

  • Congratulations on the wedding. The wife and I got married back in 2006 and it has been a great ride. We have a little girl now and she had her first bday last year. The wife and I went on a journey due to the support of a childhood friend and tried Vi Shakes and they've done great for us since back in September. They're…
  • Oh my this does look great. I've tried the Vi Shape with a bit of mint extract and some Almond milk and a little green coloring to make it colorful. A bit of cocoa too to give it that grasshoper flavor of mocha. Enjoy and hopefully you have as much success as me......I just love the shakes and they work for me in the…
  • Great story. My wife and I have gone through the same ups and downs and started to do something together. She started taking Vi Shakes with me back in September and we embarked on a life changing, body changing experience. Losing weight together, meeting new people, enjoying company events and making our lives what we…
  • I know the dough is about 110 calories and 200 mg of sodium, as it's also used for the breadsticks. So I'd say 2 slices are probably about 600 after all the toppings. Pizza, but its not good on my waist. I'd go for 1 slice and a side salad or maybe a dinner salad and a few breadsticks with a low cal ranch…
  • I would go with the Caprese salad. followed with the Ahi Tuna and a little rice pilaf. Choose a sorbet for dessert or just a nice cup of after dinner coffe or tea without much creamer and stay away from the artifical sweetners. A bit of regular sugar will balance your insulin and leave you less hungry later. Enjoy!! Enjoy…
  • Learn to listen to your body. My wife and I both love a good pizza and will share the whole pie!! Unfortunately this is not the best for our waistlines. Good luck and great meeting you on the site. P:)
  • Hi! My wife and I have been on many cruises and the staff we've seen on one ship rotate from ship to ship almost every 6-12 months. We love the islands and seeing the different place, but the change in staff and their roles from ship to ship seems to be the same. It might get old, but not sure....we just love going…
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