kais79 Member


  • LOL I just posted that to see what people would say. I got a good laugh out of the responses. :) I'm going to try coffee with butter in it, just because I'm weird like that.
  • Responders such as some I've seen in this post are reasons I don't post in the forums. Judge much?
  • I work 12 hour overnight shifts 4 nights one week, 3 nights the other, rotating bi-weekly. I also have online classes. With my schedule I only have the opportunity to work out on my days off, so I tend to go twice each day. One workout I'll do strength training (rotating upper body and lower body every other day) and some…
  • I used to do that as well, still do to an extent, but when it was really bad I found it to be medication related. When I'd forget that I ate until I found the dishes... it was a side effect. Just thought I'd mention it in case that might be a possibility for you to explore. Otherwise, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread…
  • Yes, the way I see it I would have been in for a tough battle either way. Either I'd quit smoking and put on weight which I would, then, have to take off, or vice versa. I'm hoping that some of my coping mechanisms for my hunger will work when I quit smoking as well, however. For me, it was decided my weight was a more…
  • Wow. Judge much? When you are overweight and you are a smoker you are just asking for failure if you try to remedy both at the same time. Personally, I've lost over 100 lbs in a year and I'm a smoker who works out at the gym. I agree smoking isn't healthy, and I fully intend to quit, but I'd like to succeed at both rather…
  • Yes. The FitBit website is set up to be a fully functional dieting website even though those of us here use MFP for our food diary so it will show you the calories you're burning without wearing the Fitbit as if you were not active; you are still burning calories.
    in Fitbit!! Comment by kais79 November 2012
  • I agree with this one. If the lights on it aren't working and you've tried blowing off any dust on the contacts, the drive has most likely failed.
  • You can add a Cardio called 'Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)' that will throw in some exercise calories for strength training.
  • Actually my body fat percentage is about 33% from the calculators I have used... so that puts my lean muscle at about 236 lbs.
    in Protein Comment by kais79 September 2012
  • I was wondering about this as well; does it apply the same for someone weighing 356? That would be over 200g a day...
    in Protein Comment by kais79 September 2012
  • Look for Water aerobics, water calisthenics.
  • THIS exactly! If you have MFP set to sedentary, doing heavy cleaning like this will definitely increase your caloric burn for the day. Very cut and dry, its biology. Count it. :)
  • This article might help as well: http://getfitguy.quickanddirtytips.com/how-to-tighten-loose-skin-after-weight-loss.aspx
  • In theory, I weigh myself once a week after waking up on an empty stomach and, if possible, after using the restroom. I don't think it's really cheating because it minimizes the effects food, beverages, medication, etc. may have on your weight causing it to fluctuate and be untrue. I believe this to be the truest…
  • I am likely just repeating what others have said but walking is the only exercise I do thus far. I have lost 59 lbs in just six months by changing my eating habits and walking. I don't even always get to walk for an extended period of time; but while at work when on break I am walking. It might only be 10 minutes but I am…
  • I am wondering if anyone has any advice on beginning resistance training to accomplish just what this gentlemen is referring to? I am doing the diet thing and walking a lot more which is helping me lose weight, but with as much weight as I'm wanting/needing to lose I know resistance training is going to need to come in…
  • I have tried several times to lose weight over the years. These include weight watchers, slim-fast, diet medication, gym memberships and personal trainers. I have never had the success with any of those attempts that I am having now with the Fitbit; and it costs much less than any of those things. I won't say this will be…
  • Thank you for your advice! Since I created my profile, which is when I was diagnosed, I have managed to bring my blood sugar under control with diet alone. I think I'm on the right track with that one, but it does kind of suck counting calories AND carbs and now I worry about sodium content even though I refuse to use…
  • Thank you all for your responses! It is definitely something I am committed to overcoming. The last two weeks have been worse than most because I had surgery, a complication, another surgery, and now a week of recovery just sitting at home. I'll be back to work tomorrow night and even though I work a sedentary job, I've…
  • Definitely binge eating, emotional eating and portion control equally. I feel my binge eating could be helped by better portion control and I just have always been so emotionally weak when it came to eating to feel better. If I had to pick one, however, I'd say the binge eating. My problem is having so much alone time. I…
  • I also have 100+ to lose. I also have tried numerous times and failed because I was also looking for shortcuts. This time I finally decided to take my time and do it right. As you can see, I'm 40 lbs down from where I started and loving every minute of it. I was in denial and unhappy with who I was. This confused me…
  • I am the same. I work 12 hour overnight shifts and I just changed to tracking food from midnight to midnight as it seems it might be easier doing it that way than 'pretending' my 'breakfast' is at 5pm. It already seems to be making it easier when switching from work to time off and back since I don't always sleep all day…
  • This is one of my dreams. Only a couple of months ago I thought they were just dreams, until I made the decision to start trying and not giving up no matter what happened. Now I feel my dream of losing the weight and having so many of the things I couldn't have being obese... this will also be a milestone for me. I feel…
  • I experience binging as well. I've pretty much managed to cut it out at work and stick to my meals and scheduled or planned snacks, but when I'm off work I get bored. The last week I've been at home recovering from two eye surgeries and have went over my calorie allowance twice this week. Maybe it would help to have some…
    in Bingers.. Comment by kais79 July 2012
  • I am motivated by my FitBit. Not sure if you've checked it out, but simply knowing my current level of activity and where I'm at for my calories in vs out keeps me motivated to try to beat my personal best. If you can't afford the FitBit, you can get pedometers pretty cheap at WalMart or KMart. You can calculate calories…
  • I don't do as much activity as you are doing, but my general opinion is do what feels good to you. No one on here can tell you what will work best for you. I've failed at countless diets in the past because I have tried doing what everyone else told me I should be doing. This time is the first time I'm actually succeeding…
  • My friends all started calling me Big Sexy.
    in Pet Names Comment by kais79 June 2012