Isn't this why there are now female friendly gyms? When men are pumping weights and working hard, there is an increase in testosterone. If a beautiful woman is wearing next to nothing in an environment of increased testosterone, she will be looked at. You can't deny human nature, and you can't Oprah-fy this.
Because we all know Larry Fitzgerald is the greatest player to ever step on to a football field. Answer this, why can't the Cardinals get a decent QB? After Kurt Warner was kicked off, there was a huge hole left behind.
@R_A_D, awesome city shot.
@dustin, I know the work it takes to have a body like that, good job man. Very impressive.
@dakota, I see gold.
@nehaghosh, I'm not sure which one you are so I'll rate both. 7 on the left and 8.5 on the right.
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Your ex is an ex for a reason and that baggage should be dropped immediately or you run the risk of jeopardizing any new relationships.
Everybody does. That's completely natural and moving from heat to cool will change how you feel too.
Yes. It's based on your activity level too. So, when you do more than you're usual, you'll be given more calories to eat.
I include fruit sugars. That is a must because sugars turn to fat when not used.
If it's a veggie available at Subway, it is in my salads(bought or made).
Same here, I just can't stand salmon.
I am completely the same way. I could knock out a bad of cheetos and think nothing of it. I'm trying to switch my habits toward Dove Dark Chocolate pieces now to curb my snackiness.
You can go over your protein number.
My gf likes David Beckham and I'm cool with that. Every time the new Burger King commercials come on I call her over so she can watch too. I just find it funny because my celeb crush is Hope Solo, so it's just one more thing my gf and I have in common.