SPerko4980 Member


  • Everyone's advice is good and I'm glad I came on and found this post as I will be facing a similar dilemma tomorrow! Everyone is right though -- fruits, veggies, meats (not fried!!), etc. Most importantly - don't beat yourself up over it -- consider it a small bump in the road and not a defeating moment by any means.…
  • It's a great feeling isn't it??? Keep up the good work :)
  • I think breakfast is a very important part of the day -- it stops me from being so hungry about 9:30 or 10 in the morning. A friend of mine told me the other day of an old saying "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper". Interesting thought -- but like others have said, do what works best…
  • Wow - I kind of feel like a schmuck now. I was in to see my doctor Friday and told him I need a goal weight both for my TOPS membership and now this and we set a goal weight of 175# for now. I've been as high as 290 (years ago) and worked my way down to about 247 (so over the course of about 10 years!) at the beginning of…
  • Love your sense of humor (the mirror in the garage and the Windex!). I think as in anything we are our own worse critics because BELIEVE ME -- THERE IS A VERY NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE!!! Surely if you can't see it your clothes must feel it. I'm encouraged as I've just been on it a week and to see how much difference 30# has…
  • Absolutely incredible and inspiring to me!! Thanks for sharing!