For any exercise you need progressive overload to make gains and enough time to recover. If you are unable to do unassisted pull-ups, have you tried banded pull-ups? Find the band that causes you to fail around rep 8-10 reps. Next time add 1/2 more reps, then move to a band that has less resistance. Rinse and repeat until…
You made beef tarte? where do you get your meat from?
The person that said keto would fail and WW will prevail was the CEO of WW, so obviously she was biased lol.
Yum! Beef Stew
I think the key with fitness is sustainability. Sure I could eat 400 calories every day and lose weight but could I sustain that for the rest of my life? and would that adversely affect my health? If your able to eat at deficit effectively and lose weight then whats the point of the medication? Will it excelerate your…