Feeling rather lonely on here!

Hiya, had MFP for a while now but I've only recently starting using it religiously because I am desperate to lose weight.
I have a good 3 stone at least to lose until I reach my perfect weight, so a long way to go!
Anyway, no-one I know uses MFP so please feel free to add me, we all know how much a bit of moral support can help :D



  • ashleycball
    Same boat, i've been on for a few months but just recently started to commit. You've been added and good luck! :smile:
  • GottaGetSlimAndSexy
    Hi Emma! I just logged on today myself (since downloading months back ). I looking to loose some LBS myself, while using this app. How has you eating been today?
  • JessBird1304
    I signed up ages ago but didn't start using it properly until a couple of weeks ago! I've lost 5 lbs so far but I'm really struggling to motivate myself to exercise. Its been so long and i get really bored with exercise DVD's and kinect and such. I would love to go running but I have bad knees and hips so the only way I can run is on a treadmill, but I cant afford a gym membership. Ok there's all my excuses! Any advice anyone? x
  • emkate16
    emkate16 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you Ashley! Good luck to you too! :)

    Hey! My eating has been okay today thanks, today marks the end of the first week of trying to lose weight. I'm under my calorie goal for today but I did have a meal out on the weekend and a few drinks so I'm trying to even things out by being extra good haha. How has yours been?
  • Elona_30
    Elona_30 Posts: 66
    see what you can do to get your own treadmill, I got an elipitical and it was the best invertment I made lost a ton of weight on it. used it more then what i would have at the gym. I have been using mpf for a while but stopped to figure out why I had gained so much back:sad: . Now that I have the figured out Im back again and starting all over and really wishing that I had my eliptical back here at my new place which is too small for me to have it here:mad: . add me :wink:
  • emkate16
    emkate16 Posts: 13 Member
    Well done on your loss so far Jess, that's brilliant! :) Does the gym near you do any classes? The gym near me does all sorts of classes like Spinning, Boxercise, Kettle Bell and you only have to pay the £2/3 or so on the day, without having to have a membership. Also dancing is such good exercise, put on some loud music, shut the door and dance like noones watching haha, it will burn the calories! X
  • JessBird1304
    There is a gym near me but I got made redundant about 7 weeks ago and still haven't got a new job so living on £58 a week in jobseekers barely pays the bills! They do classes but its members only. I live in the *kitten* end of nowhere as well so its difficult to get anywhere without spending a fortune on petrol! I do have an exercise bike but my house is so tiny I don't think I'd know where to put a treadmill! x