What foods do you think made you fat?



  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    For me, my downfall has always been sweets.

    Let me introduce myself, My name is Surfrgrl and I am a sugar-a-holic!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Peanut butter. I can start off just by eating one tbls..and then I look down and half the jar is gone.

    Dates- natures candy bar. One time I ate a WHOLE case.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    Ummmm...where do I start. I can tell you that unhealthy foods were more of an addiction than anything else...
    I never smoked, neved did drugs, not much of a drinker so food was my vice. I am a very emotional eater..especially sweets when I am sad.

    So, I would say it was EVERYTHING...OReos, Soda, McDonald's...now when I eat it is definitely smarter and healthier choices.. like carrots, almonds, or Cucumbers.. (I love cucumbers)
  • Coca Cola and White Bread
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I agree! My weakness was Dr Pepper! I completely cut out Dr Pepper for five years. I still believe that was the catalyst to my initial weight loss. I lost 60 pounds 7 years ago and have recently gained back 10 of those 60. Even today, if I try to drink a Dr Pepper, it is TOO sweet! And to think I would drink them all day every day! Wow!

    How did I forget soda on my list of foods that made me fat? (Multiple times no less!)
  • torrmairi
    torrmairi Posts: 64 Member
    I mainly went out of control on carbs, lots of baked things and pasta, figuring that as a vegan I could get away with it. I still have to drag myself away from breakfast cereal - I can easily eat a box in one day, it's utter kryptonite!
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    domino's pizza and cider
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I guess I can sum everything I ate that made me fat up under one category:

    Every food I ever ate to soothe my mind rather than fuel my body.
  • Macley
    Macley Posts: 45
    Hmmm lemmi think...cheezy Gordida Crunchez, HoT cheetoz, pizza, McDoubles, Chilli dogs, Fries & Sweet Tea!
    Ewww I can't belive I used to eat like a Fatty 2 Patty..
  • shortnerdy
    shortnerdy Posts: 131
    Oh lord I ate EVERYTHING. My weakness was Smartfood, white chedder cheese popcorn I'd eat an entire full size bag in a sitting. Pizza pockets, hot dogs, 2 grilled cheeses plus chips. I was TERRIBLE.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    No such thing as bad food??? LOL. Let me introduce you to my very good friend Ronald McDonald - there is pretty much no nutritional value in McDonald's sundaes, fries, burgers. When I was at uni I once had Macca's for lunch & for dinner. It is addictive, I still crave it but these days I eat it maybe once every few weeks (& even then try & stick with the salad!) Oh and my homemade cookies have no nutritional value either - french butter, white flour, white & dark choc chips.
  • AniOnFire
    AniOnFire Posts: 33 Member
    One word. Dairy. I have a mild obesession with it, sour cream and all forms of cheese being the worst lol. I still have issues with it, but I have put a bandaid on it while I try to get my weight under control and that bandaid is called TV dinners, in the form of Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and Lean Gourmet, lol so I can have my cheesiness without over indulging.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    All of them, lol
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Mine was typical junk foods and snacks..but most of all Hershys chocolate. I have saved some money as I have to buy it in from the States as I live in the UK :laugh:

    Ew, now I wonder what horrible, cancer causing, lethal chemical is in it that makes it so you guys can't buy it in the UK. Do tell!

    We have our own chocolate brands here...but I had an American dad and lived on the base so was bought up on Hershey's :laugh:
  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    " pasta and taco bell. *kitten*. " LOL Love your entry!
  • Valissa47
    Valissa47 Posts: 14 Member
    I'd have to say sweets and bread because I love both and I LOOOOOOOVE to cook.

    For years, I've always made full course meals for my family, dessert included, yeast rolls are one of my favorites to make and anything chocolate! :-)

    I've learned over the years how to bake/cook healthier and have even written a lowfat southern style cookbook. I've lost 21 pounds to date and I still eat the foods I like, I don't deprive myself I just eat in moderation and exercise. When I finally discovered that if I exercise I could eat more, it was on!!!!!!!!!!

    Link to cookbook: http://valissamoore.wix.com/valissa
  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    Contiuous overeating, over size portions and snacking too much on.......................................................CHOCOLATES! LOL Now i barely eat that irresistable stuff
  • There's no such thing as bad food, just people who eat badly!!
  • manueljw
    manueljw Posts: 15
    I am completely the same way. I could knock out a bad of cheetos and think nothing of it. I'm trying to switch my habits toward Dove Dark Chocolate pieces now to curb my snackiness.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    There's no such thing as bad food, just people who eat badly!!


    Chinese takeaway and pizza! x