MaryMangan31 Member


  • You'd be surprised by the amount of protein in leafy greens - think of horses and elephants - how muscular they are, but what do they eat? We should be eating a lot of greens, too! On top of that - you might want to consider rice protein. Whey and soy are the most popular/common types, but American diets are on soy…
  • Hey Cassy, I'm sending you a message now. :)
  • I think the notion is that you would only use it to count calories, lose weight, etc -- but I'm someone here not looking to lose weight, but to increase my veggie intake, make sure I'm getting enough calcium/iron, decrease my sugar/sodium, etc. I've also really benefited from being able to look back over the weeks and see…
  • I like to cook something basic that I can create a lot of different meals around. For example - yesterday I made a huge 15-bean stew in my crockpot. Simple, and was a large quantity. But I can make a lot of different meals with it: - thicken it up a little in a skillet, then pour over some rice - eat as-is in a bowl, with…
  • I agree. I've realized that sugar has an addictive quality to it. Exactly.
  • Not a mom, but I've been working with kids for 10+ years and own a childcare service. I've seen many moms use their babies' growth to their advantage! As baby grows - that's gradually increasing weight for you to lift! You can incorporate exercise into playtime. *Hold him/her at almost arms' length, lift high (gently!) and…
  • My goal is 1750/day to maintain a weight of 120. More when I've exercised that morning. I'm 5'6". I don't know that 1200 calories/day would a good idea unless you're very short and not exercising at all.