

  • Good on you Lauren for finding this place. I have only been active here for a small time but the people here are fantastic. Very encouraging and a good laugh! I've added you! :)
  • Best of luck with your goals! I am just starting to get serious with mine so it's gonna be a long journey I think. Cheers!
  • No probs. Can never have too many friends. Cheers!
  • Welcome and well done on taking the steps needed. I think the key to keeping at it is getting encouragement and support from friends. Nothing beats it. All the best and I will send you a friends add! :smile:
  • Some great advice there Debs, thanks a lot! I have cut out alcohol a lot over the last week and am guzzling water like you said. I start my gym today at 4pm so I am hoping to add some additions to my exercise wall today. Snowdon is something my friend asked me to do and I am now going to do it in memory of my nephew and…
    in Hello. Comment by scareydave June 2012
  • And gladly accepted. Thank you! :)
    in Hello. Comment by scareydave June 2012
  • It makes sense to join something like this. You can talk to people who are in the same boat as you and also make friends along the way. You cannot beat a bit of encouragement from a friend. When you go to a gym it is very solitary as you are focused on what you are doing and nothing else around you. Thats why this place is…
    in Hello. Comment by scareydave June 2012
  • Thanks a lot. I never knew it was such an active site? I remember joining back in 2010 just to use the calculator. I did not realise it was full of people doing the same thing. Thanks for the welcome and friendship!
    in Hello. Comment by scareydave June 2012
  • Haha yeah it has that effect.
  • Thanks a lot! I think the main thing for me will be gettng the inspiration to go to the gym after work as I work very long hours but it's amazing what a bit of encouragement can do! This place seems amazing. Cheers!
    in Hello. Comment by scareydave June 2012
  • Here too.
  • That is a really good idea! Okay now I need to get rid of all the music on my MP3 player except the Rocky soundtrack as that always makes me pedal faster :)
  • At the moment I am doing mainly cardio to get my weight off and up my circulatory system. I'm hopinh the diet and supplements will help with this too. At the moment I am only managing about 45 minutes on an exercise bike combine with about twenty minutes of weights to tone afterwards. I am hoping to get on the rowing…
    in Hello. Comment by scareydave June 2012
  • Thanks mate! 20 stones is 280 pounds so I have a lot to shake off. I am taking Omega 3 and Fibre supplements for cardiovascular and keeping a decrease on my appetite. I don't want to hit the weights too much as I want to lose mass rather than accumulate it. At the moment I have pains in my lower back and ankles when I walk…
    in Hello. Comment by scareydave June 2012
  • Good luck Sarah! I'm exactly like you. Much rather be sat down getting lost in a Fantasy novel than riding en exercise bike. I tried doing both at the same time but stopped pedaling everytime I got to a good bit in the book. All the best. David
  • I know it's simple sounding but I like having a baked potato with a different topping each evening. Chilli, cheese, baked beans, chicken curry, tuna & sweetcorn etc. The great thing is you don't have to worry too much about the topping as you will only ever have a small portion as the potato fills you up. Plus 100g of…
  • Size, stature, race, religion, physicality are all individual traits of what is a human being. However, they should not be used against you as this is complete stupidity. If you were dying in the street and a doctor passing by came and administered aid, would you tell him/her to stop because they were overweight or black…