

  • It's a latin based dance workout which raises your heart rate. It's pretty easy to pick up the steps and it is designed for weight loss and toning, so some routines involve small weights.
  • Well first of all, please don't lose heart. You are doing so well to stick with it for 2 months and you've lost weight! I know it must feel slow and frustrating, but it is in the right direction - and with PCOS, I think the less body fat you have, the fewer symptoms you have, so the more you lose, the more you are able to…
  • Wow - that is an amazing story and you are one hell of a woman to have come out the other side looking so HOT. I am jealous. Not just of your body, but of your strength. I hope you win.
  • That is totally amazing!! You are a similar shape to me (when you were larger) and I dream of having arms like yours now. I always thought that wouldn't be possible no matter how much weight I lost. Thank you for showing me what a lot of hard work and determination can do! Well done.
  • That is AMAZING! You are an inspiration. Well done.