Oh the things I see at the gym...



  • Maybe her parents told her she was fat and drop her off at the gym, and she sneaks food, and texts to her friends about how unfair her parents are?
  • kais79
    kais79 Posts: 41 Member
    The treadmills where I work out face the parking lot and you can see people pull up. There are people who pull up to the front sit in their cars and finish smoking a cigarette before coming inside, or puff away on it as they are walking up to the door and throw it on the ground. What's the use of coming in to workout when you are just gonna smoke away any benefits you just gained.

    Wow. Judge much? When you are overweight and you are a smoker you are just asking for failure if you try to remedy both at the same time. Personally, I've lost over 100 lbs in a year and I'm a smoker who works out at the gym. I agree smoking isn't healthy, and I fully intend to quit, but I'd like to succeed at both rather than fail at both because I tried to do too much at once. BTW, my doctor agrees with me.
    I did the same thing in reverse. I quite smoking first and then started working out at the gym. I couldn't imagine tackling both issues at the same time. That would be really hard to keep up. Just so you know, it's harder keeping off the pounds when you quit smoking because you want to eat everything.

    Yes, the way I see it I would have been in for a tough battle either way. Either I'd quit smoking and put on weight which I would, then, have to take off, or vice versa. I'm hoping that some of my coping mechanisms for my hunger will work when I quit smoking as well, however. For me, it was decided my weight was a more immediate danger to my health so that's why I chose this one first.

    To speak on the topic of discussion, however, I see this woman come into the gym in knee-high boots get on the treadmill, elliptical, bike, and several weight machines... in under 30 minutes. Can she really be doing any good by using each machine for such a short period of time?
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Ok this was too strange not to share. This morning at the gym I'm on the treadmill, doing C25K when this average size high school age girl hops on the treadmill next to me. Normally I don't care/notice what other people are doing at the gym, but I couldn't help noticing that she was eating something. It turned out to be a snickers bar. I was thinking "that's certainly odd...maybe she's gonna eat it and then run like crazy to burn it off or something?" She walked at a 2.5 for less than 5 minutes then disappeared. So after my run/walk I head over to the weights and she's just sitting on one machine texting. Every 5-10 minutes she switched machines but never actually lifted on any of them...just texted. As I was leaving I saw she had moved onto the leg press, but this time instead of texting, she pulled a full size bag of chips out of her gym bag and continued snacking. Why even go to the gym!?!?
    Regular snickers or the protein bar?
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Laughing my *kitten* off after reading the whole thing! probably one of them popular chicks that tells her friends she goes and puts in hard work but is doing the opposite
  • The other day I went to the gym around my normal time, it's a small gym and usually no one is there so I like it. I get there and their are two over weight women that were there together (they left together) one is on the treadmill running a sweating, the other, easily over 300 pounds has parked herself on one of the two bikes, and she chose the one with a working heart rate monitor, but she is just sitting there playing on her phone, on facebook and listening to music. So I hop on the other bike and start my routine (1hour on level 10 of 12, hill profile)I'm 10-12 minutes into my riding and she finally starts up the machine. The bike I am on is slightly farther back and at an angle so I see what she is doing and she programs it for 1 minute. My warm up set by the bikes program is like 10 minutes. She pedaled away for that one minutes then got up and left without even wiping down the machine, not that it needed it.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not basing this woman for her weight, but because of what she did. There is also a guy that will sit on the machine, and just slowly pedal for a couple minutes and play on his phone while watching espn, without ever turning the machine on and he'll sit there for an hour or more sometimes
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    These are amusing!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    The other day I went to the gym around my normal time, it's a small gym and usually no one is there so I like it. I get there and their are two over weight women that were there together (they left together) one is on the treadmill running a sweating, the other, easily over 300 pounds has parked herself on one of the two bikes, and she chose the one with a working heart rate monitor, but she is just sitting there playing on her phone, on facebook and listening to music. So I hop on the other bike and start my routine (1hour on level 10 of 12, hill profile)I'm 10-12 minutes into my riding and she finally starts up the machine. The bike I am on is slightly farther back and at an angle so I see what she is doing and she programs it for 1 minute. My warm up set by the bikes program is like 10 minutes. She pedaled away for that one minutes then got up and left without even wiping down the machine, not that it needed it.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not basing this woman for her weight, but because of what she did. There is also a guy that will sit on the machine, and just slowly pedal for a couple minutes and play on his phone while watching espn, without ever turning the machine on and he'll sit there for an hour or more sometimes

    You gotta start somewhere. I give them credit for showing up and at least trying. Maybe next time she does 2 minutes and the next time 3, and soon she'll be doing 60 minutes too. Not all of us are cardio monsters like you. You'd have laughed at me too when I first started, 10 minutes on level 1 on the elliptical about killed me, but I'm a lot better now because I stuck with it and didn't have to deal with judgemental fitness snobs sneering at my inability to jump on and crank out an hour at the hardest level.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I hate when young girls "workout"... Im a young girl but i take my gym time seriously! They think theyl lose 5 pounds by going on the eliiptical for 20 mins... and then they never go back to the gym... I haaate when people bring their phone into the gym with them! Ahhhhhh!

    Why does it matter if people have their phones with them? I bring my phone every single time with me, because it A) has all my music on it, and B) it has my C25K app that tells me when to walk/run so I don't have to sit and watch the clock on the treadmill to figure it out myself. Tons of people have their phones when they are at the gym, for the exact same reason. I don't often see people texting instead of working out.
  • monikalama
    monikalama Posts: 75 Member
    some of the posts here scared me... I am a newbie, just started month ago.. I am only doing cardio at the moment treadmill is my best friend but i am shattered in elliptical after only 5 min.. i am trying to add some weight and strengths but still not in the track properly but i am afraid people might be judging me.
  • Crazy! lol
    I used to have a gym partner who would be more than happy to sit on the floor exercising her lower jaw chatting while I worked out for an hour and then afterwards she would suggest a trip to Burger King! :)
  • I'm sorry but this really made me laugh out loud. I love when I see people at the gym that do nothing. They are just there to say they go. As for someone eating a snickers bar and then a bag of chips. It just cracks me up. People now a days are interesting.
  • Piper911
    Piper911 Posts: 46 Member
    I will say I am not an excersise lover. Most of the time when I have a gym membership I force myself to go because once I get into it usually start to have a pretty good time and get a good workout in. However there are other times when I have forced myself to go that I just CAN NOT GET motivated and get super bored very quickly and may switch from cardio machine to cardio machine and do a very very half assed weight session. So I am probably one if those people that has been looked at like " what is she even doing here?" But hey I figure something is better than nothing. And I do not eat while I'm doing it lol.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    There are two girls who recently started going to the gym I usually go to who ALWAYS bring some Starbucks "coffee" (more like cream and sugar with a splash of coffee) with them to workout! uhhh What?!
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    She better enjoy that while she is young. Wait till she gets to my age !!
  • This makes me want to go to the gym and do weird things to see who posts about it
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    Maybe she had a bout of low blood sugar and that's all the food she had with her.....????
  • missi72
    missi72 Posts: 12 Member
    That is strange!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
  • My favourite is watching the men lifting the weights for about ten seconds, then standing in the mirror, giving themselves a gun show and clearly checking themselves out for a good five minutes.
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Ha Ha Ha. She is young and has never had a baby. She probably doesn't have much fat on her body. She probably weighs 120 lbs. or less.

    She isn't thinking about her body and what to put in it. She doesn't understand about sugar and blood sugar. She has no idea about inflammation. She is not concerned about diabetes. Heart disease? She thinks that is for old people.

    She probably listens in school and has caught on to the "everything in moderation" pablum. She knows the food pryamid and the myplate garbage. But she has never researched nutrition. Since when did our ancestors consume bread and pasta and sugar in such quantities?

    She has no idea about overload.

    Someone needs to take her by the hand and teach her that what she puts in her body matters.

    I was that girl at one time (sans the phone).

    Two babies and 50 lbs. later (no longer 120 lbs.) I finally got smarter. I started doing research. Evolutionary nutrition. Now I am working on being fit and healthy. I have dropped some of the weight. I don't think I will ever be 120 again. But 130 would be nice. I have caught on to Paleo. I have seen great results.

    Maybe as she gains weight she will start really searching for answers and skip that snickers bar.

    But it may take 20 years.