I am going to PIG OUT tomorrow!



  • sallytx
    sallytx Posts: 43 Member
    Gosh...ya gotta live!! Sounds wonderful...enjoy yourself...life is good!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    So...here's my opinion, take it or leave it.

    BAD food is an addiction, like any other addiction, you can't feed it. So let's look at this another way.
    An alcoholic is not going to celebrate 50 days of sobriety by getting wasted. That's insane! This is the SAME thing. If you delve in, you might not climb out. Not to poo-poo your willpower, but is it really worth it to you? If you do decide to go balls to the wall, then go ahead & log it. This lifestyle is a hard habit to start, but easy to quit.

    Best of luck on your decision.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Not me. I've made it 4 months and thru all the holidays and still have a lot to lose. We still go out to eat on occasion, but I preplan my meals and stay within my goal. The days I do eat out, I find that the richer foods tend to really upset my stomach. So for me personally I'll stick with my goal.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Yup, we'll be doing the same. I had originally planned on just making a nice steak meal at home - something a little indulgent seeming, but actually staying within my usual calorie limit.

    Then the husband suggested going out to this Italian place we haven't been to in years, and that all went out the window. I'm still going to log it all, but I almost wish there was just a big "You should be ashamed of yourself" button that would automatically add in 5,000 calories for the day. ;)

    Love this! ^
    Whenever I do that I always think that MFP should say something like, "If you ate like this every day, you would weigh a metric ton in 5 weeks" Just to scare me a little. lol

    Have a good time! And Happy Valentines Day tomorrow :heart:
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input! I think a lot of people are right and I will probably end up eating less than I think I can.

    To everyone cautioning me against doing this, I thank you for your input but I have to disagree. I don't have regular "cheat" days like a lot of people I know - I log every single thing I eat, every single day, and 99% of the time I stay under my goal. This means that, to some degree, I have to obsess over what I eat to make sure it works out and I'm getting all my nutrients. I'm sure I you all know what I mean because, well, you're on this site! Haha.

    Anyway, while the results are totally worth it, obesessing like that does get tiring and I'm really looking forward to having one - just ONE - day off from it. I think it will be refreshing and will keep me from going crazy or falling off the wagon. I appreciate everyone's concern for my progress, but I don't think it will be hard for me at all to start back up where I left off on Wednesday. Dieting has been relatively easy for me so I don't expect to have any trouble starting back up after tomorrow.
    BAD food is an addiction, like any other addiction, you can't feed it. So let's look at this another way.
    An alcoholic is not going to celebrate 50 days of sobriety by getting wasted. That's insane! This is the SAME thing. If you delve in, you might not climb out. Not to poo-poo your willpower, but is it really worth it to you?

    I totally understand what you're saying here and it makes sense. Luckily food has never been that much of a problem for me - I wouldn't call bad food an "addiction" of mine. Obviously I was unhealthy when I started at this site, but not to the degree that you're suggesting - it definitely couldn't be compared to alcoholism. I love food, it's delicious and the bad stuff sure does taste good, but I love feeling healthy even more! So yes, one day off is totally worth it to me because I know I can get right back on track.
  • So...here's my opinion, take it or leave it.

    BAD food is an addiction, like any other addiction, you can't feed it. So let's look at this another way.
    An alcoholic is not going to celebrate 50 days of sobriety by getting wasted. That's insane! This is the SAME thing. If you delve in, you might not climb out. Not to poo-poo your willpower, but is it really worth it to you? If you do decide to go balls to the wall, then go ahead & log it. This lifestyle is a hard habit to start, but easy to quit.

    Best of luck on your decision.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I do this once a week. Have a cheat meal :).. I don't log anything. Eat anything I want.
  • :heart: I agree. Eat it, but log it and face the consequences. It's good to know just exactly how easy it is to get de-railed. Knowing helps keep you safe. At any rate, enjoy your special day!:heart:
  • Just be careful to not make yourself sick. If I eat really clean and healthy for a while then have a "binge meal" I tend to get sick and be sick for a few days. It's like a food hangover.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I 2nd @chubbychrisiti If you've been eating clean for so long you've probably shrunk the smooth lining in your stomach and you'll get full pretty quickly. Also, be prepared to be pretty hungry the next day because if you stuff yourself you'll stretch the lining again and it'll take a few days for your stomach to shrink again. Not meant to discourage you-just words to the wise.

    Regardless HAVE FUN! You deserve it. :flowerforyou:
  • I don't reward myself with food, but I am definitely going to enjoy a nice steak dinner on Wednesday night and my logging will be a very loose estimate. Back to regular habits the next day though.

    It is important to do whatever works for YOU. Some people can't go off track for a single day, because it sends them into a downward spiral. I can usually get back on track easily, so if you can too, then no harm!! Enjoy each and every bite! xo
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    No big celebration at my house. Hubby is going to be working until 10pm, so it will be me and the kiddos all day. Probably just gonna have a nice healthy dinner and watch movies with my boys.
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    i say even if you plan to splurge you should try to log your food. I do it just out of curiousity sake.

    I still do days where I splurge on food as a "reward" for losing weight and everytime I do it I feel foolish.
  • meg0013
    meg0013 Posts: 102
    i don't reward myself with food, i'm not a dog. i've been logging everything on here for over a year and i've yet to reward myself for it. you just have to decide whether or not this is a diet or a lifestyle change. i agree with everything in moderation, which is why i don't have cheat days. and it's worked pretty well for me.
  • LittleGrem
    LittleGrem Posts: 17 Member
    Having a little freak out here! My BF told me he'd booked a table at a very expensive Thai restaurant for tomorrow night. He was so excited he'd managed to get a table that he couldn't wait to tell me. Now I'm stressing out over what to order, I don't want to sit there and just pick at my food feeling guilty for being there, will completely spoil the atmosphere but don't want to have a total cheat where my daily calories are whacked out of the ball park, Thai food isn't renowned for being the lowest calorie option and not like I can order a salad!!!! Can't believe I am so wound up about it!!! Is this what constant calorie counting does to you?
  • lou1618
    lou1618 Posts: 96 Member
    hubby already got valentine dinner reservation booked....we go to the same place every year , its kind of a tradition. Only time we go there is on valentine's day...mainly because it is expensive. So Yes, I will log my calories and workouts . Planning on working out extra and use those cals for the extra calories that I will be eating . I am not planning on stuffing myself , and will have a little sweet trea to.. My plan is to enjoy the evening with my Valentine ( hubby) , and not so much on how much I can eat . And I think if I eat (over eat) that I will feel like crap later in the evening and that would spoil my (our) whole evening. Have fun and enjoy your day.
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    Saturday's are my "free days". I don't log anything in and I generally eat a bit more carbs than usual. I don't go crazy though. During the week I eat fish, chicken, veggies, eggs, etc. Low carb, low carb, low carb. Saturdays are my day for a slice of pizza or a hamburger.

    Friday nights are my "spike nights" I am good all day at work then for dinner and the rest of the night I am "BAD TO THE BONE" lol I will go shopping just for my "spike night" I look forward to my friday nights. For holidays if I wanted to I would make it my "spike night for the week but my honey will be at school til 11 pm so I am not doing anything different it will wait till this weekend then go crazy with carbs and fatty fatty foods. lol
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I certainly wouldn't pig out on Valentine's Day. I would end up feeling sick because I'm not used to eating like that anymore. And if I'm feeling sick, I'm not going to want to have sex. Personaly, I'd rather have great sex then pig out on Valentine's Day.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I don't just pig out anymore... It leaves me feeling bloated and sick. I try to "reward"myself with non-food items. But, that doesn't mean I won't have a nice dinner of grilled salmon, fresh vegetables ( i love grilled artichokes or asparagus) and side salad. I already plan on making chocolate covered strawberries for my sweetie so I may have one or two of those and a nice glass of wine. Maybe this is pigging out for some ... I think it's a pretty healthy (and reasonable) meal!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I certainly wouldn't pig out on Valentine's Day. I would end up feeling sick because I'm not used to eating like that anymore. And if I'm feeling sick, I'm not going to want to have sex. Personaly, I'd rather have great sex then pig out on Valentine's Day.

    Bahaha, great point! I plan on doing both... but maybe I won't pig out quite so much :laugh: