LittleGrem Member


  • For all the ladies out there Gabriella Cilmi 'On a Mission' Whenever I feel like giving up or ending my workout early, I put this on, turn it way up and knuckle down. The lyrics, beat, everything is just instant motivation. Listen to it and you'll see what I mean :)
  • Having a little freak out here! My BF told me he'd booked a table at a very expensive Thai restaurant for tomorrow night. He was so excited he'd managed to get a table that he couldn't wait to tell me. Now I'm stressing out over what to order, I don't want to sit there and just pick at my food feeling guilty for being…
  • I travel the world and go diving with Great Whites. On my days off I look after my boyfriend who is a computer security ninja. It Sucks
  • Kevin Bridges is my comedy God! The guy is a total leg! Really like Sarah Millican, Keith Lemon, Alan Carr, Peter Kay & of course, good ol' Billy C
  • Britney Spears body in "I'm a Slave" music video. If I can get at least half way there by the time my bikini comes out, i will be a very happy girl. Now thats VAIN!
  • Yup, totally slowed and seem to always plateau at about the 120-122lbs mark. Only time I've been below this in the past 10 years is a few years ago when I hit 105 on the breakup diet. Didn't even realise I had gotten that thin until I went to give blood and they made me get on the scales as they were unsure I was fit…
  • good old pure natural whey protein, if I want to bulk it out a bit I'll add a banana and if I want to add vitamins/minerals and make it a meal for on the go I'll add some good ol' slimfast powder.
  • Oh no, not insulted at all, by anything anybody has said. I appreciate everyone's comments and am really glad that so many people are taking the time to give me advice, it's awesome. Just want people to understand that I'm not too skinny and that I'm serious about changing my body shape for the better, not trying to be…
  • Also, I'm not starving myself!! Ha ha, at the moment eating a complex carb, high protein, fruit rich diet of 1200 cals + a day, working out 5 times a week, 3 days cardio + abs + push ups, 2 days strength training. So consensus is more strength training, any advice on ratio's cardio to strength? Do you think I should do…
  • Guys I appreciate all your wise words, but seriously at 122lbs I am not unhealthily underweight or anorexic skinny. Check out my pic on my profile! If I was to reach 115lbs I would still be within healthy BMI for my height. I appreciate what may look fine on someone may look awful on someone else. Just depends on your body…
  • You know, I think you're totally right, after reading the article, maybe i should now be concentrating on upping my strength training to get where I want to be.
  • Hey guys, I've put a pic of where I am now up on my profile (please excuse my dodgy underwear and Scottish tan!!!) as you can see I am so very nearly there, and definitely (in my opinion) not unhealthily underweight nor do I want to be :) Thank you so much for all your comments and advice x
  • I am currently a UK size 8-10 (US size 4-6 i think) but as I said I am smaller set and I know I have weight to lose and some serious toning to do, will try to get my pics up so you can see what i mean (not sure how to post them though!) Guess it's all dependent on your natural body shape, bone structure.
  • Yeah, I've already heard/read a lot about the Jillian Michaels DVD's, unfortunately having done fitness DVD's in the past I know I do NOT have the motivation to do them, think it has to do with being at home. I find I have to actually be in the gym to have the motivation to do a really hard workout. Know it may seem that…
  • Ignore the scales and concentrate on what the tape is telling you. If you're getting on the scales, make sure it's always at the same time of the day, preferably first thing in the morning after going to the loo. This will help minimize 'water retention' fluctuation. I find I can weigh anything up to 5lbs less in the…