Oh the things I see at the gym...



  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    The thought of eating in the gym grosses me out. Think of all the nasty things you touched before you reached in for a chip! And do the rest of us what your greasy, chocolately hands on the equipment? Yuck! What really grosses me out is the people who workout and then leave - without washing their hands or using sanitizer. Nasty. Sanitizer is a mediocre replacement for hand washing, but it's better than nothing. People can be so gross. :sick:

    Would it make you feel any better if I told you that I wash my hands before I pee? Not after, just before.

  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Ok this was too strange not to share. This morning at the gym I'm on the treadmill, doing C25K when this average size high school age girl hops on the treadmill next to me. Normally I don't care/notice what other people are doing at the gym, but I couldn't help noticing that she was eating something. It turned out to be a snickers bar. I was thinking "that's certainly odd...maybe she's gonna eat it and then run like crazy to burn it off or something?" She walked at a 2.5 for less than 5 minutes then disappeared. So after my run/walk I head over to the weights and she's just sitting on one machine texting. Every 5-10 minutes she switched machines but never actually lifted on any of them...just texted. As I was leaving I saw she had moved onto the leg press, but this time instead of texting, she pulled a full size bag of chips out of her gym bag and continued snacking. Why even go to the gym!?!?

    "So what did you do at the gym today?"
    "Snickers curls and chip crunches."
  • kais79
    kais79 Posts: 41 Member
    The treadmills where I work out face the parking lot and you can see people pull up. There are people who pull up to the front sit in their cars and finish smoking a cigarette before coming inside, or puff away on it as they are walking up to the door and throw it on the ground. What's the use of coming in to workout when you are just gonna smoke away any benefits you just gained.

    Wow. Judge much? When you are overweight and you are a smoker you are just asking for failure if you try to remedy both at the same time. Personally, I've lost over 100 lbs in a year and I'm a smoker who works out at the gym. I agree smoking isn't healthy, and I fully intend to quit, but I'd like to succeed at both rather than fail at both because I tried to do too much at once. BTW, my doctor agrees with me.
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    >she pulled a full size bag of chips out of her gym bag and continued snacking
    >full size bag of chips out of her gym bag
    >bag of chips

    Confirmed for winter bulk-mode
  • kbodnaruk
    I have to admit my friend and I were on this kick of working out then getting protein shakes and we didn't know why we were gaining weight instead of losing - then we learned how many calories were in them -- we were young and learning - but it was funny. We quit doing that real quick!! LOL
    watched a girl walk on the treadmill for an hour then drink a massive protein shake.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    My gym has a few of the sterotypes;

    Guys I call the Saturday Sitters. There's a group of about 4-5 guys that sit on the weight machines and talk about the people using the treadmills. I use the calf press near them on leg day, if they aren't sitting on it but they each carry a dumb bell over from the free weight section. It must be some sort of requirement to get in the club. Each of these guys has a huge gut which must be the second requirement to join the club.

    A woman that is a regular gym goer dresses in flourescent spandex and sits on the machines using her phone. The gym staff have never seen her workout. She does look fit though. She might be a plant from the Gym's corporate office to say, "hey fit attractive people work out here!"

    People that adjust the incline on the treadmills to the highest setting and then walk and hang on to the control panel for support. There's several people that do this. They don't hang on to the rails, they hang on to the edge of the actual control panel. I've seen enough people do it where it must be a new sport. It's either Mountain Walking or Simulated Mountin Climbing for those with a fear of heights.

    Guys that do cardio and lift weights and think everyone else in the gym is wasting their time because they aren't doing strength training and cardio. They sliently judge the other gym members. (I fall in this group. Although if I'm on the elliptical behind the treadmills on cardio day I may not be judging you. I might just be simply checking out your butt.)
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    OK, food IN the gym? How is that even allowed? Water, sure I can see that. I'm just thinking nasty germs everywhere and you pick up some nasty stuff. Ugh. I shudder just thinking about it. This is why I don't go to gyms and workout with my own nastiness at home! lol

    But aren't there people who monitor who's doing what and what's going on? smh
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    the thing that bugs me is when people do their set and then just sit at the machine. I am never shy to ask people if I can work in a set (yes, I'm the annoying guy jumping from machine to machine), but I've been in plenty of crowded gyms where there is usually a line for each machine or set of weights, so as far as I know, the etiquette is to be max 3 to a line, and when its your turn, you get on and off smoothly, and, if possible, to set up the weights for the next person.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Although if I'm on the elliptical behind the treadmills on cardio day I may not be judging you. I might just be simply checking out your butt.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who checks out people's butts at the gym.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Speaking of odd treadmill behavior.... There's this woman at the gym where I work out who will get on the treadmill, use the bars, and lift herself up until her feet are only skimming across the top of the belt for a solid 30 minutes or so. Is this a legit form of training at all? She seems to be in decent shape, but that's all I've ever seen her do. Normally I don't pay attention to other people at the gym, but the sound is so different from everything else going on that I can't help but notice.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Although if I'm on the elliptical behind the treadmills on cardio day I may not be judging you. I might just be simply checking out your butt.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who checks out people's butts at the gym.

    Me too! I just try to be very discrete about it.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    I hate when young girls "workout"... Im a young girl but i take my gym time seriously! They think theyl lose 5 pounds by going on the eliiptical for 20 mins... and then they never go back to the gym... I haaate when people bring their phone into the gym with them! Ahhhhhh!
    I am guilty of taking my phone in the gym. The one day I forgot it of course was the day my 7 year old got sick at school and needed to be picked up immediately. I don't use mine while at the gym but I have it with me. Too bad if this offends you:mad:

    right on. i also take my phone to the gym in case of emergencies and i will use it if necessary but if i can help it i wont.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • aj445
    aj445 Posts: 183 Member
    The treadmills where I work out face the parking lot and you can see people pull up. There are people who pull up to the front sit in their cars and finish smoking a cigarette before coming inside, or puff away on it as they are walking up to the door and throw it on the ground. What's the use of coming in to workout when you are just gonna smoke away any benefits you just gained.

    You definitely don't "smoke away the benefits" Last year I trained for and ran a half marathon without quitting smoking. Not the best idea, but I still saw plenty of benefits!

    Will add I've now quit and am training for a full marathon.
  • gfiorine
    gfiorine Posts: 40 Member
    The treadmills where I work out face the parking lot and you can see people pull up. There are people who pull up to the front sit in their cars and finish smoking a cigarette before coming inside, or puff away on it as they are walking up to the door and throw it on the ground. What's the use of coming in to workout when you are just gonna smoke away any benefits you just gained.

    Wow. Judge much? When you are overweight and you are a smoker you are just asking for failure if you try to remedy both at the same time. Personally, I've lost over 100 lbs in a year and I'm a smoker who works out at the gym. I agree smoking isn't healthy, and I fully intend to quit, but I'd like to succeed at both rather than fail at both because I tried to do too much at once. BTW, my doctor agrees with me.
    I did the same thing in reverse. I quite smoking first and then started working out at the gym. I couldn't imagine tackling both issues at the same time. That would be really hard to keep up. Just so you know, it's harder keeping off the pounds when you quit smoking because you want to eat everything.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Speaking of odd treadmill behavior.... There's this woman at the gym where I work out who will get on the treadmill, use the bars, and lift herself up until her feet are only skimming across the top of the belt for a solid 30 minutes or so. Is this a legit form of training at all? She seems to be in decent shape, but that's all I've ever seen her do. Normally I don't pay attention to other people at the gym, but the sound is so different from everything else going on that I can't help but notice.

    I did something similar when I was coming back in after a knee injury. The elliptical actually hurt so I figured I was at least doing a static press with my arms and flexing and bending my knee without all the pressure and impact. Only did it till I could put full weight on it consistently though.
  • notthatthis

    Expectations are high.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Speaking of odd treadmill behavior.... There's this woman at the gym where I work out who will get on the treadmill, use the bars, and lift herself up until her feet are only skimming across the top of the belt for a solid 30 minutes or so. Is this a legit form of training at all? She seems to be in decent shape, but that's all I've ever seen her do. Normally I don't pay attention to other people at the gym, but the sound is so different from everything else going on that I can't help but notice.

    I did something similar when I was coming back in after a knee injury. The elliptical actually hurt so I figured I was at least doing a static press with my arms and flexing and bending my knee without all the pressure and impact. Only did it till I could put full weight on it consistently though.

    Yeah that could be it. Like I said, she's in really good shape, so she's definitely doing something right.