C25K 9 week program

Keemeri Posts: 74
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I have started the C25K 9 week program with


The downloads are free compared to the Iphone or others.

Email me if you are interested in joining and supporting each other! I would love to finish and feel better about my body.


  • I actually did the first week first day last night...I could definitely use the support too.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I completed C25K a few weeks ago, albeit my running at that time was more like a slow jog. Since then, I've been using the C25K program to maintain my running & improve speed/endurance in preparation for my first 4 mile run next month and my first 5K race in October.

    Feel free to friend request me if you wish, and let me know how the program works for you.

    Best wishes!

    ~ Chandra
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I just did Week 4 Day 1 last night I had totally freaked myself out about it because week 4 The run jumps to 5 min. I totally nailed it. I was so excited! It is a fantastic program and Im having great success with it.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    In fact, after this forum post, I'm thinking of creating a C25K-specific discussion on my Facebook group, Motivation.


    Let me know if any of you might be interested in joining the group and/or participating in a C25K-specific discussion -- support, encouragement and motivation to continue the program even when the going gets tough!

    Thanks all,

    ~ Chandra
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Finished Day 2, Week 1 yesterday. I was sweating like a dog! But I feel so much better when I finally get on the last run. My music isn't the best since the one I have is a free download. I will tough it out for 9 weeks I guess. I also have to get a new pair of tennis shoes. I wear Asics or Sauconys or New Balance.

    What does everyone do on their off days?

    Hope everyone is doing well. Keep going!!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Doing day 2 of week 4 tonight. On my days off I do cycling to rest my lower legs from impact. I also like to mix in some swimming.

    Im not really a true couch to 5k person. Ive been working out regularly since Jan and Ive done 2 5k's this year, so my fitness level is a little higher than say straight off the couch so take that into a account when you read the rest

    My ultimate goal is a triathlon so my training goes like this.

    M,W,F - C25k followed by 20-30 min of cycling 5-8 miles (swimming to replace cycling once)
    T,TH - Long cycles 45-60 Min 12-18 miles
    Weekend - Swimming maybe some cycling maybe a day off depending on how I feel

    I want to transition my cycling to before I do my C25k training so its more of a realistic transition
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Finished WEEK 1!
    Starting WEEK 2 today. Trying to decide if I want to go ahead and do some weights in between. I also have a road bike and usually ride when it gets cooler outside. In Louisiana riding before 8am or after 7 pm ideal. I feel a difference more inches than weight.

    I hope everyone is staying on track....update your progress and good luck!

    GW: 135
    CW: 153
  • danogg1028
    danogg1028 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started a different running program...very similar...but like the idea of downloading an app for my ipod that times the intervals for me so have downloaded the C25K app and am ready to go :)
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Today will be a strengthning and stretching day. Tomorrow is the second day of the WEEK 2. I've read that if I want to weigh 135 lbs., I need to multiply the 135 x 10 = 1350 calories a day (not including exercising). Does this sound right? I was trying the 1200 calories a day...but I was worried I was not eating enough.

    Let me know what everyone is doing with calories. It so individual.

  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Last night I did my Gaiam pilates for 30 min. Today is the second day of Week 2. I am hoping the rain will give me about 30 minutes after work to succeed. Crossing my fingers. I am starting to want to run more than every other day...but I will stick with the program so I don't get burnt out.

    Hope all is well with you!
  • danogg1028
    danogg1028 Posts: 8 Member
    Completed W1D1 tonight!!! Love the ipod app for it...tells you when to run and when to walk without having to look at a watch all the time....makes the time go so much quicker when you're not always watching the clock!!!
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    That's great!

    I completed Week 2 Day 2 last night. I am hoping to complete Week 2 tomorrow. I haven't seen any real results yet, except I have noticed a litte toning in my quads again.

    I love that he tells me what to do as well. I just wish he had better music or a variation to choose from...other than that...it's awesome!

    Keep me updated!
  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    Where do I find the info on this program?
  • I found a blog last night where a lady made her own podcasts with voiceovers for C25K. It has pretty decent music, stuff from the 60's-today I think she said. I can't for the life of me find her blog right now (I'm at work), but I have it saved at home and I can update later. It's all free to download and they are in MP3 format I think.
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74

    This is the one I am currently using because I have an IPOD. The IPhone app is $1.99 I believe and the music is better. They both have the same goal though! :-)
  • danogg1028
    danogg1028 Posts: 8 Member
    I have the C25K ipod app...let's you add your own playlist.
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Ok...I didn't finish my second week on Friday like planned...but am finishing it this evening (when it's not so hot!). Then onto Week 3! Woohoo.

    I put on my jeans and didn't have to do squats to loosen them....such progress!

    How is everyone doing?
  • danogg1028
    danogg1028 Posts: 8 Member
    W1 complete :) Starting W2 D1 tomorrown night!
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Congrats Danogg1028!

    Finished Week 2...thought I would die! It was so hot out there. I should have waited another hour or so. So Tues. it will be Week 3 Day 1..woohoo!

    Can't wait to complete the 9 week program....
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    :bigsmile: I just did W1D1...well sort of. I did half of the runs. And the other half at a brisk walk. But I'm happy cause I didn't quit, go home and eat a bag of oreos. I kept at it albeit at a slower pace, but I did it. Seeing as how the last time I did any type of running was 10th grade (and that was a 13 min mile) I'm pretty damn proud of myself. Though next work out I think I'll leave my glasses at home.

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