Aquarian Rabbit!
I love it as a moisturizer, for baking or in my coffee. Buy I am obssessed with coconut so... lol
Upbeat music Good coffee Positive friends Exploring the city I live in A favorite movie or book Favorite sweets Internet forums that make fun of idiots
I rarely eat fast food, but I have aad crazy coffee addiction! When I go to a cafe almost always treating myself to a 12oz non fate quad shot latte, no syrup. Otherwise I drink black drip at home. I do however work as a cook at a bar, which is in my opinion fast and tempting food. So I try to feed off the salad line and…
Cute in all 3!
I like the facial hair trend. But I grew up around some pretty grizzly dudes in Alaska so to each their own? :)
JGL <3
Nope. Dork/geek/nerd is the always been sexy. ;)
Yup, came here for this lol
Quinoa, nuts, seeds
I feel like creative outlets are always good. Pretty much ever engineer I know describes themselves this way lol.
I am also diagnosed bipolar and understand the manic episodes. But I prefer the non-medicated route, just trying to work with myself and others through it. Like someone else in the thread mentioned I'd like to avoid the 'autopilot' feeling. Sometimes when something is nagging at your mind it needs to be changed... but…
Thank you, I've been interested in meditation for some time but have difficulty calming my mind and focusing
Do explain ;)
Saw 'pacific northfresh' on a clothing line and thought it was pretty rad :)
Lol thanks!
Game over we win. :3
New body kit! Finally reached my dream stance (WITH PICS)!
If you're sick, don't worry about calories until you're well enough to sustain them. Just nourish and nurture for now.
I would like to post in this thread but I don't know how to do so from my cell! (Its my only internet access point.) I have new pics of the new bikinis I bought on my profile though... they're cute and I'm stoked for my first bikini summer! Also, I love this thread. So many lovely ladies.
Luckily no! I was expecting it to lol but I ended up only having one cupcake at work and still stayed a bit under my limit and balanced the sugar with two salad meals :)
I've actually never done a run, I'd love to start with this one!
I don't shop at Target anymore because I am stuck between sections. Between ill-fitting teens clothes and unflattering women's clothes I just get depressed and leave lol. Then go to H&M and spend half a paycheck and leave happyyyyyyy haha!
Man I wish I was like that! I'm the exact opposite, I feel bangin' in clothes but scramble to cover myself when nude and avoid mirrors when I'm alone ;( Good on you though girl!
BEST COAST Seattle :3
Probably not what you're wanting to hear but I think you look great and your tummy is super adorbz
Sounds delicious, thank you!
Lady in reeeeed!