I have that to look forward too. Plus, she is having me go take the 2hr Glucose test this week. I am considered high risk, and they are going to be keeping a close watch on me. Especially my blood pressure. It is going to be a busy week. I have the inspection for our new house tomorrow, the U/S on Wednesday, the glucose test Sat morning, my hubby's cousin's big Halloween party Sat night, and my step-daughters birthday party on Sunday. I may be dead by Sun night! lol