What am I doing wrong......help

osbullies Posts: 6 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok guys and gals here is the deal:

I've been on this program from a month or so and Im not losing weight as I feel I should.

The first 2 weeks were great as is the case with most diets. I lost 4lbs the first week and 2lbs in the second week which is what I should be averaging.

I started off with light exercise and eating the prescribed amount of calories each day. When this stopped I figured that increasing my exercise would kick things back in motion. Well so far its not working. I'm running between 2 and 4 miles per day (6 days per week) and I lose a pound then gain it back.

I know I'm getting more physically fit as my endurance is getting much better.

The problem is the pounds are not coming off. And I'm sure some are wondering if I'm near my goal and fighting to get those last few pounds off........Unfortunatly this is not the case. I'm looking to lose about 50 more pounds.



  • osbullies
    osbullies Posts: 6 Member
    Ok guys and gals here is the deal:

    I've been on this program from a month or so and Im not losing weight as I feel I should.

    The first 2 weeks were great as is the case with most diets. I lost 4lbs the first week and 2lbs in the second week which is what I should be averaging.

    I started off with light exercise and eating the prescribed amount of calories each day. When this stopped I figured that increasing my exercise would kick things back in motion. Well so far its not working. I'm running between 2 and 4 miles per day (6 days per week) and I lose a pound then gain it back.

    I know I'm getting more physically fit as my endurance is getting much better.

    The problem is the pounds are not coming off. And I'm sure some are wondering if I'm near my goal and fighting to get those last few pounds off........Unfortunatly this is not the case. I'm looking to lose about 50 more pounds.

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    six pounds in the first month and you think you are doing something wrong? :noway:

    You are already doing FANTASTIC!!!!!

    All you need to do is keep it up!!

    Also, you can get a great deal of happiness from the measuring tape if the scale isn't showing anything to you-
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    are you eating back the calories you earn from exercise? too great a calories deficit can cause you to stall out-
  • etrips
    etrips Posts: 22
    Don't be discouraged...and take ALL victories as just that. I was similar I lost 5 lb right away, then within the month put it all back on. Then I lost it a few pounds at a time after that and I kept it off, then I platoed there for a few weeks, Lost two pounds. And then for the next 3 weeks stayed their, then in 4 days I lost 4 pounds. I don't know why my body does it, it just sometimes stayes the same for a while, then lose a bunch then repeat. If weight is discouraging at the moment then go for fitness goals.

    I swam 2km in under an hour the other day just to prove to myself I could, since my weight is in the "staying the same phase" but after you put on that muslce the fat will start to melt fast, just keep at it.
  • osbullies
    osbullies Posts: 6 Member
    I try to eat all my exercise calories but most of the time I cant.....LOL

    For example today I burned 800+ calories after dinner so one I'm not that hungry and two I dont want to eat a bunch of food and go to bed. Maybe I should cut back on the exercise but at the same time I'm trying to get to where I can run 5 miles non stop.

    I'm an ex college football player so I naturally carry a lot of muscle which is why no one thinks I weigh as much as the scale says I do but I also know what I will look like with the muscle mass I have and 50lbs of fat gone.
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    I don't think you are doing wrong. It seems as if you are doing everything right! I wish I could lose 6 pounds a month!! Remember that it takes time. It might be a slow process but it's worth it. (And less tempting to gain back) :flowerforyou:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Check your sodium intake. Also, are you drinking enough water? Half your weight in ounces each day? I had to up my calories some - My body was not willing to let go of the weight when I restricted the calorie count to the two lb/wk goal - I had to go to the 1 lb/wk goal ~

    That's my 2cents
    good luck:drinker:
  • marmen
    marmen Posts: 4
    since you didn't give many details it's hard to comment, but what I suspect from your rapid initial weight loss, is that you are on a very restricted diet. You are burning many more calories than you are taking in. What happens in this situation is your body thinks it is starving. Our bodies are very good at surviving through times of famine, and the way the body responds to starvation is by lowering the base metabolic rate. After a month of a restrictive diet, your body basically adjusts to the lower calorie level by lowering it's caloric requirements for survival. You may also notice a lower energy level because your body is metabolizing more slowly.

    Interestingly, this lowering of the base metabolic rate is also what causes the yo-yo effect of dieting. You diet, then go to a healthy normal diet, and gain back all the weight and then some. That is because in earlier times, the body recognized that starvation had occured and might occur again, so it wanted to pack on extra fat to survive the next famine. In other words, your base metabolic weight permanently readjusts to a lower level after any extended period of dramatic calorie shortage such as you are doing to yourself, because your body thinks there is a famine and could be another one that you will need to survive.

    This is why fitness research supports losing only 1/2 to at most 1 pound per week. At this slower rate of weight loss your body will not freak out and go into survival mode.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I agree with marmin...keep eating"healthy" mind you, and keep exercising. there is nothing wrong with a lb a week. that is the smartest safest way to go. I have been here for 3 weeks and have lost 6 lb and I eat almost every exercise calorie everyday, unless of course it is like 3 or 4 hundred and to late in the night for that much food, but I really do try to eat more during the day, but also, I never go to bed hungry. I will snack on whole wheat crackers, cheese, meats, yogurts and or vegi's. In moderation of course. and I also started TTOM today and didn't gain anything, I usually put on 3 or more just for this special time. I don't know why it's working but it is. so keep going and don't give up. also, be sure to measure your foods and be honest with yourself, if you over eat, accept it and do better tomorrow. But if you don't log every little bit, your only cheating yourself.
  • mridulawittke
    mridulawittke Posts: 7 Member
    I feel the same way as you. Atleast you have lost 6 pounds. It has been 5 weeks for me now and i have managed to lose only 3 pounds. The measuring tape too doesn't show much change. The only thing that makes me going is sweating. I never used to sweat before, but now i do and i feel more energetic after i excercise.

    I am glad to see all the responses and encouragement on this thread and i want you all to know that it has helped me to focus and keep excercising and not lose hope
  • ylin
    ylin Posts: 16
    A pound a week is safest. You don't want to put your body in starvation mode or your metabolism will go down which is bad in the long run. My trainer at the gym told me that if I were to burn 3500 calories a week (500 cal/day, or a pound a week), I should be drinking 11 cups of water a day. Water breaks down all the fat cells and (I'm not good with words but) makes them smaller, which makes it easier to burn. He also mentioned to watch my sodium and sugar intake. Fat is okay, as long as it's good fats (avocados, nuts). I normally try to stay away from overdoing dairy because there's a lot of fat in it too.

    There are also healthy alternatives to foods. I've been getting this 45 calorie wheat + flax bread at Trader Joe's and drinking unsweetened almond milk, which has the least amount of sugar and calories. It tasted like almond flavored water at first, but I've become accustomed to it.

    Exercise increases circulation as well, and boosts you metabolism, which means that you'll burn more calories doing your normal everyday activities vs. before you started exercising.

    Hope that helps! Keep up the good work, and you have no reason to be discouraged. We're all proud of you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hope1121
    Hope1121 Posts: 7
    OMG!!!! seriously i have been working out everyday and eating 1000 calories or less a day and ive only lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks!! are you kidding me/????? HELP!!:mad:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    pb it sounds like you're not eating enough, you think you've lost weight but you haven't, your body eats the muscle and holds onto the fat. How much exercising are you doing a day? What is the recommended amount of cals a day is it set to?
  • mickie
    mickie Posts: 183
    You're doing great! However, if you want to keep the scale moving you have to change up your workout. Running is a great form of excersise, but if you do it every day your body gets used to it and adjusts. If it's not possible to join a gym, rent excercise videos (free from library) or Comcast on Demand (if you have it) offers different exercise programs (including Jillian Michaels). If you can, run maybe 2-3 times/week and do a workout video 2-3 days per week. Try and add in 2-3 days of strength training (weights). That is where you will really notice a difference in your body! Be careful not to do too much (overtrain). Go to the library and borrow fitness magazines to find out what and how to use weights (Oxygen is a good mag.). Watch your sugar intake (which will make you more hungry) and drink enough water. Try and eat a protein with a carb at 5-6 meals per day (keeps your blood sugar stable so you aren't starving all day). Keep up the good work!:happy:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I felt the same way! I to started running eating >1200 calories and didn't see the results I wanted. However, I do know it's best to lose the weight slowly. Currently, I am trying the Southbeach diet phase 1 and I have lost 5 lbs in 1 week. Surprisingly, I don't feel hungry or tired. It's worth looking into and good luck at least the scale isn't moving up LOL.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok guys and gals here is the deal:

    I've been on this program from a month or so and Im not losing weight as I feel I should.

    The first 2 weeks were great as is the case with most diets. I lost 4lbs the first week and 2lbs in the second week which is what I should be averaging.

    I started off with light exercise and eating the prescribed amount of calories each day. When this stopped I figured that increasing my exercise would kick things back in motion. Well so far its not working. I'm running between 2 and 4 miles per day (6 days per week) and I lose a pound then gain it back.

    I know I'm getting more physically fit as my endurance is getting much better.

    The problem is the pounds are not coming off. And I'm sure some are wondering if I'm near my goal and fighting to get those last few pounds off........Unfortunatly this is not the case. I'm looking to lose about 50 more pounds.

    Personally your not giving your body enough time to show results..your bouncing from one thing to another when you dont see the outcome that you want. Plateaus do not happen over a 2 week period they generally take one full month of being at the same weight and honestly eating right and excercising to your full potential.. 1-2 lbs is the average but some people may not lose a pound every week and may just lose 3lbs all at once. Everyone is different I suggest mapping out a calorie range that is good for you and sticking to it..Excercise 5 times a week for about 60minutes mainly cardio....You need to stick with it...and keep plugging away even when you dont see results in a 2 week period..give your body a month before considering a plateau.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    OMG!!!! seriously i have been working out everyday and eating 1000 calories or less a day and ive only lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks!! are you kidding me/????? HELP!!:mad:

    you definitely need to eat more.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I feel the same way as you. At least you have lost 6 pounds. It has been 5 weeks for me now and i have managed to lose only 3 pounds. The measuring tape too doesn't show much change. The only thing that makes me going is sweating. I never used to sweat before, but now i do and i feel more energetic after i exercise.

    I am glad to see all the responses and encouragement on this thread and i want you all to know that it has helped me to focus and keep exercising and not lose hope

    I failed to mention that I gained 3lbs when I started working out and changed my eating 6 week before I found this site. I really believe this system works if you give it a chance. stay on track and give your body time to process your new lifestyle, and keep eating/exercising....it will kick in.......
  • Hope1121
    Hope1121 Posts: 7
    well i have the ipod app called "lose it" its similar to this and when i pluged in my information it said im suppost to eat 997 cals a day to lose 2 lbs a week...so i think maybe ive been eating to much!!
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