

  • Did Day 3 yesterday. My calves were alright after Day 2 but when I started this workout they were so stiff and sore - it was hard to do the workout. Will have to stretch them out more. Also, after I'm done my workout I watch the next day to see what's in store while stretching - I really think all the extra stretching…
  • Woops - I accidentally started Insanity. I was finishing up the 30 Day Shred and I was determined to get to the end before starting Insanity. But curiosity got the best of me and I watched the fit test and then one thing led to another and a couple days later I just finished Day 2. :) So...Plyo Cardio Circuit: I didn't do…
  • I'm on Day 3 of level 3: Anyone else find the level 3 plank rows awkward? I was using 3 lb weights after feeling like 5 lbs was too much in the previous levels, but either this level is easier or I'm getting much stronger because upping to 7-lb dumbells make the plank rows easier (my knuckles had more room when my weight…
  • I'm on Day 8 now. After Day 5 I knew Level 1 was no good to me anymore because I wasn't dreading it like I used to. I know, I sound ridiculous - it wasn't easy but it just wasn't as HARD as I wanted it to be. So I decided to try 5 days of Level 2. It was HARD. I couldn't finish many of the moves because my upper arm and…
  • Thanks for the advice. I kept at it with the 5 lb-ers yesterday thinking I and it was weird - my arms felt better after the workout than they did before. Soreness is almost gone! I guess the 3rd-day is the charm for most of the pain disappearing as some of you say.Those anterior raises always kill me too Osprey Vista - I…
  • Hi everyone... On day 3 of 30DS. Been doing Wii Active Sports II and workout DVD's like Billy Blanks Boot Camp and I just bought Zumba II for the Wii - boy am I glad the 30DS isn't the first thing I did. My thighs and legs are pretty strong from the last month so they are only slightly sore but I made the mistake of using…