"Selfie" you say? "Right Now" you say? Sure.
My weight loss and fitness is all through walking. I walk a minimum of five miles per day. Two weekends ago, I walked a half marathon and won ahead of over 500 other people. Now tell me again about walking not being good for getting fit.
Coffee beans. Not the chocolate coated ones, just plain coffee beans. Zero calories and very easy to snack on.
Shy /edit - What happened to my damn picture, I updated it a few days ago but now I only see a generic outline thingy.
Just ask for a black Americano. Sorted.
In contrast to this, on Monday I went to Pizza Hut (because I was working away) and I had cheesy triangle starters followed by an 11" Meat Feast and then I had three refills at the Ice Cream Factory. And it felt damn good! Yes, I was full. Yes, I ate well over my daily allowance but in the long run, it doesn't matter in…
Smile OK, edit to remove the second bit because it appears I was replying to a post from many pages ago. But the word I've left behind still applies.
Yes, I have some around my tum and my upper inner thighs. It's not great but it could be a lot worse.
Yes, that's happened a few times. It can be quite useful :-)
Daily and track it using, keeping an eye on the overall trend and not worrying too much about the daily fluctuations. I can thoroughly recommend it, it's a great way to keep an eye on things.
No, no it doesn't. Read this:
Sorry, you can't have my cake :)
No. Read this:
Cheeks :smile:
Start adding black pepper until you think you've added too much. Then add more.
Yes of course. It's just a normal day.
"Starvation mode" as a lot of people think of it is a load of utter rubbish. See
Because you're eating about half the amount you should.
Oh, oh, I can play this game :smiley: Apologies for the slightly wide staring eyes in the second picture, never really sure where to look while taking selfies!
Being truthful isn't bashing.
It's got to be kmh. For most people 6mph is jogging and if you're using it to cool down then I really doubt it's mph. I walk very fast indeed and my normal road pace is a fraction over 4.5mph. Last weekend I hit a treadmill for the first time ever and wound the speed up until I was pretty much flat out. I was doing 5mph on…
Doesn't MFP have it's own built in pedometer function that works with the iPhone (if you've got a 5S or newer)?
I've just got back from another day out and seen all your nice replies. Thank you very much :blush:
Carry on doing what works for you and don't talk to the people at your gym about it. I hear they're jerks.
Yes, pretty much just that. I started off (for example) walking into town and back at lunchtime. Then I extended it to walking into town, strolling one way up the high street and back, then going a bit further each day. It doesn't take long to increase, it's just building stamina and strength all the time.
I was going to post a thread about the same thing! My main measurement tool is a FitBit. I use a Fitbit One and I carry it everywhere. It syncs to MFP and feeds my activity back to give me extra calories in my daily allowance. However, because I like looking at maps and stats and things like that, I’ve tried many, many…
It won't take you long to build up. I remember the first time I hit four miles in one session, my back really hurt the next morning and I could barely move. I think it took me a couple of months to work up to being able to regularly walk five miles a day but now I can do that without even thinking about it. Take it easy…
I aim for an absolute minimum of five miles but it's normally significantly more than that, anything from eight to ten miles most days. In fact, I can do an average quite easily from the figures on the FitBit site. 3,337.48 miles over 422 days. That's an average of 7.9 miles per day!
For me it's still the thought that the more I walk, the more yummy food I can eat.