
  • im same stats What was your daily caloric intake set at (before exercise)? 1200 How much do you work out (hrs/week)? 2-3 per days wk- 30-60mins and burn burn burn work hard What sorts of exercises do you do and what is your usual calorie burn during your exercises? x fit, netball, swimming, running continuous and…
  • hi, feel free to add me. Im from the uk but live in Nz now, its a great site, keep at it. took me about a month to really get addicted but youll see results quickly if your consistent. check out other peoples food diarys and plan your next day food menu ahead of time... i found that helped me. Also turkish delights are…
  • Try crossfit!!!! its awseome Shock your body into something new!!!! or try exercises like sport climbing, hiking, power yoga or pilates along with interval fast swimming are all great ways to kick start your body again. didnt want to overwhelm youve had some intense answers :) good luck
  • Find an event, register, fill in the forms and enjoy it. Im not a natural runner and i have to train hard. so to motivate myself i enter competitions. Find a 5K event enter and give it a try. youll get addicted to beat your time next time :) Theres always heaps of people who do it for fun so just enjoy x
  • cheers, il ask next time.
  • thanks for replying...i thought so, is there somewhere on here that is a recipe shared site?
  • yummy was just here thinking.....i have extra calories and could eat 1 cookie but have none in...tomorrow i will bake
  • add me [please), need tips on food help!!! i seem to be starving and lacking energy
  • sounds good, im in training for a 10K in march,,,plus i decided to train a few of my friends at school. but at my convienence. Im so knackered thou and starving hungry but im sure its just craving more food. Il stick to this for 12 weeks so im hoping to gain some much needed energy. I love yoga but theres no decent classes…
  • yip me too now, also from masterton...looking to shift last 8 kilos since having my 2nd darling son, used to beable to train like crazy as i love it, now too knackered to do it all the time so have to watch my food intake instead!!!! heres hoping??? please add me :)
  • Hi also mummy of 2 ( 9mth n 2.4mth) full on boys, plus part time teacher. Ive studied fitness and im active as but nowhere near active as i used to be. as im too knackered. join here today. determined to shift last few kilos...hard though eh? im in Nz but im from uk
  • Hi, mummy of 2 young boys, part time spanish, Pe and health teacher in Nz. Is knackered most days and cant seem to shift last 8kg since having baby 9months ago. Feeling demotivated, frumpy and knackered. determined though and would appreciate any advice of forums to join on here or friends to add spark :flowerforyou:…