emkate16 Member


  • Thanks for the advice everyone :) if I tried fasting I'm afraid I would end up bingeing...yeah I agree it is a case of mind over matter most of the time! It's just so hard to control, especially because its what I've done for so long, which has caused me to gain in the first place. Thanks for the advice, gonna ask myself…
  • That's great advice, thank you :) a lot of the time though its when I'm worried or stressed, for example at the moment im really struggling with an important exam i have next week, and I've been feeling so miserable between one thing and another I've just turned to food, which is making things worse as my weight is really…
  • It's so addictive! In my opinion, if you don't have a back sweat patch by the end of your work out you're not working hard enough! Haha
  • I've just been to the doctors about my shin splints and am being referred to a podiatrist to get an insole to prevent them, i think the only way to get rid of them for good is to get proper help! Hope you're able to get them sorted, i know how much of a pain they are! xx
  • I have an open diary, feel free to add me :) x
  • Well done on your loss so far Jess, that's brilliant! :) Does the gym near you do any classes? The gym near me does all sorts of classes like Spinning, Boxercise, Kettle Bell and you only have to pay the £2/3 or so on the day, without having to have a membership. Also dancing is such good exercise, put on some loud music,…
  • Thank you Ashley! Good luck to you too! :) Hey! My eating has been okay today thanks, today marks the end of the first week of trying to lose weight. I'm under my calorie goal for today but I did have a meal out on the weekend and a few drinks so I'm trying to even things out by being extra good haha. How has yours been?