

  • that's a really good goal hon, i don't set weekly goals, mine are usually the same each day anyway, to avoid the lattice fries at work along with the chicken goujons ;) glad to say i have been successful for at least 4 weeks now!!
  • well done sweet, youre doing fab and you have come such a long way!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx such an inspiration xxx
  • i dont have any experience on the blood pressure but im sure lots of lovely people on here will, welcome ;0) and good luck x
  • good for you, joining this site will help you with alot of encouragement from some really lovely people, ive only been a member for a couple of days but everyone has made me feel right at home and shown alot of kindness, if you ever need any kind of encouragement or help or just a chat we are all here to help you out ;0) x…