

  • Name: Angel Challenge Start: 220.0 lbs Challenge Goal: 210.0 lbs (10 lbs) Current: 220.0 lbs Exercise Goal: 85 / 1125 minutes. Yesterday's Stats 11/20/2012 Cal Goal: 1570 Cal Used: 1977 Exercise Cal: 0 FitBit Deduction:0 Net Cal: 1977 Remaining: (407) Fall MFP Challenge Start- Nov 15 - 220.0 lbs WI 1- Nov 22 WI 2- Nov 29…
  • Name: Angel Challenge Start: 220.0 lbs Challenge Goal: 210.0 lbs (10 lbs) Current: 220.0 lbs Exercise Goal: 85 / 1125 minutes. Yesterday's Stats 11/19/2012 Cal Goal: 1570 Cal Used: 1694 Exercise Cal: 259 FitBit Deduction: -161 Net Cal: 1566 Remaining: 4 Fall MFP Challenge Start- Nov 15 - 220.0 lbs WI 1- Nov 22 WI 2- Nov 29…
  • Name: Angel Challenge Start: 220.0 lbs Challenge Goal: 210.0 lbs (10 lbs) Current: 220.0 lbs Exercise Goal: 45 / 1125 minutes. Yesterday's Stats 11/18/2012 Cal Goal: 1570 Cal Used: 2066 Exercise Cal: 346 FitBit Deduction: -474 Net Cal: 2194 Remaining: (624) Fall MFP Challenge Start- Nov 15 - 220.0 lbs WI 1- Nov 22 WI 2-…
  • Hello, my name is Angel.... I'm in this with you Nicole... i just need to refocus... i know what i need to do, i just need to do it. Staring Weight: 219.6 Goal Weight: 210.0 Non-Weight Goal: Follow Drew Manning workout's 5 days a week + control portions.
  • Yesterday’s Stats: Name: Angel State I am from: IL Lbs. to lose on Challenge: 10.0 1. On plan (Y/N)- 2. Calories Eaten: 3.Calories burned for week - 4. calories burned for day- 5. calories used for day/week – 6. Weigh in Day- 7. Starting challenge Weight- 8. Current Weight- 9. Challenge weight loss total- 10. Challenge…