

  • I was so upset when I didn't drop a pants size at 20 lbs down. However, I finally had to be honest with myself and admit that I had stretched my then current size to the limit. Just keep pushing, it will show and you'll be so tickled! It's not uncommon for me now to see absolutely no movement on my scale. I have 12 lbs to…
  • Fish tacos made with swordfish, lime crema (made from greek yogurt), and pico de gallo.
  • But, but, I love the random troll threads that send everyone into a tizzy! It's highly entertaining. Heck, one of my favorite threads resulted in a link to someone's junk while everyone call the OP a hooker.
  • I'm near the end of my journey and I can't stress how much I want to be done! I want to move into maintainence so I can learn how to properly do that without gaining back all that I've lost. However, the last 12 lbs is killing me!
  • Guy at work asked me how much weight I had lost. I always feel uncomfortable answering this, but I'm about being honest, so I told him my number (48 lbs at the time). His response was to laugh and say, "wow if I lost that much weight, I'd be a skeleton."
  • Don't generalize all feminists! True feminism is about choice. As a woman you are empowered to be a SAHM, a mechanic, a professor and a stripper. You have the right to choose. Any woman looking down her nose at another because of her choices is not a feminist, she's just an arrogant B****.
  • I've gotten the "are you ok", "did you lose it on purpose", and "you're done now, right?" My personal favorite goes to my MIL who nicely *cough* reminded me that I should keep all my fat clothes.
  • Do you feel judged by your BF? I can remember dating someone that would offer to help me, then judge every little thing that went in my mouth. I would binge when he was not around or sleeping. Another possibility is eating too little. You get to a point where you're starved and you just say screw it and go on a hoover…
  • People often open their mouths without thinking, or they justify their comments by telling themselves they are "helping" you. My own mother (who struggled with her weight) would show me pictures of her much younger and slimmer and tell me how being fat was making me unattractive. She nicknamed me "tubby" and used to roll…
  • A three wolf moon t-shirt will solve that ASAP! Read reviews:
  • Make baby goals! My goal is always to lose the next 10 lbs. I don't think about the big number at all.
  • I make my own stock all the time. I normally buy whole chickens and just break them down for whatever I'm making and then use the discarded carcass for stock. The most I do before cooking it is removing as much of the skin and fat that I can. Once I have my stock, I toss it in the fridge overnight, remove any fat layer…
  • If you have one, try Noodles & Co. They post their calories and serving sizes right on the big board where you select your order. The sodium is higher than I'd like, but when you're splurging, you can still hit your cal goal for the day. I had Japanese Pan Noodles (small) at 320 calories and a small tossed green salad with…
  • I needed to purchase a new suit and immediately went for what I thought was my size. Had to try on three different brands before it sunk it to try the smaller size. Sad thing is that I just bought a few size 12 items and it looks like I am in a size 10. This was reinforced when I had to safety pin my brand new size 12…
  • This is great advice. I have hypothyroidism and was eyeballing my portions. Sadly, what I thought was 3oz was actually closer to 1.5oz. I was overestimating my calories and was beginning to have heart palpatations due to low caloric intake and medication.
  • Take your own lunch, eat 10-15 mins before the group leaves and then order water. Sit there and laugh and talk and just let them know (if asked) that you ate already.
  • You can search healthy foods, or you can do an advanced search for vegetarian and low cal. The recipes may be a bit more involved, but they are really good and keep me happy with flavorful meals. The site includes recipes from bon appetit, SELF, Gourmet and more. Edit: This site does not always have the…
  • This. I still try to buy the bigger sizes; just a knee jerk reaction when shopping. I start to head to the chubby section and then stop myself realizing that I don't belong there anymore. I'm down 45 lbs (and 4 sizes) and still try to buy things in the bigger sizes, almost afraid of buying something too small, or convinced…
  • It was about 20 lbs that people began to say anything.
  • You might want to have your thyroid checked as well.
  • I recently found a salad dressing from a local shop that was wonderful and surprisingly low in cal/fat. It wasn't until I purchased a new bottle and saw that the numbers had more than doubled and asked the owner what changed. "Nothing changed, we just had to follow FDA nutrition labels and changed the serving size to 2…
  • Almost 33 pounds = a cinder block !
  • Only Day 3 for me. My arms and shoulders really feel owie. My upperbody strength is so pitiful that I can barely do a pushup. Day 1 I counted it if I could get the girls off of the floor! I am using 2 lb weights, but hope to upgrade when I stop feeling like I want to die/hurl/pass out during curcuit 2. I will say that I…
  • I've been eating a ton of cucumbers thanks to the garden flourish. I like sugar snap peas as well. Special K has those chip thingers that you can have an obscene amount of for 110 calories. As far as lunches go, I usually make a pot of soup on Sunday as well as leftovers from the week's meals. My husband and I have changed…
  • I've taken the Churchill approach. I may be fat, but you're ignorant... and I can always lose weight.