Portland Pie Company question...

Anyone have an estimate of how many calories in a slice of cheese pizza from Portland Pie Company?


  • livinlife2012
    I know the dough is about 110 calories and 200 mg of sodium, as it's also used for the breadsticks.

    So I'd say 2 slices are probably about 600 after all the toppings.

    Ugg...love Pizza, but its not good on my waist.

    I'd go for 1 slice and a side salad or maybe a dinner salad and a few breadsticks with a low cal ranch dressing and hold the cheese.

  • mboutselis
    mboutselis Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the help! Today is my "spike" day...though I am still attempting to be good. I have eaten good all day to allow myself a LITTLE cheat at dinner. But a slice and some salad does sound good. Moderation is key.