Snowflake2218 Member


  • I have lost a lot of sleep due to acid reflux. I'm a year out from surgery. Apparently this is very common after Gastric Sleeve. Ask your surgeon for Protonix, a Rx strangth antacid. It helps a lot. They tell me this gets better over time.
  • You want to get it up to 80 grams of protein a day.
  • Do NOT try beef jerky or any tough cuts of meat for about six months!!!
  • MY SURGEON SAYS NEVER DRINK SOFT DRINKS. 1. Phosphates in carbonated beverages inhibit the absoption of calcium and can cause osteoporosis. Calcium helps to stimulate fat breakdown. 2. Carbonation forces food through he stomach pouch, reducing the time food remains in the pouch. The less time food remains in your stomach…
  • Truddy6647, don't rely too much on what you like now. And don't go out and stock up on a lot of stuff pre-surgery! Most VSG'ers will tell you that your tastes change after the surgery! Mine sure did! Try unflavored protein powder and all it to whatever you like.
  • 1 year post-op Gastric Sleeve. Down 70 lbs. and off all meds!