What foods do you think made you fat?



  • charl2712
    charl2712 Posts: 38 Member
    Cheese and Alcohol are my downfall and that's what has caused me to get to where I am now. Had no self-control and didn't think about "moderation" in what I was eating, but that's slowly changing and hopefully I'll be back to my ideal weight soon.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    There's no such thing as bad food, just people who eat badly!!

    There ARE bad foods. So bad you can feel your arteries clogging just looking at the food. French fries is an example of one of them.

    I would have to disagree, a small portion of French fries every few weeks wouldn't do your arteries a significant amount of harm....
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    Takeaway food in general, but especially indian takeaway curries, with huge naan breads, chips, chinese curries, pizza...anything takeaway! I still indulge occasionally but nowhere near as much as I used to! I also find after a takeaway now I get a food hangover, I never used to notice this as I was eating them so often, but man I feel sick after it!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Mine was typical junk foods and snacks..but most of all Hershys chocolate. I have saved some money as I have to buy it in from the States as I live in the UK :laugh:

    Ew, now I wonder what horrible, cancer causing, lethal chemical is in it that makes it so you guys can't buy it in the UK. Do tell!

    We have our own chocolate brands here...but I had an American dad and lived on the base so was bought up on Hershey's :laugh:

    Ah, okay, you scared me for a minute. I know some things sold here aren't sold in Canada or the UK because of the chemicals floating around in them.
  • sushiforbrains
    everything, really. my parents are southern. so pasta and potatoes and fried chicken and everything bad. sweet potato casserole with so much sugar in it that you get a cavity just from coming within 5 feet of the stuff. oreos and raspberry zingers.

    I still looooove pasta and potatoes but have cut way back on that and bread. Even after cutting out a lot of "sweets" my sugar intake is still high, so I still have a lot of work to do there. I could do without milk except for cooking, but I am a cheese freak. mmm cheesy potatoes. yep, that's why I was always a fat kid.
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    Coke, fast food and ice cream here. Value meals are no value!!! For time sake fast food is sometimes a must for me. But now I realize I'm sticking to my goals, going to be honest about everything I log. So I make better food choices than I did before.
  • 1MandM1
    1MandM1 Posts: 87 Member
    For me it's definitely takeaways. Pizza, Indian, Chinese, KFC, McD's etc.
    Another one for me is cheesy chips. I used to get them with everything. If they did cheesy chips I'd get them :P
    Also chocolate! lol

    I still eat things I like but within moderation. The only things I miss are keema korma and chocolate peanut butter.

    Keema korma because the supermarket ones don't taste anything like the Indian takeaway ones and the Indian takeaway ones are super high in calories.

    Chocolate peanut butter because that is super high in calories too! I'm jealous of other countries that have Weight Watchers peanut butter bars :P x
  • dustwitch
    dustwitch Posts: 12 Member
    Beer and bread. I love real ale and my new years resolution last year was to drink 100 different pints in a 100 different pubs, mainly because I like beer but also to support the British pub industry ; ) Really enjoyed doing that but It's become apparent quite recently that I probably have a wheat intolerance, unfortunately I seem drawn to the things I shouldn't really have. I wasn't a fat kid and we had proper home cooked food at home not packaged crap so I'm blaming the booze.
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    Sweets and fast food.

    But mostly sweets because I can't seem to moderate myself well on them...I'm trying!
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I think there ARE bad foods...foods that are so artificial they shouldn't be called "food" (honey buns, Doritos, twinkles, etc).
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I think there ARE bad foods...foods that are so artificial they shouldn't be called "food" (honey buns, Doritos, twinkles, etc).


    Mankind - Clever enough to invent new food and stupid enough to eat it.
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    the kind i put in my mouth in large quantities way too often.

    most often, chocolate.
  • Libb3C
    Libb3C Posts: 56 Member
    I would say it wasn't one food but the amount I ate of the foods I liked. Portion control is key. Moderation.
  • Lucille51
    Lucille51 Posts: 56 Member
    cake and chocolate! I loved baking for my kids when they were little (20 yrs ago!) and it started piling on then. Although I have been 100% more active in the past 10 years, I only have to look at a cake or biscuit and I put on the pounds! the only way is to give them up completly...but I can't.
  • Emily_fitat30
    Emily_fitat30 Posts: 32 Member
    Alot of mine would be my portion sizes of potatoes, I never knew they were so calorific! From doing the slimming world diet where they are 'free food' I beleive this encouraged me to over eat them. Also a big downfall is cake!
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Chips are a major one. I can't have them in the house, they call my name! I can easily eat a whole bag in one sitting. I had a love affair with swiss rolls at one time too. Until I went shopping one day and there was a huge woman in a motorized cart parked in front of my beloved swiss rolls, and she was loading them into her basket. I saw my future and have only had them rarely since then!
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    Chips, hush puppies and pasta. Loving carbs mostly did me in.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    All of them, and too much of all of them.
    Portion control is key, at least for me now, and staying away from processed foods as much as possible.
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I think there ARE bad foods...foods that are so artificial they shouldn't be called "food" (honey buns, Doritos, twinkles, etc).


    Mankind - Clever enough to invent new food and stupid enough to eat it.

  • hs1956
    hs1956 Posts: 16
    Restaurants- Mexican, Chinese, Greek and Italian (and these were vegetarian entrees-too much oil in the food and huge servings), bread, cheese, dried fruit and "nutrition" bars (2-3 a day sometimes).

    Diet sodas-they made me feel hungry, left me foggy headed and in search of carbs and sugar for a quick de-fog.

    Mix the above with menopause, too much computer work, lack of exercise; you have a significant weight gain.