Losing inches but gaining weight...wtheck!

I've been working out since the first week of Jan. at 140, got down to 136, the next week I gained a pound (but has started my menstrual cycle) and lost a full inch everywhere except my lower ab and arm. So this week I was expecting to see the scale drop, but NO I gained another pound so now I'm 138 but lost .5 - 1" everywhere...so I'm shrinking but getting heavier? ahhhh help


  • jbachhuber
    jbachhuber Posts: 22 Member
    Don't sweat it and keep up the good work. You are losing fat and gaining muscle.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I would say it's water retention before I said you were gaining muscle.
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    Don't sweat it and keep up the good work. You are losing fat and gaining muscle.

    tnx :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't see the problem as long as you're losing inches. Just stick with it!
  • that's what I was going to tell you .I just lost 8 more pounds but I lost 21 inches in 5 weeks,so if your exercising and doing strength training your good
  • elyseology
    elyseology Posts: 44 Member
    Have you been lifting weights? You could be gaining muscle and toning?... That happened to me too, losing inches,but maintaining weight. It's that evil scale that discourages me, since I've only lost 1 pound and I've working hard that the gym. But I have seen results in inches.
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    OMG I am in the same situation . I started at 61 kgs and lost about 6 pounds and now the up a pound but my measurements have gone down. so glad I am not alone.
  • Whatever the reason, you're getting more compact! ;) Isn't that better than the opposite - watching the numbers on the scale go down, but getting too big for your clothes?

    Keep up the good work.
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    I don't see the problem as long as you're losing inches. Just stick with it!
    you're right, I just have put such "weight" on what the scale says...I have to break that mindset
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    that's what I was going to tell you .I just lost 8 more pounds but I lost 21 inches in 5 weeks,so if your exercising and doing strength training your good

    thanks! you're right
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    Have you been lifting weights? You could be gaining muscle and toning?... That happened to me too, losing inches,but maintaining weight. It's that evil scale that discourages me, since I've only lost 1 pound and I've working hard that the gym. But I have seen results in inches.

    yeah I am doing a lot of lifting actually
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    OMG I am in the same situation . I started at 61 kgs and lost about 6 pounds and now the up a pound but my measurements have gone down. so glad I am not alone.

    me too!
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    Whatever the reason, you're getting more compact! ;) Isn't that better than the opposite - watching the numbers on the scale go down, but getting too big for your clothes?

    Keep up the good work.

    truth! thanks
  • LittleGrem
    LittleGrem Posts: 17 Member
    Ignore the scales and concentrate on what the tape is telling you. If you're getting on the scales, make sure it's always at the same time of the day, preferably first thing in the morning after going to the loo. This will help minimize 'water retention' fluctuation. I find I can weigh anything up to 5lbs less in the morning compared to previous night. :)