

  • for the treadmill I put in "jogging" and then a menu comes up and you can choose from different speeds, click it, and then tell how many minutes. You can even change the calories to match the readout on your treadmill, pretty slick!
  • Is there any way you can sneak in even a can of SlimFast, and/or energy bar, some kind of snack or two during the day? Even a latte has calories that you can sip while you work. You will feel better if you do eat throughout the day, and it's better for your body, too. I wouldn't eat 800 calories in one sitting...I am just…
  • Going over on protien and fiber is fine. But going under on calories is bad...generally as a rule you only want to lose 1 pound a week, so take in 500 calories a day less than you expend. "Expend" includes your the more you work out, the more you can/have to eat. Eat less and you will lose weight faster, but…
  • since you didn't give many details it's hard to comment, but what I suspect from your rapid initial weight loss, is that you are on a very restricted diet. You are burning many more calories than you are taking in. What happens in this situation is your body thinks it is starving. Our bodies are very good at surviving…
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