cspinato Member


  • I have been on my healthy quest for almost 4 years and have lost 38lbs. I have a few more to go but, it just clicked this time. I don't know how else to describe it. That's the only way I see to make it last....and I feel great! Love your motivation for us all!
  • You definitely need to track your exercise. You get more calories for the exercise and need to eat a lot of them to not put your body into starvation mode. I am 52 and have lost 37lbs. I am usually about 200-300 under my calories after I work out, but a lot of days, I am right at it. It's worked for me. I am only a few…
  • For me, I either pre-plan my snacking and keep my calories lower, or I make myself work it off after. At first I didn't keep track at night and knew I wasn't being accountable and also wasn't losing. So now I keep some extra calories for snacking or work them off. I am not willing to ruin a great day by having the second…
  • I never used to, but now that I do, I can't imagine not eating it every day. I have lost 30lbs. I have found that I need protein at breakfast. If I have just a carb like toast, it sets off hunger mode!
  • Best advice is to make sure you have great running shoes. Find a store where they check you running on a treadmill and find you the right shoe.
  • Absolutely! Start with small changes, don't try to do it all at once and don't get discouraged.
  • I would also try to change up your workouts a bit....I had been on a plateau for a long long time. I first started my fitness pal to try to figure out what I was doing wrong. That has helped because I truly see what my workouts do for me and in fact was probably not eating enough. I also recently added in more interval…