Starting 30DS Today



  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Finally! day 6, level 2 completed. I upped the weights on the first 2 circuits.
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    WOOHOO! I can honestly say I am SO HAPPY to be DONE level 2! I don't recall ever having stuck it out like this before and it makes me proud of myself that I DID IT! :bigsmile: I woke up this morning to feeling some delayed muscle soreness from yesterday's workout, but yesterday I also added 20 minutes of moderate bike workout and wonder if that might have been the cause? I was sore today, but toughed it out and am SO ready to take this weekend off! Well, I'll still be up and about doing stuff, just not intensely working out. :smile:
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    Level 2 day 1. I had heard that level 2 is actually easier than level 1... NOT TRUE. Squat thrusters had me dying.

    Buuut I got through it (the best I could)!

    When I finish the whole 30DS, I'm planning on repeating it from level 1 day 1. Looking forward to seeing the results in the form of "wow this isn't as hard as I remember."

    Whoever said that was either in excellent top form or was phoning in the moves. I said right off the bat that level 2 was brutal compared to level 1!

    So long as you're doing your BEST, that's all that matters! As the days go on and you keep doing it, it'll get a touch easier and worth seeing results! :wink:
  • ellanoise
    ellanoise Posts: 18 Member
    Day 9/Level 1 - One more day, then it's on to level 2. You guys are making me scared about level 2.

    11 pushups / 9 pushups. I am still improving!
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    WOOHOO! I can honestly say I am SO HAPPY to be DONE level 2! I don't recall ever having stuck it out like this before and it makes me proud of myself that I DID IT! :bigsmile: I woke up this morning to feeling some delayed muscle soreness from yesterday's workout, but yesterday I also added 20 minutes of moderate bike workout and wonder if that might have been the cause? I was sore today, but toughed it out and am SO ready to take this weekend off! Well, I'll still be up and about doing stuff, just not intensely working out. :smile:

    Lol I'm the total opposite. Today is my 2nd day of level 3. Totally want to go back to level 2. I HATE level 3 :( Dreading it x.x Which is going to make me want to stop.. not cool.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Day 9/Level 1 - One more day, then it's on to level 2. You guys are making me scared about level 2.

    11 pushups / 9 pushups. I am still improving!

    Level 2 isn't that bad in my opinion. In fact, it was my favorite. Wait until you reach level 3. Muahahahaha!
  • dcf44
    dcf44 Posts: 6
    I'm on Day 8 now. After Day 5 I knew Level 1 was no good to me anymore because I wasn't dreading it like I used to. I know, I sound ridiculous - it wasn't easy but it just wasn't as HARD as I wanted it to be. So I decided to try 5 days of Level 2. It was HARD. I couldn't finish many of the moves because my upper arm and core strength isn't amazing.

    But the second day of Level 2 I did finish it all minus a couple of reps near the end. And already I can feel such a difference in my abs and my arms. And I feel like I'm getting a hard workout like those first few days of Level 1 again.

    Next I'll do 5 days of level 3 and then 15 days of mixing it up to complete the 30 days.
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Mixing all three levels is working great for me. I'm still looking forward to them 7 workouts in, and that's something for me!
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member

    I pushed myself today, especially during all the exercises in the plank poses. It is easier than in the beginning of this level but man, I could easily do this for 20 days instead of 10 (not that I want to ) and there still would be room for improvement.

    Had some bigos yesterday (Polish food. lots of cabbage) and I still feel bloated, ugh.

    Myfitnesslife, my daughter is 1. She is a preemie though - we had to get her 2 months earlier...
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I'm on Day 8 now. After Day 5 I knew Level 1 was no good to me anymore because I wasn't dreading it like I used to. I know, I sound ridiculous - it wasn't easy but it just wasn't as HARD as I wanted it to be. So I decided to try 5 days of Level 2. It was HARD. I couldn't finish many of the moves because my upper arm and core strength isn't amazing.

    But the second day of Level 2 I did finish it all minus a couple of reps near the end. And already I can feel such a difference in my abs and my arms. And I feel like I'm getting a hard workout like those first few days of Level 1 again.

    Next I'll do 5 days of level 3 and then 15 days of mixing it up to complete the 30 days.

    That sounds like a fantastic idea. :) I did 8 days of level 1, moved on. I was going to do 10-12 days of level 2, but it became boring/easy fast. So now I'm on level 3. So far I hate it, and I may do add the 4 days from level 1 and 2 onto it, depending.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member

    I pushed myself today, especially during all the exercises in the plank poses. It is easier than in the beginning of this level but man, I could easily do this for 20 days instead of 10 (not that I want to ) and there still would be room for improvement.

    Had some bigos yesterday (Polish food. lots of cabbage) and I still feel bloated, ugh.

    Myfitnesslife, my daughter is 1. She is a preemie though - we had to get her 2 months earlier...
    haha I would rather do 20 days in level 2 than do level 3 at all. Hell, I'll take a full 30 days in level 2. I'm pushing myself hard for level 3. I really don't like it.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Level 3 Day 3 Check.

    All I can say: 5 more days, just 5 more days!
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member

    just 2 more days of level 2. just 2 more days. Just 2 more days.
    During level 1 I actually looked forward to exercising. I was so energetic and motivated.
    Now, I'm still motivated but I know exactly how exhausting these workouts are and I started to dread them.

    Nonetheless - I will be buying Ripped in 30. I'm not stopping after the Shred.
  • Day 1 L2 I am in BIG trouble. It is so freaking hard and I think I pulled a muscle in my neck/ shoulder doing the dam plank move. I hope I'm OK to continue tomorrow.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member

    just 2 more days of level 2. just 2 more days. Just 2 more days.
    During level 1 I actually looked forward to exercising. I was so energetic and motivated.
    Now, I'm still motivated but I know exactly how exhausting these workouts are and I started to dread them.

    Nonetheless - I will be buying Ripped in 30. I'm not stopping after the Shred.

    Haha I will be buying RI30 tomorow, and starting it a 1 week from tomorrow. At least I hope I can force myself to. I'll be leaving for Cali the 18th, and I won't be back till the 23rd. I'm Hoping I can focus on my portion control and only eating when I'm hungry. But Monday is going to screw that up because we have a tasting to do for our wedding that day. Also, Thursday will screw that up to cuz **** you it's thanksgiving >:( Lol. Whew. I'm just going to focus on doing my exercises and trying to moderate myself as much as I can and hope I do a good enough job so that I don't gain more than 2 lbs back! We should be RI30 buddies too ^_^ I'm looking forward to it. I might try doing 30DS over again and do RI30 as well. Depending on how I feel.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Day 1 L2 I am in BIG trouble. It is so freaking hard and I think I pulled a muscle in my neck/ shoulder doing the dam plank move. I hope I'm OK to continue tomorrow.

    Oh no! That's never good! I hope your neck gets better soon!
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member

    One more day of level 2.
  • ellanoise
    ellanoise Posts: 18 Member
    Day 2/Level 2. wow. I agree with whoever said they looked forward to excercising during level one and dreaded it for level 2. Lol.

    This is the planking level and omg. crazy. BUT, I am doing in. Anita is kicking my *kitten* with her modified version, but I am struggling through it and finishing it. I cannot get the hang of the last ab move, so I have resorted back to bicycle crunches. ;-)
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    Day 21, Level 3 and I'm so wiped out! I watched the video again before I did the workout and got out my 3 lbs weights. I can't do jumping jacks with 5 lbers! I can work my way up, but that's going to take a while! LOL The jumping lunges take some coordination, too so for today I did the modified version. Had a few breaks in between but I did do all the moves! I have to decide yet if I love it or hate it. Not sure yet.

    Had another headache today and this time there's pain behind my left eye. I think I'm due for an eye exam. Last time I went, about 5 years ago, the dr said my eyes were perfectly fine and not to come back for another 10 years. Well, I'm going to a different dr this time! Haven't needed glasses............yet....
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    What, jumping jacks with weights?
    What, jumping lunges??

    Get outta here... ;)