Oh the things I see at the gym...



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I have mine with me all the time at the gym. Netflix on the bike and workout tunes while doing weights

    This. Oh the fun of technology!

    ETA: my lifting spreadsheet needs immediate updates :laugh:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Maybe she has a really controlling mother/father/boyfriend/other significant person who is forcing her to go to the gym and drops her off and waits outside for an hour while she "works out", and it is the only time she can snack! :o

    You should consider an intervention!
  • katrinajMiles
    katrinajMiles Posts: 71 Member
    We get older women at my gym that come in and sit on the bike on level one reading a magazine or the newspaper hardly putting in any effort at all.

    Meanwhile the gym is packed and people are waiting for equipment.

    Or there is a girl on the treadmill walking at snail pace talking on her phone telling the person how she is so hardcore because she is at the gym...

    Why bother even going if you aren't going to do anything? The thing that really annoys me is people that go along to the classes and don't put effort in and whinge that it's to hard. But people that really want to work hard and put effort in missed out on doing the class because it is full.

    If you don't want to work out don't bother showing up to the gym cos you're not only wasting your time and money but everyone else's as well.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    Perhaps she was doing some sort of Psych/Social experiment? She whether anyone would say anything to her, or what people's general response was?

    If not.... I have NFI!!
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Maybe she was just waiting for someone (employee or gym-goer) to finish so they could leave together? Either that or she just wants to be able to say she went to the gym.
  • XDiet_SlayerX
    Ok this was too strange not to share. This morning at the gym I'm on the treadmill, doing C25K when this average size high school age girl hops on the treadmill next to me. Normally I don't care/notice what other people are doing at the gym, but I couldn't help noticing that she was eating something. It turned out to be a snickers bar. I was thinking "that's certainly odd...maybe she's gonna eat it and then run like crazy to burn it off or something?" She walked at a 2.5 for less than 5 minutes then disappeared. So after my run/walk I head over to the weights and she's just sitting on one machine texting. Every 5-10 minutes she switched machines but never actually lifted on any of them...just texted. As I was leaving I saw she had moved onto the leg press, but this time instead of texting, she pulled a full size bag of chips out of her gym bag and continued snacking. Why even go to the gym!?!?
    When I open my own gym I will release the hounds on people like that.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    That really is bizarre. I got on the treadmill at the Y last week and there were crumbs all over the book ledge. Lol!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    The treadmills where I work out face the parking lot and you can see people pull up. There are people who pull up to the front sit in their cars and finish smoking a cigarette before coming inside, or puff away on it as they are walking up to the door and throw it on the ground. What's the use of coming in to workout when you are just gonna smoke away any benefits you just gained.

    WUT? I don't think anyone will argue that smoking isn't detrimental to a person's health, but I hardly think that smoking negates the benefits of working out...

    On the topic, one time there was this girl sitting around on the exercise equipment texting (or facebooking or whatever) not working out and about every third machine I tried to use, there she was just sitting. I stared at her just waiting and she would give me a dirty look and then move. Like I was interrupting her... Really?
  • shanaya37
    shanaya37 Posts: 49 Member
    She was probably texting her friends all the hard workouts she was doing. ;-)
  • 141by2016
    The only time I have EVER eaten while working out was last year when I was doing a stupid VLCD thing AND training for a high altitude hiking trip. Normally I trained outside, but when it snowed I did a week of indoor. I would walk for 2-3hrs at an incline with a 30lb pack, and every hour or so I'd down an atkins bar and drink a liter of water. Other than that I have never felt like I NEEDED to eat at the gym...maybe she has some other issue?
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
  • lives21
    lives21 Posts: 78 Member
    @DrCarly: That's a great idea to train with a backpack! Makes sense but I never would have thought of it.

    Never seen anybody eat while working out, seems too weird to me. Seems normal on Tina Fey though haha
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    I hate when young girls "workout"... Im a young girl but i take my gym time seriously! They think theyl lose 5 pounds by going on the eliiptical for 20 mins... and then they never go back to the gym... I haaate when people bring their phone into the gym with them! Ahhhhhh!

    My phone is always with me when I workout for three reasons
    1. I use JEFIT Pro for weight training so it's kinda part of my workout
    2. I use it for music during my workout
    3. I am on the tactical team and therefore am permanently on call

    Why would you care that I have it with me? I swear sometimes when I read these boards I envision a gym full of people just standing around looking annoyed at each other.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I hate when young girls "workout"... Im a young girl but i take my gym time seriously! They think theyl lose 5 pounds by going on the eliiptical for 20 mins... and then they never go back to the gym... I haaate when people bring their phone into the gym with them! Ahhhhhh!

    My phone is always with me when I workout for three reasons
    1. I use JEFIT Pro for weight training so it's kinda part of my workout
    2. I use it for music during my workout
    3. I am on the tactical team and therefore am permanently on call

    Why would you care that I have it with me? I swear sometimes when I read these boards I envision a gym full of people just standing around looking annoyed at each other.

    ^^me too (except for the tactical team comment)
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    HAHA OMG TOO FUNNY!!! That's ok I saw a lady eating a banana split while walking to the tredmil, and then someone drinking a mountain dew on the elliptical!!!I'm like da faq?!?!?!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    HAHA OMG TOO FUNNY!!! That's ok I saw a lady eating a banana split while walking to the tredmil, and then someone drinking a mountain dew on the elliptical!!!I'm like da faq?!?!?!

    Mountain Dew contains water, carbs, and caffeine. It's cardio win in a bottle. ;)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    You have to keep the starvation mode away!!

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    The thought of eating in the gym grosses me out. Think of all the nasty things you touched before you reached in for a chip! And do the rest of us what your greasy, chocolately hands on the equipment? Yuck! What really grosses me out is the people who workout and then leave - without washing their hands or using sanitizer. Nasty. Sanitizer is a mediocre replacement for hand washing, but it's better than nothing. People can be so gross. :sick: