Cruise Ship Bartending

stephabef Posts: 936 Member
This is..... an incredibly strange question. I've been in school non-stop. I just turned 23, and I'm about to enter into a nursing program. I work full time as a bartender, and calling myself burned-out would be an understatement. Today I was sent home sick from work; I haven't been sick in years, and I'm convinced that stress has done a number on my body.

Once I finish up my first degree next semester (BA in Anthropology) and before I enter into nursing school (I've finished my pre-requisites and will definitely get in), I'm thinking about spending six months bartending on a cruise ship.

Have any of you worked on a cruise ship or know anyone who has? I'm doing some research as I type this, but how would I go about looking into applying, and what are some of the best lines? I've been on cruises in the past and spoken with a few people who have loved working on ships, but I don't want to get stuck in a sketchy situation.


  • bbrahma
    If you think you work alot now....wait til you get a job bartending on a ship! I worked as a PT on board before I was married. The servers/bartenders work all the time...they have to work while in port and I think literally average about a 16-18 hour day.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I understand that it's a lot of work - I just NEED a change of scenery. Plus, bartending is something I know like the back of my hand, you know? So it's nothing compared to a full semester of coursework on top of 5 bartending shifts a week.
  • JohnFlevarakis
    Disneycruiseline is by far the best, anyone who knows about cruises will say the same I've been on carnival and it doesn't come close
  • livinlife2012
    Hi! My wife and I have been on many cruises and the staff we've seen on one ship rotate from ship to ship almost every 6-12 months.

    We love the islands and seeing the different place, but the change in staff and their roles from ship to ship seems to be the same. It might get old, but not sure....we just love going different places and that is great. The staff don't get off the ships much as they say 1 or 2 hours and then back on.

    What my wife did find however while on the cruise was that the buffets got the best of us.

    Good luck to you,
