fresaivette Member


  • Thx for this post. I am a very weight conscious person. Work out 4 times a week. But I lost my dad las January and due to too much anxiety I have gained 20 pounds. I was desperate so I just got in the Hcg thing which has all the rules that I already know. But I feel I have spend too much money in this... I will take in…
  • u can write me to my email. I have gone through a bunch. I gained 20 pounds first time in my life. And today I am better than ever :) my email s : i wrote all my story n how i went back to b me just in case was useful for people that goes thorugh changes. u will b just fine.. promisse.:blushing:
  • Dear Friend in Pain :), I felt like you a few days ago. I am almost on my goal 116 (now I am 117.4 pounds). Do not let my weight don't take my words seriously. I read a book about nutrition last year about everyday is a new start... If you are spiritually, it work the same way! I tell my friends that when we brake up our…
  • Well, I don't have very good news to none of you... I am reading this Eat Clean book and says -I assume it is for a person that workout regularly like me- the amount should be... 1 oz of water per weight in you scale! Meaning... I began since last sunday to drink 7 bottles of 16oz each. Beginnings are never easy, but can…
  • Hi, I'd rather to remain anonimus. I have being in this web site for about 2 months or little less. I had this friend that was writing everything she eated and I thought she was crazy. Then I bacame -also with her- addicted to this magazine call OXYGEN and understood a lot of thing includind having a journal of what you…