

  • Actually, this sounds JUST like me. I always attributed it to two things: (1) lack of activity = boredom; boredom = grazing or pleasure-eating for entertainment, and (2) the lack of that dopamine burst that people get from exercise (particularly with intense exercise) that acts as an appetite suppressant. If you work out a…
  • Some mental ploys I've used to get myself on the elliptical (and stay on it) are: --> REALLY fast music: Almost my entire iPod list is high-intensity music, high-paced techno, or rock. Studies have shown that listening to high-paced music that you enjoy (think dance club music, techno, remixes, etc.) gets your heart…
  • Thank you so much. But which creams and what is dry brushing?
  • Well, I have made two trips to Good Will already, and starting up on my third. I had everything from Women's (American plus size) 22/24, and everything down until the occational size 14 (I am recently filling my closet with 12s/14s)
  • Definitely feel free to add me! Looking for some friends who want to motivate and be motivated! Good times and bad! Let's do this! :-D
  • Hi Everyone!! New to myfitnesspal and just wanted to say hello :)