Finishing Fall Challenge- Wednesday 11-21

This challenge will start now and end on December 20th, the last day of fall!

Challenge Start:
Challenge Goal:
Exercise Goal: actual/goal min (for example, 075/900 min)

Yesterday's Stats
Cal Goal:
Cal Used:
Exercise Cal:
Net Cal:

Fall MFP Challenge
Start- Nov 15
WI 1- Nov 22
WI 2- Nov 29
WI 3- Dec 6
WI 4- Dec 13
WI 5– Dec 20- Final


  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    f*cking kill it.
  • angelhop72
    Name: Angel
    Challenge Start: 220.0 lbs
    Challenge Goal: 210.0 lbs (10 lbs)
    Current: 220.0 lbs
    Exercise Goal: 85 / 1125 minutes.
    Yesterday's Stats 11/20/2012
    Cal Goal: 1570
    Cal Used: 1977
    Exercise Cal: 0
    FitBit Deduction:0
    Net Cal: 1977
    Remaining: (407)

    Fall MFP Challenge
    Start- Nov 15 - 220.0 lbs
    WI 1- Nov 22
    WI 2- Nov 29
    WI 3- Dec 6
    WI 4- Dec 13
    WI 5– Dec 20- Final
    Dec 21 First day of winter!

    Welcome Zannah, glad you joined us. I hope this helps you reach your goal. It's the accountability that helps me. When i know i have to share with others i tend to do better. So thanks for keeping me honest. :)

    Good morning Nicole. today is a new day :) lets focus on doing our best. that's all we really can do.

    today we are having an office party. we all brought a dish. finger food. for me the hardest to control. and we are decorating for christmas. so i know i will go over my calories, but in the past i would just not even bother tracking on a day like today. i would think what's the point. im going way over. but i think when you track even a day like today, you just automaticlly eat a little less..

    Have a good day