danogg1028 Member


  • Wow...this sounds identical to something I could have written! I'm in exactly the same situation....in denial that I really looked like that...run from the camera. I saw a pic of myself that someone had posted on Facebook and was mortified by what I looked like...lots of rolls with a muffin top!! I'm determined to make…
  • W1 complete :) Starting W2 D1 tomorrown night!
  • I have the C25K ipod app...let's you add your own playlist.
  • Completed W1D1 tonight!!! Love the ipod app for it...tells you when to run and when to walk without having to look at a watch all the time....makes the time go so much quicker when you're not always watching the clock!!!
  • I just started a different running program...very similar...but like the idea of downloading an app for my ipod that times the intervals for me so have downloaded the C25K app and am ready to go :)